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function advanced_forum_statistics_replies in Advanced Forum 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 advanced_forum.module \advanced_forum_statistics_replies()

Counts total amount of replies.

Initial posts are added to this total in the calling function.


int|null $delta: if not NULL, a numerical delta which should be applied to the count

bool $refresh: TRUE if the stored count should be updated.

Return value

int Total number of replies in the forum.

5 calls to advanced_forum_statistics_replies()
advanced_forum_comment_delete in ./advanced_forum.module
Implements hook_comment_delete().
advanced_forum_comment_publish in ./advanced_forum.module
Implements hook_comment_publish().
advanced_forum_comment_update in ./advanced_forum.module
Implements hook_comment_update().
advanced_forum_cron in ./advanced_forum.module
Implements hook_cron().
advanced_forum_preprocess_advanced_forum_statistics in includes/
Preprocesses template variables for the forum statistics template.


./advanced_forum.module, line 764
Enables the look and feel of other popular forum software.


function advanced_forum_statistics_replies($delta = NULL, $refresh = FALSE) {
  if ($refresh || !($cache = cache_get('advanced_forum_stats_replies'))) {
    $total_replies = db_query('SELECT SUM(comment_count) FROM {forum_index}')
    cache_set('advanced_forum_stats_replies', $total_replies);
  else {
    $total_replies = $cache->data;
  if (!empty($delta) && is_numeric($delta)) {
    $total_replies += $delta;
    cache_set('advanced_forum_stats_replies', $total_replies);
  return $total_replies;