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function _adsense_csev2_get_searchbox in Google AdSense integration 7

Generates the CSE v2 search box.


string $client: Publisher ID.

int $slot: Slot Id for the AdSense for Search.

Return value

string HTML with the search input form

1 call to _adsense_csev2_get_searchbox()
adsense_display in ./adsense.module
Generates the Google AdSense Ad.


cse/adsense_cse.module, line 312
Displays Google AdSense ads on Drupal pages.


function _adsense_csev2_get_searchbox($client, $slot = '') {
  if (variable_get('clean_url', 0)) {
    $results_path = url(ADSENSE_CSE_V2_RESULTS_PATH, array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
  else {
    $results_path = $base_url;

  // Add data-queryParameterName because of conflicts with Drupal's 'q' query.
  $output = "<script async src='{$client}:{$slot}'></script><div class='gcse-searchbox-only' data-resultsUrl='" . $results_path . '/' . $slot . "' data-queryParameterName='as_q'></div>";
  return $output;