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Functions in Advanced Help 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
advanced_help_get_module_name ./advanced_help.module Small helper function to get a module's proper name. 2
advanced_help_get_sids ./advanced_help.module Get or create an sid (search id) that correllates to each topic for the search system. 1
advanced_help_get_topic ./advanced_help.module Get the information for a single help topic. 4
advanced_help_get_topics ./advanced_help.module Search the system for all available help topics. 6
advanced_help_get_topic_filename ./advanced_help.module Load and render a help topic. 2
advanced_help_get_topic_hierarchy ./advanced_help.module Build a hierarchy for a single module's topics. 2
advanced_help_get_tree ./advanced_help.module Build a tree of advanced help topics. 2
advanced_help_index_page ./advanced_help.module Page callback to view the advanced help topic index. 1
advanced_help_install ./advanced_help.install @file advanced_help.install Contains install and update functions for advanced_help.
advanced_help_l ./advanced_help.module Format a link but preserve popup identity. 5
advanced_help_menu ./advanced_help.module Implementation of hook_menu().
advanced_help_perm ./advanced_help.module Implementation of hook_perm().
advanced_help_search ./advanced_help.module Implementation of hook_search()
advanced_help_search_form ./advanced_help.module Form builder callback to build the search form. 2
advanced_help_search_form_submit ./advanced_help.module Process a search form submission.
advanced_help_search_form_validate ./advanced_help.module Process a search form validation. Only required for 5.x because 'processed_keys' was not being populated.
advanced_help_search_view ./advanced_help.module Page callback for advanced help search. 1
advanced_help_topic_page ./advanced_help.module Page callback to view a help topic. 1
advanced_help_uasort ./advanced_help.module 2
advanced_help_uninstall ./advanced_help.install
advanced_help_update_index ./advanced_help.module Implementation of hook_update_index().
advanced_help_url ./advanced_help.module Format a URL but preserve popup identity. 2
advanced_help_view_topic ./advanced_help.module Load and render a help topic. 2
help_example_index_page help_example/help_example.module 1
help_example_menu help_example/help_example.module Implementation of hook_menu().
phptemplate_advanced_help_popup theme/template.php
theme_advanced_help_topic ./advanced_help.module Display a help icon with a link to view the topic in a popup.

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