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function _advuser_get_tokens_list in Advanced User 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 forms/ \_advuser_get_tokens_list()

Returns the HTML representation of the available tokens list.

Return value

string The HTML representation of the list of usable tokens and their descriptions, organized by token type.

2 calls to _advuser_get_tokens_list()
advuser_multiple_email_confirm in forms/
The menu callback function for admin/user/user/advuser/confirm/email
advuser_settings in forms/


forms/, line 257
The admin/settings/advuser form.


function _advuser_get_tokens_list() {
  static $tokens_list = '';
  if (!$tokens_list) {
    $tokens_list = theme('token_help', 'user');
  return $tokens_list;