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function add_to_head_get_settings in Add To Head 8

Helper to get the settings.


string $scope (Optional) - filter the scopes of the returned settings.:

Return value

array Array of profiles, including those defined by other modules.

6 calls to add_to_head_get_settings()
AddToHeadController::adminOverview in src/Controller/AddToHeadController.php
AddToHeadDeleteProfileForm::submitForm in src/Form/AddToHeadDeleteProfileForm.php
Form submission handler.
AddToHeadParamConverter::convert in src/ParamConverter/AddToHeadParamConverter.php
Converts path variables to their corresponding objects.
add_to_head_css_alter in ./add_to_head.module
Implements hook_css_alter().
add_to_head_page_attachments_alter in ./add_to_head.module
Implements hook_page_attachments_alter().

... See full list


./add_to_head.module, line 16
Add To Head allows arbitrary insertion of code into the head of the page based on path selection.


function add_to_head_get_settings($scope = NULL) {

  // Fetch the profile information stored in the DB.
  $settings = \Drupal::config('add_to_head.settings')
  $settings = $settings ? $settings : array();

  // Allow other modules to alter profile settings. Additional profiles may be added here.
    ->alter('add_to_head_profiles', $settings);
  if ($scope) {
    $settings = array_filter($settings, function ($profile) use ($scope) {
      return $profile['scope'] == $scope;
  return $settings;