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public function ParseMaster::add in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 advagg_js_minify/ \ParseMaster::add()
  2. 8.2 advagg_js_minify/ \ParseMaster::add()
  3. 8.3 advagg_js_minify/ \ParseMaster::add()
  4. 7.2 advagg_js_compress/ \ParseMaster::add()
  5. 7 advagg_js_compress/ \ParseMaster::add()


advagg_js_compress/, line 579




public function add($expression, $replacement = '') {

  // count the number of sub-expressions
  //  - add one because each pattern is itself a sub-expression
  $length = 1 + preg_match_all($this->GROUPS, $this
    ->_internalEscape((string) $expression), $out);

  // treat only strings $replacement
  if (is_string($replacement)) {

    // does the pattern deal with sub-expressions?
    if (preg_match($this->SUB_REPLACE, $replacement)) {

      // a simple lookup? (e.g. "$2")
      if (preg_match($this->INDEXED, $replacement)) {

        // store the index (used for fast retrieval of matched strings)
        $replacement = (int) substr($replacement, 1) - 1;
      else {

        // a complicated lookup (e.g. "Hello $2 $1")
        // build a function to do the lookup
        $quote = preg_match($this->QUOTE, $this
          ->_internalEscape($replacement)) ? '"' : "'";
        $replacement = array(
          'fn' => '_backReferences',
          'data' => array(
            'replacement' => $replacement,
            'length' => $length,
            'quote' => $quote,

  // pass the modified arguments
  if (!empty($expression)) {
      ->_add($expression, $replacement, $length);
  else {
      ->_add('/^$/', $replacement, $length);