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function _adsense_get_site_owner_client_id in Google AdSense integration 5

3 calls to _adsense_get_site_owner_client_id()
adsense_admin_settings in ./adsense.module
adsense_get_client_id in ./adsense.module
_adsense_choose_client in ./adsense.module


./adsense.module, line 1602


function _adsense_get_site_owner_client_id() {

  // TODO
  // This should be expanded in the future to allow multiple site owners
  // identified by sharing a specific role. The percentage for each user
  // should be stored somewhere (profile?)
  // For the meantime, the first Drupal user is the owner of the site.
  return _adsense_get_profile_client_id(1);