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function adsense_cse_help_text in Google AdSense integration 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.3 cse/help/ \adsense_cse_help_text()
  2. 7 cse/help/ \adsense_cse_help_text()

Creates the help text for the Managed Ads tab.

Return value

string HTML with the help text

1 call to adsense_cse_help_text()
adsense_cse_settings in cse/
Menu callback for the adsense_cse module settings form.


cse/help/, line 13
Help file for the Managed ads generator module.


function adsense_cse_help_text() {
  $output = <<<EOF
<p>This module enables the simple inclusion of the new form of Google
AdSense for Search in your Drupal site.</p>

<p>You must have a Google AdSense account before using this module.</p>

<p>To use this module, simply go to
<a href="">Google's AdSense site</a>
and create your AdSense for Search ad. The generated code will contain a
field with partner-<em>Publisher ID</em>:<em>Slot Id</em>. If the code
provided is, for example, partner-pub-0123456789:<strong>abcdef-ghij
</strong>, the Slot Id for that ad is <strong>abcdef-ghij</strong>.</p>
<p>When you create your ad in your Google Adsense account, it generally
takes less than 30 minutes before they start showing in your site, but it
can take as long as 48 hours. See the <a
AdSense Code Implementation Guide</a> for more details.</p>
  return $output;