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function csstidy::write in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 6

Write plain output to a file

@access public @version 1.4


string $filename:

bool $formatted whether to print formatted or not:

string $doctype when printing formatted, is a shorthand for the document type:

bool $externalcss when printing formatted, indicates whether styles to be attached internally or as an external stylesheet:

string $title when printing formatted, is the title to be added in the head of the document:

string $lang when printing formatted, gives a two-letter language code to be added to the output:

bool $pre_code whether to add pre and code tags around the code (for light HTML formatted templates):

1 call to csstidy::write()
csstidy::write_page in advagg_css_compress/csstidy/
Write formatted output to a file


advagg_css_compress/csstidy/, line 473


CSS Parser class


function write($filename, $formatted = false, $doctype = 'xhtml1.1', $externalcss = true, $title = '', $lang = 'en', $pre_code = true) {
  $filename .= $formatted ? '.xhtml' : '.css';
  if (!is_dir('temp')) {
    $madedir = mkdir('temp');
    if (!$madedir) {
      print 'Could not make directory "temp" in ' . dirname(__FILE__);
  $handle = fopen('temp/' . $filename, 'w');
  if ($handle) {
    if (!$formatted) {
      fwrite($handle, $this->print
    else {
      fwrite($handle, $this->print
        ->formatted_page($doctype, $externalcss, $title, $lang, $pre_code));