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function revenue_sharing_basic_client_id in Google AdSense integration 5.2

1 call to revenue_sharing_basic_client_id()
revenue_sharing_basic_adsense in ./revenue_sharing_basic.module


./revenue_sharing_basic.module, line 131


function revenue_sharing_basic_client_id() {
  static $client_id = NULL;
  if ($client_id) {

    // We have cached the client ID from previous calls on this page load
    // so we use that one, to make sure all of the client IDs on one page
    // are the same
    return $client_id;
  $node_info = revenue_sharing_basic_get_node_info();
  if (!count($node_info)) {
    $uid = NULL;
  else {
    $uid = $node_info['uid'];

  // Cache the client ID
  $client_id = revenue_sharing_basic_choose_client($uid);
  return $client_id;