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11 calls to advagg_clearstatcache() in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 6

advagg_admin_settings_form_submit in ./
Validate form values. Used to unset variables before they get saved.
advagg_bundler_merge in advagg_bundler/advagg_bundler.module
Merge bundles together if too many where created.
advagg_bundle_built in ./advagg.module
See if this bundle has been built.
advagg_checksum in ./advagg.module
Generate a checksum for a given filename.
advagg_delete_file_if_stale in ./advagg.module
Callback to delete files modified more than a set time ago.
advagg_file_copy in ./advagg.module
Copies a file to a new location.
advagg_file_exists in ./advagg.module
Use a cache table to see if a file exists.
advagg_file_saver in ./advagg.module
Save a string to the specified destination. Verify that file size is not zero.
advagg_htaccess_check_generate in ./advagg.module
Generate .htaccess rules and place them in advagg dir
advagg_js_compress_file_saver in advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module
Save a string to the specified destination. Verify that file size is not zero.
advagg_js_compress_test_file in advagg_js_compress/advagg_js_compress.module
Run various theme functions so the cache is primed.