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advanced_forum.naked.topic-navigation.tpl.php in Advanced Forum 6.2

advanced_forum.naked.topic-navigation.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display the topic navigation string at the bottom of all forum topics.

Available variables:

  • $prev: The node ID of the previous post.
  • $prev_url: The URL of the previous post.
  • $prev_title: The title of the previous post.
  • $next: The node ID of the next post.
  • $next_url: The URL of the next post.
  • $next_title: The title of the next post.
  • $node: The raw node currently being viewed. Contains unsafe data and any data in this must be cleaned before presenting.


View source

 * @file advanced_forum.naked.topic-navigation.tpl.php
 * Default theme implementation to display the topic navigation string at the
 * bottom of all forum topics.
 * Available variables:
 * - $prev: The node ID of the previous post.
 * - $prev_url: The URL of the previous post.
 * - $prev_title: The title of the previous post.
 * - $next: The node ID of the next post.
 * - $next_url: The URL of the next post.
 * - $next_title: The title of the next post.
 * - $node: The raw node currently being viewed. Contains unsafe data
 *   and any data in this must be cleaned before presenting.
 * @see template_preprocess_forum_topic_navigation()
 * @see theme_forum_topic_navigation()
if ($prev || $next) {
  <div class="forum-topic-navigation clear-block">

  if ($prev) {
      <a href="<?php

    print $prev_url;
    ?>" class="topic-previous" title="<?php

    print t('Go to previous forum topic');
    ?>">‹ <?php

    print t('Previous topic: !title', array(
      '!title' => $prev_title,


  if ($next) {
      <a href="<?php

    print $next_url;
    ?>" class="topic-next" title="<?php

    print t('Go to next forum topic');

    print t('Next topic: !title', array(
      '!title' => $next_title,
    ?> ›</a>

