class CSSCompression_Cleanup in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6 advagg_css_compress/css-compressor-3.x/src/lib/ \CSSCompression_Cleanup
CSS Compressor [VERSION] [DATE] Corey Hart @
- class \CSSCompression_Cleanup
Expanded class hierarchy of CSSCompression_Cleanup
- advagg_css_compress/
css-compressor-3.x/ src/ lib/, line 8
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class CSSCompression_Cleanup {
* Cleanup patterns
* @class Control: Compression Controller
* @param (string) token: Copy of the injection token
* @param (regex) rtoken: Token regex built upon instantiation
* @param (array) options: Reference to options
* @param (regex) rsemi: Checks for last semit colon in details
* @param (regex) rsemicolon: Checks for semicolon without an escape '\' character before it
* @param (regex) rspace: Checks for space without an escape '\' character before it
* @param (regex) rcolon: Checks for colon without an escape '\' character before it
* @param (regex) rquote: Checks for quote (') without an escape '\' character before it
* @param (array) rescape: Array of patterns for groupings that should be escaped
* @param (array) escaped: Contains patterns and replacements for espaced characters
private $Control;
private $token = '';
private $rtoken = '';
private $options = array();
private $rsemi = "/;\$/";
private $rsemicolon = "/(?<!\\\\);/";
private $rspace = "/(?<!\\\\)\\s/";
private $rcolon = "/(?<!\\\\):/";
private $rquote = "/(?<!\\\\)'/";
private $rescape = array(
private $escaped = array(
'search' => array(
"\\ ",
'replace' => array(
" ",
* Build the token regex based on defined token
* @param (class) control: CSSCompression Controller
public function __construct(CSSCompression_Control $control) {
$this->Control = $control;
$this->token = CSSCompression::TOKEN;
$this->options =& $control->Option->options;
// Have to build the token regexs after initialization
$this->rtoken = "/({$this->token})(.*?)({$this->token})/";
array_push($this->rescape, $this->rtoken);
* Central cleanup process, removes all injections
* @param (array) selectors: Array of selectors
* @param (array) details: Array of details
public function cleanup(&$selectors, &$details) {
foreach ($details as $i => &$value) {
// Auto skip sections
if (isset($selectors[$i]) && strpos($selectors[$i], $this->token) === 0) {
// Removing dupes
if ($this->options['rm-multi-define']) {
$value = $this
$value = $this
return array(
* Removes '\' from possible splitter characters in URLs
* @param (string) css: Full css sheet
public function removeInjections($css) {
// Remove escaped characters
foreach ($this->rescape as $regex) {
$pos = 0;
while (preg_match($regex, $css, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos)) {
$value = $match[1][0] . str_replace($this->escaped['search'], $this->escaped['replace'], $match[2][0]) . $match[3][0];
$css = substr_replace($css, $value, $match[0][1], strlen($match[0][0]));
$pos = $match[0][1] + strlen($value) + 1;
// Remove token injections
$pos = 0;
while (preg_match($this->rtoken, $css, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos)) {
$value = $match[2][0];
$id = substr($css, $match[0][1] - 4, 4) == '[id=' ? true : false;
$class = substr($css, $match[0][1] - 7, 7) == '[class=' ? true : false;
if (preg_match($this->rspace, $value) || !$id && !$class) {
$quote = preg_match($this->rquote, $value) ? "\"" : "'";
$value = "{$quote}{$value}{$quote}";
$css = substr_replace($css, $value, $match[0][1], strlen($match[0][0]));
$pos = $match[0][1] + strlen($value) + 1;
else {
$css = substr_replace($css, $value, $match[0][1], strlen($match[0][0]));
$pos = $match[0][1] + strlen($value) + 1;
return $css;
* Removes multiple definitions that were created during compression
* @param (string) val: CSS Selector Properties
private function removeMultipleDefinitions($val = '') {
$storage = array();
$arr = preg_split($this->rsemicolon, $val);
foreach ($arr as $x) {
if ($x) {
list($a, $b) = preg_split($this->rcolon, $x, 2);
$storage[$a] = $b;
if ($storage) {
$val = '';
foreach ($storage as $x => $y) {
$val .= "{$x}:{$y};";
// Return converted val
return $val;
* Removes last semicolons on the final property of a set
* @param (string) value: rule set
private function removeUnnecessarySemicolon($value) {
return preg_replace($this->rsemi, '', $value);
* Access to private methods for testing
* @param (string) method: Method to be called
* @param (array) args: Array of paramters to be passed in
public function access($method, $args) {
if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
if ($method == 'cleanup') {
return $this
->cleanup($args[0], $args[1]);
else {
return call_user_func_array(array(
), $args);
else {
throw new CSSCompression_Exception("Unknown method in Cleanup Class - " . $method);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | Cleanup patterns | |
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | property | ||
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
public | function | Access to private methods for testing | |
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
public | function | Central cleanup process, removes all injections | |
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
public | function | Removes '\' from possible splitter characters in URLs | |
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | function | Removes multiple definitions that were created during compression | |
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
private | function | Removes last semicolons on the final property of a set | |
CSSCompression_Cleanup:: |
public | function | Build the token regex based on defined token |