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function advagg_get_version_description in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7.2

Get the description text based off the library version.


string $library_name: Name of the library.

string $module_name: Name of the module that contains hook_libraries_info for this library.

Return value

array Description text and info array.

8 calls to advagg_get_version_description()
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advagg_css_compress_requirements in advagg_css_compress/advagg_css_compress.install
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advagg_font_requirements in advagg_font/advagg_font.install
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advagg_mod_requirements in advagg_mod/advagg_mod.install
Implements hook_requirements().

... See full list


./advagg.module, line 6337
Advanced CSS/JS aggregation module.


function advagg_get_version_description($library_name, $module_name, $only_remote_ok = FALSE) {
  $t = get_t();

  // Get local and external library version numbers.
  $versions =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($versions)) {
    $versions = advagg_get_remote_libraries_versions(TRUE);
  $description = '';
  if (!empty($versions[$library_name]['remote']) && (empty($versions[$library_name]['local']) || $versions[$library_name]['local'] !== $versions[$library_name]['remote'])) {
    $library = advagg_get_library($library_name, $module_name);
    if (empty($versions[$library_name]['local'])) {
      $versions[$library_name]['local'] = 'NULL';
    if (!empty($library['installed'])) {
      $description = $t('Go to the <a href="@url-page">@name</a> page and <a href="@url-zip">download</a> the latest version (@remote) into the @lib_path folder. An example valid filename is %version_file. Current Version: %version.', array(
        '@name' => $library['name'],
        '@lib_path' => $library['library path'],
        '@url-page' => $library['vendor url'],
        '@url-zip' => $library['download url'],
        '@remote' => $versions[$library_name]['remote'],
        '%version' => $versions[$library_name]['local'],
        '%version_file' => $library['library path'] . '/' . $library['version arguments']['file'],
    elseif (!$only_remote_ok && is_callable('libraries_load')) {
      $description = $t('Go to the <a href="@url-page">@name</a> page and <a href="@url-zip">download</a> the latest version (@remote) into the libraries folder (usually sites/all/libraries). An example valid filename is %version_file.', array(
        '@name' => $library['name'],
        '@url-page' => $library['vendor url'],
        '@url-zip' => $library['download url'],
        '@remote' => $versions[$library_name]['remote'],
        '%version_file' => "sites/all/libraries/{$library_name}/{$library['version arguments']['file']}",
    elseif (!$only_remote_ok) {
      $description = $t('Install the <a href="@url-lib-api">Libraries API</a> module and then go to the <a href="@url-page">@name</a> page and <a href="@url-zip">download</a> the latest version (@remote) into the libraries folder (usually sites/all/libraries). An example valid filename is %version_file.', array(
        '@name' => $library['name'],
        '@url-page' => $library['vendor url'],
        '@url-zip' => $library['download url'],
        '@remote' => $versions[$library_name]['remote'],
        '%version_file' => "sites/all/libraries/{$library_name}/{$library['version arguments']['file']}",
        '@url-lib-api' => '',
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', $module_name);
  $info = drupal_parse_info_file("{$path}/{$module_name}.info");

  // Check if library was unzipped with -master.
  if (!empty($description) && is_callable('libraries_get_libraries')) {
    $libraries_paths = libraries_get_libraries();
    if (!empty($libraries_paths["{$library_name}-master"])) {
      $description = $t('Rename @lib_dir_master to @lib_dir at this location: @lib_path_master.', array(
        '@lib_dir_master' => "{$library_name}-master",
        '@lib_path_master' => $libraries_paths["{$library_name}-master"],
        '@lib_dir' => $library_name,
  return array(