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advf-forums.tpl.php in Advanced Forum 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5 styles/naked/advf-forums.tpl.php

Default theme implementation to display a forum which may contain forum containers as well as forum topics.

Variables available:

  • $links: An array of links that allow a user to post new forum topics. It may also contain a string telling a user they must log in in order to post. Empty if there are no topics on the page. (ie: forum overview)
  • $links_orig: Same as $links but not emptied on forum overview page.
  • $forums: The forums to display (as processed by forum-list.tpl.php)
  • $topics: The topics to display (as processed by forum-topic-list.tpl.php)
  • $forums_defined: A flag to indicate that the forums are configured.
  • $forum_description: The forum's taxonomy term description, if any.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to display a forum which may contain forum
 * containers as well as forum topics.
 * Variables available:
 * - $links: An array of links that allow a user to post new forum topics.
 *   It may also contain a string telling a user they must log in in order
 *   to post. Empty if there are no topics on the page. (ie: forum overview)
 * - $links_orig: Same as $links but not emptied on forum overview page.
 * - $forums: The forums to display (as processed by forum-list.tpl.php)
 * - $topics: The topics to display (as processed by forum-topic-list.tpl.php)
 * - $forums_defined: A flag to indicate that the forums are configured.
 * - $forum_description: The forum's taxonomy term description, if any.
 * @see template_preprocess_forums()
 * @see advanced_forum_preprocess_forums()


if ($forums_defined) {
<div id="forum">


  if ($forum_description) {
  <div class="forum-description">

    print $forum_description;


  <div class="forum-top-links"><?php

  print theme('links', $links, array(
    'class' => 'links forum-links',

  print $forums;

  print $topics;
