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class JsOptimizer in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Asset/JsOptimizer.php \Drupal\advagg\Asset\JsOptimizer

The JavaScript Optimizer.


Expanded class hierarchy of JsOptimizer

1 string reference to 'JsOptimizer' in ./
1 service uses JsOptimizer
advagg.optimizer.js in ./


src/Asset/JsOptimizer.php, line 12


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class JsOptimizer extends AssetOptimizer {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, ContainerAwareEventDispatcher $event_dispatcher, CacheBackendInterface $cache) {
    $this->extension = 'js';
    parent::__construct($config_factory, $event_dispatcher, $cache);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function addDnsPrefetch(array $asset) {

    // Check if Google Ad Manager and add DNS prefetch.
    $prefetch = $this

    // Check if Google Analytics and add DNS prefetch.
    $prefetch += $this
    return $prefetch;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function fixType(array &$asset) {

    // Default asset type to file if not set/invalid.
    if (!in_array($asset['type'], [
    ])) {
      $asset['type'] = 'file';
    $path = $asset['data'];
    if ($asset['type'] === 'external') {

      // If type is external but path doesn't start with http, https, or //
      // change it to file.
      if (stripos($path, 'http') !== 0 && stripos($path, '//') !== 0) {
        $asset['type'] = 'file';
      elseif (stripos($path, $this->basePath) !== FALSE && !$this->config
        ->get('js.preserve_external')) {
        $asset['type'] = 'file';
        $asset['group'] = JS_LIBRARY;
        $asset['every_page'] = TRUE;
        $asset['weight'] = -40000;
        $asset['data'] = substr($asset['data'], stripos($asset['data'], $this->basePath) + $this->basePathLen);
    elseif ($asset['type'] === 'file' && (stripos($path, 'http') === 0 || stripos($path, '//') === 0)) {
      $asset['type'] = 'external';

   * Test if the provided path is from Google Ad Manager and add DNS entries.
   * @param string $path
   *   The path to check.
   * @return array
   *   Array of prefetch domains if file is from Google Ad Manager.
  private function testForGoogleAdManager($path) {
    $prefetch = [];
    if (strpos($path, '/google_service.') == FALSE) {
      return $prefetch;

    // Domains in the google_service.js file.
    $prefetch[] = '';
    $prefetch[] = '';
    $prefetch[] = '';
    $prefetch[] = '';

    // Domains in the google_ads.js file.
    $prefetch[] = '';

    // Other domains that usually get hit.
    $prefetch[] = '';
    $prefetch[] = '';
    return $prefetch;

   * Test if the provided path is from Google Analytics and add DNS entries.
   * @param string $path
   *   The path to check.
   * @return array
   *   Empty array or an array to prefetch if file is from Google Analytics.
  private function testForGoogleAnalytics($path) {
    $prefetch = [];
    if (strpos($path, 'GoogleAnalytics') == FALSE && strpos($path, 'google-analytics') == FALSE) {
      return $prefetch;
    $prefetch[] = '';
    $prefetch[] = '';
    return $prefetch;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function optimizeFile(array &$asset, array $data) {
    $asset_event = new AssetOptimizationEvent($data['contents'], $asset, $data);
      ->dispatch(AssetOptimizationEvent::JS, $asset_event);
    $contents = $asset_event
    $asset = $asset_event

    // If file contents are unaltered return FALSE.
    if ($contents === $data['contents'] && !$this->gZip) {
      return FALSE;
    return $this
      ->writeFile($contents, $data['cid']);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AssetOptimizer::$basePath protected property The base path.
AssetOptimizer::$basePathLen protected property The base path length.
AssetOptimizer::$brotli protected property Whether or not to brotli compress assets.
AssetOptimizer::$cache protected property The AdvAgg cache.
AssetOptimizer::$cacheLevel protected property Config level of caching of assets.
AssetOptimizer::$cacheTime protected property The cache time.
AssetOptimizer::$config protected property A config object for the advagg configuration.
AssetOptimizer::$dnsPrefetch protected property Array of domains to prefetch. Copied to $GLOBALS for later use.
AssetOptimizer::$eventDispatcher protected property Event Dispatcher service.
AssetOptimizer::$extension protected property Asset type (css or js).
AssetOptimizer::$fileSystem protected property The file system.
AssetOptimizer::$fixType protected property Config to control fixing the asset type (file, external). 2
AssetOptimizer::$gZip protected property Whether or not to gzip assets.
AssetOptimizer::convertPathForceHttps protected function Convert http:// to https://.
AssetOptimizer::convertPathProtocolRelative protected function Converts absolute paths to be protocol relative paths.
AssetOptimizer::generateHtaccess public static function Generate an htaccess file in the optimized asset dirs to improve serving.
AssetOptimizer::getCacheTime protected function Get how long to cache an asset. Varies on cache level setting.
AssetOptimizer::processAssetArray public function Process a core asset array.
AssetOptimizer::scanFile protected function Given a filename calculate various hashes, gather meta data then optimize.
AssetOptimizer::shouldBrotli protected function Determine if settings and available PHP modules allow brotli-ing assets.
AssetOptimizer::shouldGZip protected function Determine if settings and available PHP modules allow GZipping assets.
AssetOptimizer::sortStable public static function Stable sort for CSS and JS items.
AssetOptimizer::writeFile protected function The filename for the CSS or JS optimized file is the cid.
JsOptimizer::addDnsPrefetch protected function Extract any domains to prefetch DNS. Overrides AssetOptimizer::addDnsPrefetch
JsOptimizer::fixType protected function Checks for and if found fixes incorrectly set asset types. Overrides AssetOptimizer::fixType
JsOptimizer::optimizeFile protected function Perform any in-place optimization & pass to event for further optimization. Overrides AssetOptimizer::optimizeFile
JsOptimizer::testForGoogleAdManager private function Test if the provided path is from Google Ad Manager and add DNS entries.
JsOptimizer::testForGoogleAnalytics private function Test if the provided path is from Google Analytics and add DNS entries.
JsOptimizer::__construct public function Constructs the Optimizer object. Overrides AssetOptimizer::__construct