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function advuser_install in Advanced User 5.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 advuser.install \advuser_install()


./advuser.install, line 3


function advuser_install() {
  variable_set('advuser_new_notify', FALSE);
  variable_set('advuser_new_subject', t('[%site] has a new user (%user_name).'));
  variable_set('advuser_new_mail', t("=====  User Information:  =====\n%user_name created on %user_created with email address %user_email and status of %user_status.  The user prefers a timezone of %user_timezone, language of %user_language and theme of %user_theme.\n\n=====  User Administration:  =====\n%uri\n\n=====  Investigate User:  =====\nYahoo search  %user_email: %yahoo_user \nGoogle search %user_email: %google_user\n\n--\n%site"));
  variable_set('advuser_modify_notify', FALSE);
  variable_set('advuser_modify_subject', t('[%site] user (%user_name) modified their account.'));
  variable_set('advuser_modify_mail', t("=====  User Information:  =====\n%user_name created on %user_created with email address %user_email and status of %user_status.  The user prefers a timezone of %user_timezone, language of %user_language and theme of %user_theme.\n\n=====  User Administration:  =====\n%uri\n\n=====  Investigate User:  =====\nYahoo search  %user_email: %yahoo_user \nGoogle search %user_email: %google_user\n\n--\n%site"));
  variable_set('advuser_listno', 50);
  variable_set('advuser_profile_fields', NULL);