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function advagg_create_subfile in Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation 7.2

Write CSS parts to disk; used when CSS selectors in one file is > 4096.


string $css: CSS data to write to disk.

int $overall_split: Running count of what selector we are from the original file.

array $file_info: File info array from advagg_get_info_on_file().

Return value

array Array with advagg_get_info_on_file data and split data; FALSE on failure.

1 call to advagg_create_subfile()
advagg_split_css_file in ./
Given a file info array it will split the file up.


./, line 1347
Advanced CSS/JS aggregation module.


function advagg_create_subfile($css, $overall_split, array $file_info) {
  static $parts_uri;
  static $parts_path;
  if (!isset($parts_uri)) {
    list($css_path) = advagg_get_root_files_dir();
    $parts_uri = $css_path[0] . '/parts';
    $parts_path = $css_path[1] . '/parts';

    // Create the public://advagg_css/parts dir.
    file_prepare_directory($parts_uri, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);

    // Make advagg_save_data() available.
    module_load_include('inc', 'advagg', 'advagg.missing');

  // Get the path from $file_info['data'].
  $uri_path = advagg_get_relative_path($file_info['data']);
  if (!file_exists($uri_path) || is_dir($uri_path)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Write the current chunk of the CSS into a file.
  $new_filename = str_ireplace('.css', '.' . $overall_split . '.css', $uri_path);

  // Fix for things that write dynamically to the public file system.
  $scheme = file_uri_scheme($new_filename);
  if ($scheme) {
    $wrapper = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_scheme($scheme);
    if ($wrapper && method_exists($wrapper, 'getDirectoryPath')) {

      // Use the wrappers directory path.
      $new_filename = $wrapper
        ->getDirectoryPath() . '/' . file_uri_target($new_filename);
    else {

      // If the scheme does not have a wrapper; prefix file with the scheme.
      $new_filename = $scheme . '/' . file_uri_target($new_filename);
  $part_uri = $parts_uri . '/' . $new_filename;
  $dirname = drupal_dirname($part_uri);
  file_prepare_directory($dirname, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
  $filename_path = advagg_s3fs_evaluate_no_rewrite_cssjs(FALSE) ? $parts_uri : $parts_path;

  // Get info on the file that was just created.
  $part = advagg_get_info_on_file($filename_path . '/' . $new_filename, TRUE) + $file_info;
  $part['split'] = TRUE;
  $part['split_location'] = $overall_split;
  $part['split_original'] = $file_info['data'];

  // Overwrite/create file if hash doesn't match.
  $hash = drupal_hash_base64($css);
  if ($part['content_hash'] !== $hash) {
    advagg_save_data($part_uri, $css, TRUE);
    $part = advagg_get_info_on_file($filename_path . '/' . $new_filename, TRUE) + $file_info;
    $part['split'] = TRUE;
    $part['split_location'] = $overall_split;
    $part['split_original'] = $file_info['data'];
  return $part;