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function _advuser_mail_roles in Advanced User 5.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 advuser.module \_advuser_mail_roles()

@private Mail users in requested notification role.


string $user_subject:

string $user_body:

string $from:

2 calls to _advuser_mail_roles()
advuser_user_insert in ./advuser.module
Handle user insertion (new users)
advuser_user_update in ./advuser.module
Notify administrator of user profile edit.


./advuser.module, line 604
Advanced user module allows you to select users based on an advanced set of filtering and apply actions to block, unblock, delete or email the selected users.


function _advuser_mail_roles($user_subject, $user_body, $from) {
  static $mail_list = array();
  if (empty($mail_list)) {
    $result = _advuser_dbquery_users_to_notify();
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $mail_list[] = $row->mail;
  foreach ($mail_list as $to) {
    drupal_mail('advanced-user-mail', $to, $user_subject, $user_body, $from);