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admin.module in Admin 7.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.2 admin.module
  2. 6 admin.module


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 * Implements hook_block_info().
function admin_block_info() {
  $blocks = array();
  $blocks['create'] = array(
    'info' => t('Create content'),
    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
    'admin' => TRUE,
  $blocks['theme'] = array(
    'info' => t('Theme switcher'),
    'cache' => DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE,
    'admin' => TRUE,
  $blocks['account'] = array(
    'info' => t('My Account'),
    'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
    'admin' => TRUE,
  if (module_exists('menu')) {
    $blocks['menu'] = array(
      'info' => t('Administration menu'),
      'cache' => DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE,
      'admin' => TRUE,
  if (module_exists('devel')) {
    $blocks['devel'] = array(
      'info' => t('Devel'),
      'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
      'admin' => TRUE,
  return $blocks;

 * Implements hook_block_view().
function admin_block_view($delta) {
  switch ($delta) {
    case 'create':
      $item = menu_get_item('node/add');
      $links = system_admin_menu_block($item);
      if (!empty($links)) {
        $menu = array();
        foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
          $menu[$key] = array(
            'link' => $link + array(
              'in_active_trail' => FALSE,
            'below' => FALSE,
        return array(
          'subject' => !empty($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : t('Create content'),
          'content' => menu_tree_output($menu),
    case 'theme':
      if (user_access('select different theme')) {
        module_load_include('inc', 'admin', 'includes/admin.theme');
        return admin_block_theme();
      return NULL;
    case 'account':
      return admin_account_block();
    case 'menu':
      $item = menu_get_item('admin');
      if ($item && $item['access']) {
        $tree = menu_tree_all_data('management');
        foreach ($tree as $key => $branch) {
          if ($branch['link']['link_path'] !== 'admin') {
        return array(
          'subject' => !empty($item['title']) ? $item['title'] : t('Administer'),
          'content' => menu_tree_output($tree),
    case 'devel':
      module_load_include('inc', 'admin', 'includes/admin.devel');
      return admin_block_devel();

 * Implements hook_element_info().
function admin_element_info() {
  return array(
    'admin_panes' => array(
      '#value' => '',
      '#theme_wrappers' => array(

 * Implements hook_menu().
function admin_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/config/user-interface/admin'] = $items['admin/config/user-interface/admin/settings'] = array(
    'title' => 'Administration tools',
    'description' => 'Settings for site administration tools.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    'file' => '',
    'module' => 'admin',
  $items['admin/config/user-interface/admin/settings']['title'] = 'Settings';
  $items['admin/config/user-interface/admin/settings']['type'] = MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK;
  $items['admin/config/user-interface/admin/rebuild'] = array(
    'title' => 'Rebuild',
    'description' => 'Wipe and rebuild the administrative menu.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'file' => '',
    'module' => 'admin',
    'weight' => 10,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
function admin_menu_alter(&$items) {
  foreach ($items as $path => $item) {

    // Smarter access callback for poorly checked landing pages
    if (!empty($item['access arguments']) && !empty($item['page callback']) && $item['access arguments'] === array(
      'access administration pages',
    ) && in_array($item['page callback'], array(
    ))) {
      $items[$path]['access callback'] = 'admin_landing_page_access';
      $items[$path]['access arguments'] = array(

 * Menu access callback for admin landing pages.
 * For a given landing page, grant access if the current user has access
 * to any of its child menu items.
function admin_landing_page_access($path) {
  static $paths;
  if (!isset($paths[$path])) {
    $paths[$path] = FALSE;

    // Retrieve menu item but without menu_get_item()
    $item = db_select('menu_links')
      ->condition('module', 'system')
      ->condition('router_path', $path)
    if ($item) {
      $query = db_select('menu_links', 'ml');
        ->leftJoin('menu_router', 'm', 'm.path = ml.router_path');
        ->fields('m', array_diff(drupal_schema_fields_sql('menu_router'), array(
        ->condition('ml.plid', $item['mlid']);
      $result = $query
      while ($item = $result
        ->fetchAssoc()) {
        if ($item['access']) {
          $paths[$path] = TRUE;
  return $paths[$path];

 * Implements hook_permission().
function admin_permission() {
  return array(
    'use admin toolbar' => array(
      'title' => t('use admin toolbar'),
      'description' => t('Use the admin toolbar'),
    'select different theme' => array(
      'title' => t('select different theme'),
      'description' => t("Select different theme for the current user's session."),

 * Implements hook_theme().
function admin_theme($cache, $type, $theme, $path) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin');
  $items['admin_tab'] = array(
    'variables' => array(
      'tab' => array(),
      'class' => '',
    'path' => $path . '/theme',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin_toolbar'] = array(
    'variables' => array(
      'blocks' => array(),
      'position' => 'ne',
      'layout' => 'horizontal',
      'behavior' => 'df',
    'template' => 'admin-toolbar',
    'path' => $path . '/theme',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin_drilldown_menu_tree_output'] = array(
    'variables' => array(
      'menu' => array(),
    'path' => $path . '/theme',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin_drilldown_menu_tree'] = array(
    'variables' => array(
      'menu' => array(),
    'path' => $path . '/theme',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin_drilldown_menu_item'] = array(
    'variables' => array(
      'link' => NULL,
      'has_children' => NULL,
      'menu' => '',
      'in_active_trail' => FALSE,
      'extra_class' => NULL,
    'path' => $path . '/theme',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin_drilldown_menu_item_link'] = array(
    'variables' => array(
      'item' => array(),
    'path' => $path . '/theme',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin_panes'] = array(
    'render element' => 'element',
    'template' => 'admin-panes',
    'path' => $path . '/theme',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin_settings_form'] = array(
    'render element' => 'element',
    'path' => $path,
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Get variable settings or fallback to defaults.
function admin_get_settings($key = NULL) {
  static $settings;
  if (!isset($settings)) {

    // Try to gather what information we can from the cookie.
    // Note that this information should not be trusted in any
    // way for affecting *anything* but trivial changes to the site.
    $cookie = array();
    if (isset($_REQUEST['DrupalAdminToolbar'])) {
      parse_str($_REQUEST['DrupalAdminToolbar'], $cookie);
    $settings = variable_get('admin_toolbar', array()) + array(
      'layout' => 'vertical',
      'position' => 'nw',
      'behavior' => 'df',
      'blocks' => admin_get_default_blocks(),
      'expanded' => isset($cookie['expanded']) ? check_plain($cookie['expanded']) : 0,
      'active_tab' => isset($cookie['activeTab']) ? check_plain($cookie['activeTab']) : 0,

    // Ensure that if behavior is set to autohide the toolbar is collapsed.
    if ($settings['behavior'] === 'ah') {
      $settings['expanded'] = 0;
  if (isset($key)) {
    return isset($settings[$key]) ? $settings[$key] : FALSE;
  return $settings;

 * Get all blocks that have declared themselves visible in the admin toolbar by default.
function admin_get_default_blocks($reset = FALSE) {
  static $defaults;
  if (!isset($defaults) || $reset) {
    $cache = cache_get('admin_default_blocks');
    if ($cache && !$reset) {
      $defaults = $cache->data;
    else {
      $defaults = array();
      foreach (module_implements('block_info') as $module) {
        $module_blocks = module_invoke($module, 'block_info');
        if ($module_blocks) {
          foreach ($module_blocks as $delta => $info) {
            if (isset($info['admin'])) {
              $defaults["{$module}-{$delta}"] = isset($info['cache']) ? $info['cache'] : DRUPAL_NO_CACHE;
      cache_set('admin_default_blocks', $defaults);
  return $defaults;

 * Get blocks enabled for the admin toolbar.
function admin_get_admin_blocks() {
  $blocks = array();
  if (user_access('use admin toolbar') && ($enabled_blocks = admin_get_settings('blocks'))) {
    module_load_include('module', 'block', 'block');
    foreach ($enabled_blocks as $bid => $cache) {
      $block = NULL;
      $split = explode('-', $bid, 2);
      if (count($split) === 2) {
        list($module, $delta) = $split;
        $block = new stdClass();
        $block->module = $module;
        $block->delta = $delta;
        $block->bid = $bid;
        $block->title = NULL;
        $block->cache = is_numeric($cache) ? $cache : DRUPAL_NO_CACHE;
        $block->region = 'admin_toolbar';

        // Fake the block region.
        $blocks[$bid] = $block;
    $blocks = _block_render_blocks($blocks);
  return $blocks;

 * Preprocessor that runs *before* template_preprocess_page().
function admin_page_build(&$page) {
  if (user_access('use admin toolbar') && ($trail = menu_get_active_trail())) {
    do {
      $last = array_pop($trail);
    } while (count($trail) && !($last['type'] & MENU_VISIBLE_IN_TREE));
    if ($last) {
        'activePath' => url($last['href']),
      ), array(
        'type' => 'setting',
        'scope' => JS_DEFAULT,
  if (!admin_suppress(FALSE) && ($blocks = admin_get_admin_blocks())) {
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin');
    $position = admin_get_settings('position');
    $layout = admin_get_settings('layout');
    $behavior = admin_get_settings('behavior');
    $class = admin_get_settings('expanded') ? 'admin-expanded' : '';
    $page['page_bottom']['admin_toolbar'] = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => theme('admin_toolbar', array(
        'blocks' => $blocks,
        'position' => $position,
        'layout' => $layout,
        'behavior' => $behavior,

 * Implements hook_preprocess_html().
function admin_preprocess_html(&$vars) {
  if (!admin_suppress(FALSE) && ($blocks = admin_get_admin_blocks())) {
    $position = admin_get_settings('position');
    $layout = admin_get_settings('layout');
    $behavior = admin_get_settings('behavior');
    $class = admin_get_settings('expanded') ? 'admin-expanded' : '';
    $vars['classes_array'][] = " admin-{$position} admin-{$layout} admin-{$behavior} {$class} ";

 * Implements hook_suppress().
 * Suppress display of administration toolbar.
 * This function should be called from within another module's page callback
 * preferably using module_invoke_all('suppress') when the menu should not be
 * displayed. This is useful for modules that implement popup pages or other
 * special pages where the menu would be distracting or break the layout.
 * @param $set
 *   Defaults to TRUE. If called before hook_footer(), the menu will not be
 *   displayed. If FALSE is passed, the suppression state is returned.
function admin_suppress($set = TRUE) {
  static $suppress = FALSE;
  if (!empty($set) && $suppress === FALSE) {
    $suppress = TRUE;
  return $suppress;

 * My Account block.
function admin_account_block() {
  $block = array(
    'subject' => t('My Account'),
    'content' => '',
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid > 0) {
    $menu = array();
    $menu[] = array(
      'data' => l(t('View my account'), 'user/' . $user->uid),
      'class' => array(
    $menu[] = array(
      'data' => l(t('Edit my account'), 'user/' . $user->uid . '/edit'),
      'class' => array(
    $menu[] = array(
      'data' => l(t('Logout'), 'user/logout'),
      'class' => array(
    $block['content'] = theme('item_list', array(
      'items' => $menu,
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
  return $block;


Namesort descending Description
admin_account_block My Account block.
admin_block_info Implements hook_block_info().
admin_block_view Implements hook_block_view().
admin_element_info Implements hook_element_info().
admin_get_admin_blocks Get blocks enabled for the admin toolbar.
admin_get_default_blocks Get all blocks that have declared themselves visible in the admin toolbar by default.
admin_get_settings Get variable settings or fallback to defaults.
admin_landing_page_access Menu access callback for admin landing pages.
admin_menu Implements hook_menu().
admin_menu_alter Implements hook_menu_alter().
admin_page_build Preprocessor that runs *before* template_preprocess_page().
admin_permission Implements hook_permission().
admin_preprocess_html Implements hook_preprocess_html().
admin_suppress Implements hook_suppress().
admin_theme Implements hook_theme().