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function admin_menu_menu_link_alter in Administration menu 6.3

Implements hook_menu_link_alter().


./admin_menu.module, line 148
Render an administrative menu as a dropdown menu at the top of the window.


function admin_menu_menu_link_alter(&$item, $menu) {

  // @todo Temporary fix until #550254 has been released.
  // @see menu_link_save()
  // Only process links during menu router rebuild, belonging to our menu.
  if (!isset($menu) || !($item['menu_name'] == 'admin_menu')) {

  // If no explicit plid is defined as parent, then the the re-parenting process
  // is always invoked, since there is no guarantee that a plid of 0 is not
  // caused by a re-parenting process that went wrong previously. For example,
  // local tasks may be re-parented to the top-level (0) when tab_root points to
  // an item of type MENU_CALLBACK.
  if (!empty($item['plid'])) {
    $parent = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE mlid = %d", $item['plid']));
  else {

    // Find the parent - it must be unique.
    $parent_path = $item['link_path'];
    $where = "WHERE link_path = '%s'";

    // Only links derived from router items should have module == 'system', and
    // we want to find the parent even if it's in a different menu.
    if ($item['module'] == 'system') {
      $where .= " AND module = '%s'";
      $arg2 = 'system';
    else {

      // If not derived from a router item, we respect the specified menu name.
      $where .= " AND menu_name = '%s'";
      $arg2 = $item['menu_name'];
    do {
      $parent = FALSE;
      $parent_path = substr($parent_path, 0, strrpos($parent_path, '/'));
      $result = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_links} " . $where, $parent_path, $arg2);

      // Only valid if we get a unique result.
      if (db_result($result) == 1) {
        $parent = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} " . $where, $parent_path, $arg2));
    } while ($parent === FALSE && $parent_path);
  if ($parent !== FALSE) {

    // If a parent link was found, derive its menu.
    $item['menu_name'] = $parent['menu_name'];

    // Whenever we retrieve a parent link for a router item from the database,
    // we need to update the parent link's properties according to the new
    // router item. Otherwise, the re-parenting process gets stuck on the menu
    // router data that was stored in {menu_links} in a previous menu rebuild.
    if (isset($menu) && !empty($parent['router_path']) && isset($menu[$parent['router_path']])) {
      $parent = array_merge($parent, _menu_link_build($menu[$parent['router_path']]));
  $menu_name = $item['menu_name'];

  // Menu callbacks need to be in the links table for breadcrumbs, but can't
  // be parents if they are generated directly from a router item.
  if (empty($parent['mlid']) || $parent['hidden'] < 0) {
    $item['plid'] = 0;
  else {
    $item['plid'] = $parent['mlid'];