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function toolbar_tools_menu_navigation_links in Admin Toolbar 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 admin_toolbar.module \toolbar_tools_menu_navigation_links()
  2. 8 admin_toolbar.module \toolbar_tools_menu_navigation_links()

Adds toolbar-specific attributes to the menu link tree.


\Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTreeElement[] $tree: The menu link tree to manipulate.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTreeElement[] The manipulated menu link tree.

1 string reference to 'toolbar_tools_menu_navigation_links'
AdminToolbar::preRenderTray in src/Render/Element/AdminToolbar.php
Renders the toolbar's administration tray.


./admin_toolbar.module, line 58
This is the module to create a drop-down menu for the core toolbar.


function toolbar_tools_menu_navigation_links(array $tree) {
  foreach ($tree as $element) {
    if ($element->subtree) {
    $link = $element->link;

    // Get the non-localized title to make the icon class.
    $definition = $link
    $element->options['attributes']['class'][] = 'toolbar-icon';
    $string = strtolower(str_replace([
      ' ',
    ], [
    ], $definition['id']));
    $element->options['attributes']['class'][] = Html::cleanCssIdentifier('toolbar-icon-' . $string);
    $element->options['attributes']['title'] = $link
  return $tree;