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function _advuser_get_variables in Advanced User 5.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 advuser.module \_advuser_get_variables()
  2. 6.2 advuser.module \_advuser_get_variables()

Get a list of substitution variables for the user account


$user the user account:

Return value

An associative array of substitution variables

3 calls to _advuser_get_variables()
advuser_multiple_email_confirm_submit in ./advuser.module
advuser_user_insert in ./advuser.module
Handle user insertion (new users)
advuser_user_update in ./advuser.module
Notify administrator of user profile edit.


./advuser.module, line 523
Advanced user module allows you to select users based on an advanced set of filtering and apply actions to block, unblock, delete or email the selected users.


function _advuser_get_variables($user) {
  return array(
    '%user_name' => $user->name,
    '%site' => variable_get("site_name", "drupal"),
    '%uri' => url('user/' . $user->uid, NULL, NULL, TRUE),
    '%user_email' => $user->mail,
    '%user_status' => t($user->status ? 'Active' : 'Blocked'),
    '%user_theme' => empty($user->theme) ? t('DEFAULT') : $user->theme,
    '%user_created' => strftime('%x %X', $user->created),
    '%user_language' => empty($user->language) ? t('DEFAULT') : $user->language,
    '%user_timezone' => empty($user->timezone) ? '0' : "{$user->timezone}",
    '%user_signature' => $user->signature,
    '%google_user' => "{$user->mail}%22",
    '%yahoo_user' => "{$user->mail}%22",