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function administerusersbyrole_help_role_options in Administer Users by Role 8.3

Returns a fragment of help text describing the configuration options for roles.

1 call to administerusersbyrole_help_role_options()
administerusersbyrole_help in ./administerusersbyrole.module
Implements hook_help().


./administerusersbyrole.module, line 330
Administer Users by Role main module file.


function administerusersbyrole_help_role_options() {
  $options = '<dl>';
  $options .= '<dt>' . t('Allowed') . '</dt>';
  $options .= '<dd>' . t('Grants sub‐admins the ability to manage users with that role if they have the related permission such as “Edit users with allowed roles”') . '</dd>';
  $options .= '<dt>' . t('Forbidden') . '</dt>';
  $options .= '<dd>' . t('Means sub‐admins cannot manage users with that role.  For example, the ‘admin’ role is always <i>forbidden</i>.') . '</dd>';
  $options .= '<dt>' . t('Custom') . '</dt>';
  $options .= '<dd>' . t('Allows for more selective access determined by extra permissions for that role.') . '</dd>';
  $options .= '</ul>';
  $options .= '<p>' . t('The sub‐admin can access a target user provided they have access to all of that user\'s roles.') . '</p>';
  return $options;