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function _advuser_filter_ui_symbols in Advanced User 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 forms/ \_advuser_filter_ui_symbols()

Helper function for translating operation symbols to language

2 calls to _advuser_filter_ui_symbols()
advuser_filter_ui in forms/
The phase controller.
_advuser_filter_ui_operations in forms/
Get a list of operators based on field.


forms/, line 408
This provides a multipart form for the filtering options.


function _advuser_filter_ui_symbols($symbol = NULL) {
  static $symbols = NULL;
  if (!isset($symbols)) {
    $symbols = array(
      '=' => t('is equal to'),
      '!=' => t('is not equal to'),
      '<' => t('is less than'),
      '>' => t('is greater than'),
      '<=' => t('is less than or equal to'),
      '>=' => t('is greater than or equal to'),
      'LIKE' => t('contains'),
      'NOT LIKE' => t('does not contain'),
      'BEGINS WITH' => t('begins with'),
      'ENDS WITH' => t('ends with'),
  return isset($symbol) ? isset($symbols[$symbol]) ? $symbols[$symbol] : $symbol : $symbols;