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README.txt in Advertisement 6.3

The ad module is a powerful advertising system for Drupal-powered websites. It
supports the random display and tracking of graphical (banner), text and raw
html ads.  Ads can easily be displayed in themes, blocks, or embedded in site
content. The module records comprehensive statistics about when and how often
ads are viewed and clicked, including a plug-in module for generating graphical
time-based reports. Ads can be assigned to multiple owners, each of which can
be assigned their own set of permissions.  Installation is simple by design. An
API is provided allowing the development of additional functionality and
integration with other Drupal modules.

    * auto-generated ad blocks supporting a configurable number of ads
    * automatically or manually embed ads into site content
    * collection of comprehensive statistics allowing time-based reporting and
    * tracking of when and where ads are clicked, by which user and which IP
    * advertisements can have multiple owners
    * granular per-advertisement/per-owner permissions system
    * activation/expiration scheduling based on time, clicks or impressions
    * an ad_image plug-in for image (aka banner) ads
    * an ad_text plug-in for simple text ads
    * an ad_html plug-in for raw html ads
    * an externally maintained ad_geoip plug-in provides support for
      geotargeting ads
    * an ad_report plug-in for basic graphical reports
    * an ad_notify plug-in for scheduling automatic email notifications
    * an ad_remote plug-in for hosting ads on remote (non-Drupal) websites
    * an administrative statistics overview page
    * support for any number of configurable ad groups, utilizing Drupal's
      taxonomy (category) subsystem
    * display ads based on node ids (nids) or taxonomy terms (categories)
    * file-based caching for improved performance
    * memcache-based caching for improved performance
    * support for external caching methods
    * MySQL and PostgreSQL support

Installation and requirements information can be found within the INSTALL.txt
file included with this module.

Creating ads
Once the ad module is properly installed an enabled, you can create
advertisements by visiting 'create content' on your website and choosing
'advertisement' as the content type.  If you have enabled multiple ad type
modules, you can select one of them from the resulting menu, such as 'image
advertisement' or 'text advertisement'.

  Text ads:
  Text ads are very simple, requiring that you fill out only three fields of
  information.  First, you need to specify the Destination URL where you want
  people to be redirected when they click on your text ad.  Second, you enter
  the a header for your ad.  The header will be linked to the Destination URL.
  Finally, you need to specify the body of your ad.

  Image ads:
  Image ads or only slightly more complicated than text ads.  They depend on
  the drupal core Upload module for managing the actual images.  As with text
  ads, you first need to specify the Destination URL where you want people to
  be redirected when they click on your image ad.  Second, you can optionally
  enter some Mouseover text.  If you enter text in the mouseover field this
  text will be displayed when people hover their mouse pointer over the
  advertisement.  Finally, you need to scroll down to the File attachements
  section of the page and click the Browser button to select your image, then
  click Attach to upload the image.  If you upload multiple images, the first
  image with "List" checked will be displayed.  If no images have "List" checked
  then no images will be displayed.

  HTML ads:
  HTML ads allow you to easily define your own custom ad type by simply pasting
  in a block of HTML code.  At this time, however, the ad module is unable to
  track when html ads are clicked.

  Ad groups:
  Ads can be organized into groups.  For example, you may have a group called
  "Text Ads" and another group called "Image Ads."  You could then assign your
  text ads to the "Text Ads" group, and your image ads to your "Image Ads"
  groups.  (This is not required, it is perfectly valid to include both image
  ads and text ads in the same group.)  When displaying ads, you typically tell
  the ad module to display ads from a certain group and then the ad module
  randomly selects an active ad from the specified group.  Each ad can be a
  member of any number of groups.

  Ad status:
  There are several states that an ad can exist in.  An ad in the Pending state
  is one that has recently been uploaded and is waiting to be approved by a
  privileged user.  An ad in the Approved state is one that has been approved
  by a privileged user but is not actively being displayed, the ad could be
  waiting on an autoactivation event.  An ad in the Active state is being
  actively displayed.  An ad in the Offline state is approved but is currently
  not being displayed.  An ad in the Unpublished state means that the ad node
  was unpublished so the ad is not any longer being displayed.  An ad in the
  Expired state is no longer being displayed.  An ad in the Denied state means
  it was not approved by the site administrator.

  If you put an ad into the Approved state and then enter a date and time in the
  Automatically Activate Ad field, the ad will be automatically activated
  on the date and time specified.  This feature requires that cron be functional
  on your website.  If you enter a date and time in the Automatically Expire Ad
  field, the ad will be automatically expired on the date and time specified.
  Again, this feature requires that cron be functional on your website.

  If you enter a number into the Maximum Impressions field, the ad will be
  automatically expired once it has been displayed this number of times.

  If you enter a number into the Maximum Clicks field, the ad will be
  automatically expired once it has been clicked this number of times.

Displaying ads
There are many ways to display ads with the ad module.  The simplest way
is to enable one of the automatically generated ad blocks.  It is also possible
to use the ad_embed module to automatically embed ads within your site content.
And you can even display ads from within the PHP of your theme or another

  Ad blocks
  The ad module automatically generates on ad block for every ad group that you
  create.  For example, if you visit "Administer >> Site building >> Blocks"
  you will find a block named "ad group: default".  If you enable this block,
  it will display a random ad from all active ads in the default group.

  You can optionally configure the block to display more than one ad at a time
  by clicking the 'configure' link on the block administration page.

  Embedded ads
  If you enabled the ad_embed module, it is possible to embed ads into your
  site content.  To configure the ad_embed module go to "Administer >> Content
  Management >> Ads >> Settings >> Embedded ads".

  If you wish to manually embed ads in your content, check the box next to
  "Replace ad bracket tags" or "Replace ad comment tags".  This will cause the
  ad_embed module to replace embedded [[add]] or <!--ad--> tags respectively.
  Instructions on how to specify specific ad groups or even specific ads and
  how many ads to display at a time can be found by visiting "Administer >>
  Help >> Embed".

  If you wish to automatically embed ads in your content, configure this on a
  per-content-type basis in the lower configuration section.
  embedded ads".

  Displaying ads from PHP:
  To display an ad from within PHP code, make a call to the ad() function.
  You can optionally specify an ad group, the number of ads to display, and
  several other options.  For example, to display one random ad from all ads
  that have not been assigned to any group you don't have to pass in any
      <?php print ad(); ?>

  To display two ads from all ads that have not been assigned to any group
  you would execute the following code:
      <?php print ad(0, 2); ?>

  (The first parameter specifies the ad group to display ads from.  By
  specifying 0, we are telling the ad module to display ads that are not
  assigned to any group.  The second parameter specifies the number of ads
  to display at one time.)

  To randomly display an ad from a specific group of nids, for example with
  the node ID 69 or 76, you would pass in the following parameters:
      <?php print ad(NULL, 1, array('nids' => '69,76')); ?>

  (When specifying specific nids, any specified ad group is ignored, so we
  leave the first parameter as NULL.  The second parameter causes only one
  ad to be displayed at a time.  And the third parameter is an array that
  tells the ad module to randomly display either ad 69 or ad 76.)

  To display and ad randomly selected from multiple groups you can simply
  specify multiple groups separated by commas.  For example, to display 3
  ads from groups 24, 56 and 98 you would pass in the following parameters:
      <?php print ad('24,56,98', 2); ?>

  You can also specify how to display a given ad.  Current display methods are
  'javascript', 'jquery', 'iframe', and 'raw'.  When using the 'javascript',
  'jquery', and 'iframe' methods, ads will randomly change even when the Drupal
  pagecache is enabled.  When using the 'raw' method, ads will only change when
  the Drupal pagecache is flushed.

  To force one ad with a tid of 76 to display using JavaScript you would pass
  in the following parameters:
      <?php print ad(76, 1, array('method' => 'javascript'));

  To force two ads with a tid of 101 or 102 to display using the Raw method
  you would pass in the following parameters:
      <?php print ad('101,102', 76, array('method' => 'raw'));

  Theming ads
  All ads are wrapped in the following tags:
    <div class="advertisement" id="group-#"></div>

  All ads are in the same "advertisement" class.  Each ad group gets a unique
  id.  This makes it possible to create generic advertisement formatting as
  well as specific advertisement formatting.

    CSS Example 1:
    This sample code can be added to your theme's custom style.css.  It adds
    padding to advertisements, wrapping them in a dashed border and giving
    them a background color.  It also adds the text "Advertisement:" above
    the ad:

       .advertisement {
         padding: 5px;
         border: dashed;
         background-color: #ffd;

       .advertisement:before {
         content: "Advertisement:";

    CSS Example 2:
    Here is more sample code that could be added to your theme's custom
    style.css.  It will cause multiple image ads to be displayed horizontally
    one beside the other (space permitting), rather than vertically one
    below the other.  The ads are aligned to the left side of the screen,
    if you'd prefer them to be aligned to the right side of the screen change
    the word "left" to "right" in the snippet:

       .image-advertisement {
         float: left;
         padding: 3px;

Ad module settings
The ad module and related modules provide a number of configuration options.

  Global settings
  The ad module allows you to specify some global settings at "Administer >>
  Content management >> Ads >> Settings >> Global settings".

  Even if you do not plan to make any changes, you should visit this page at
  least one time as the ad module will perform a series of sanity tests when
  you visit this page, alerting you to any installation problems.

  This page is divided into sections.  The "Status" section validates that the 
  module can find the necessary scripts for serving advertisements.  If 
  everything is properly installed, it will show you the automatically detected
  paths to serve.php and  If you instead see errors in this section,
  review the directions in INSTALL.txt to get the ad module properly installed.

  In the "General" section you can configure what happens when an advertisement
  is clicked by setting the 'Click-through target'.  You can also enable the
  'nofollow' option to add 'rel="nofollow"' to all links generated by the ad
  module.  The 'Display type' allows you to alter how advertisements are 
  displayed, using JavaScript, jQuery, IFrames, or simply embedding raw HTML
  into your page.  Regardless of the 'Display type' the ad module will
  accurately track how many times each advertisement is displayed and clicked.
  Finally, the 'Validate URLs' option tells the module whether or not it
  should use Drupal's built in URL validation logic to ensure that the
  Destination URL for new advertisements is a valid URL.

  In the "Search" section there are two options which are enabled by default.
  The first causes advertisements to be removed from local searches when using
  Drupal's built in search module.  The second causes advertisements to be
  removed from remote search engines by adding the "noindex" meta tag to all
  pages where node ads are displayed.  If you publish advertisement nodes to
  the front page mixed in with other content types, you should probably
  disable the "Remove ads from remote search engines" option as otherwise
  you may find that your entire website is removed from all search engines.
  (Note that displaying ads on the front page is not the same as displaying
  an ad node on the front page. The 'noindex' tag is not added when ads are
  displayed via blocks, direct calls to ad(), using views, or when embedded
  with the ad_embed module.)

  The "IFrame" section allows you to configure the size of IFrames and other
  related settings.

  The "Cache" section provides access to the configuration options for any
  enabled ad caching modules.  By default the ad module comes with the
  file cache which allows advertisements to be quickly and efficiently displayed
  from a cache file without bootstrapping Drupal.  If your website utilizes
  multiple web servers, you should instead download the ad_memcache module
  which allows you to serve advertisements from a shared memcache instance.

  Text ads
  The ad_text module allows you to specify some minimum and maximum lengths for
  text ads at "Administer >> Content management >> Ads >> Settings >> Text ads".

  Image ads
  The ad_image module allows you to specify some image constraints on a
  per-group basis at "Administer >> Content management >> Ads >> Settings >>
  Image ads".

  Embedded ads
  Manually and automatically embedded ads can be configured at "Administer >>
  Content management >> Ads >> Settings >> Embedded ads".

The ad module tracks how often each ad is viewed and clicked.  The statistics
are tracked to an hourly granularity.

When an advertisement is first enabled, the statistics for 'This hour', 'Today',
'Last seven days', 'This month', 'This year' and 'All time' will all be the
same.  When available, statistics will also include 'Last hour', 'Yesterday',
'Last month', and 'Last year'.

When displaying advertisements using the JavaScript, jQuery, and IFrame methods
impressions are tracked each time the script is loaded.  When displaying
advertisements using the Raw method, impressions are tracked through the use
of a hidden 1x1 pixel image that is displayed along with each advertisement.

The click_filter module can be enabled to filter out the following invalid
    * Duplicate clicks from the same IP address
    * Clicks from the owner of the advertisement
    * Clicks from any user with 'filter clicks' permissions.
    * Clicks from any users in which the word "bot" is contained in their

This means that when the click_filter module is enabled, all clicks by UID 1
will be filtered because Drupal will automatically assign all permissions to
this user, including the 'filter clicks' permission.  The click_filter module
currently has no configuration options beyond the 'filter clicks' permission.


View source
  1. ---------
  2. Overview
  3. ---------
  4. The ad module is a powerful advertising system for Drupal-powered websites. It
  5. supports the random display and tracking of graphical (banner), text and raw
  6. html ads. Ads can easily be displayed in themes, blocks, or embedded in site
  7. content. The module records comprehensive statistics about when and how often
  8. ads are viewed and clicked, including a plug-in module for generating graphical
  9. time-based reports. Ads can be assigned to multiple owners, each of which can
  10. be assigned their own set of permissions. Installation is simple by design. An
  11. API is provided allowing the development of additional functionality and
  12. integration with other Drupal modules.
  13. Features:
  14. * auto-generated ad blocks supporting a configurable number of ads
  15. * automatically or manually embed ads into site content
  16. * collection of comprehensive statistics allowing time-based reporting and
  17. analysis
  18. * tracking of when and where ads are clicked, by which user and which IP
  19. * advertisements can have multiple owners
  20. * granular per-advertisement/per-owner permissions system
  21. * activation/expiration scheduling based on time, clicks or impressions
  22. * an ad_image plug-in for image (aka banner) ads
  23. * an ad_text plug-in for simple text ads
  24. * an ad_html plug-in for raw html ads
  25. * an externally maintained ad_geoip plug-in provides support for
  26. geotargeting ads
  27. * an ad_report plug-in for basic graphical reports
  28. * an ad_notify plug-in for scheduling automatic email notifications
  29. * an ad_remote plug-in for hosting ads on remote (non-Drupal) websites
  30. * an administrative statistics overview page
  31. * support for any number of configurable ad groups, utilizing Drupal's
  32. taxonomy (category) subsystem
  33. * display ads based on node ids (nids) or taxonomy terms (categories)
  34. * file-based caching for improved performance
  35. * memcache-based caching for improved performance
  36. * support for external caching methods
  37. * MySQL and PostgreSQL support
  38. ------
  39. Usage
  40. ------
  41. Installation and requirements information can be found within the INSTALL.txt
  42. file included with this module.
  43. -------------
  44. Creating ads
  45. -------------
  46. Once the ad module is properly installed an enabled, you can create
  47. advertisements by visiting 'create content' on your website and choosing
  48. 'advertisement' as the content type. If you have enabled multiple ad type
  49. modules, you can select one of them from the resulting menu, such as 'image
  50. advertisement' or 'text advertisement'.
  51. Text ads:
  52. ---------
  53. Text ads are very simple, requiring that you fill out only three fields of
  54. information. First, you need to specify the Destination URL where you want
  55. people to be redirected when they click on your text ad. Second, you enter
  56. the a header for your ad. The header will be linked to the Destination URL.
  57. Finally, you need to specify the body of your ad.
  58. Image ads:
  59. ----------
  60. Image ads or only slightly more complicated than text ads. They depend on
  61. the drupal core Upload module for managing the actual images. As with text
  62. ads, you first need to specify the Destination URL where you want people to
  63. be redirected when they click on your image ad. Second, you can optionally
  64. enter some Mouseover text. If you enter text in the mouseover field this
  65. text will be displayed when people hover their mouse pointer over the
  66. advertisement. Finally, you need to scroll down to the File attachements
  67. section of the page and click the Browser button to select your image, then
  68. click Attach to upload the image. If you upload multiple images, the first
  69. image with "List" checked will be displayed. If no images have "List" checked
  70. then no images will be displayed.
  71. HTML ads:
  72. ---------
  73. HTML ads allow you to easily define your own custom ad type by simply pasting
  74. in a block of HTML code. At this time, however, the ad module is unable to
  75. track when html ads are clicked.
  76. Ad groups:
  77. ----------
  78. Ads can be organized into groups. For example, you may have a group called
  79. "Text Ads" and another group called "Image Ads." You could then assign your
  80. text ads to the "Text Ads" group, and your image ads to your "Image Ads"
  81. groups. (This is not required, it is perfectly valid to include both image
  82. ads and text ads in the same group.) When displaying ads, you typically tell
  83. the ad module to display ads from a certain group and then the ad module
  84. randomly selects an active ad from the specified group. Each ad can be a
  85. member of any number of groups.
  86. Ad status:
  87. ----------
  88. There are several states that an ad can exist in. An ad in the Pending state
  89. is one that has recently been uploaded and is waiting to be approved by a
  90. privileged user. An ad in the Approved state is one that has been approved
  91. by a privileged user but is not actively being displayed, the ad could be
  92. waiting on an autoactivation event. An ad in the Active state is being
  93. actively displayed. An ad in the Offline state is approved but is currently
  94. not being displayed. An ad in the Unpublished state means that the ad node
  95. was unpublished so the ad is not any longer being displayed. An ad in the
  96. Expired state is no longer being displayed. An ad in the Denied state means
  97. it was not approved by the site administrator.
  98. Scheduling:
  99. -----------
  100. If you put an ad into the Approved state and then enter a date and time in the
  101. Automatically Activate Ad field, the ad will be automatically activated
  102. on the date and time specified. This feature requires that cron be functional
  103. on your website. If you enter a date and time in the Automatically Expire Ad
  104. field, the ad will be automatically expired on the date and time specified.
  105. Again, this feature requires that cron be functional on your website.
  106. If you enter a number into the Maximum Impressions field, the ad will be
  107. automatically expired once it has been displayed this number of times.
  108. If you enter a number into the Maximum Clicks field, the ad will be
  109. automatically expired once it has been clicked this number of times.
  110. ---------------
  111. Displaying ads
  112. ---------------
  113. There are many ways to display ads with the ad module. The simplest way
  114. is to enable one of the automatically generated ad blocks. It is also possible
  115. to use the ad_embed module to automatically embed ads within your site content.
  116. And you can even display ads from within the PHP of your theme or another
  117. module.
  118. ----------
  119. Ad blocks
  120. ----------
  121. The ad module automatically generates on ad block for every ad group that you
  122. create. For example, if you visit "Administer >> Site building >> Blocks"
  123. you will find a block named "ad group: default". If you enable this block,
  124. it will display a random ad from all active ads in the default group.
  125. You can optionally configure the block to display more than one ad at a time
  126. by clicking the 'configure' link on the block administration page.
  127. -------------
  128. Embedded ads
  129. -------------
  130. If you enabled the ad_embed module, it is possible to embed ads into your
  131. site content. To configure the ad_embed module go to "Administer >> Content
  132. Management >> Ads >> Settings >> Embedded ads".
  133. If you wish to manually embed ads in your content, check the box next to
  134. "Replace ad bracket tags" or "Replace ad comment tags". This will cause the
  135. ad_embed module to replace embedded [[add]] or tags respectively.
  136. Instructions on how to specify specific ad groups or even specific ads and
  137. how many ads to display at a time can be found by visiting "Administer >>
  138. Help >> Embed".
  139. If you wish to automatically embed ads in your content, configure this on a
  140. per-content-type basis in the lower configuration section.
  141. embedded ads".
  142. ------------------------
  143. Displaying ads from PHP:
  144. ------------------------
  145. To display an ad from within PHP code, make a call to the ad() function.
  146. You can optionally specify an ad group, the number of ads to display, and
  147. several other options. For example, to display one random ad from all ads
  148. that have not been assigned to any group you don't have to pass in any
  149. parameters:
  150. To display two ads from all ads that have not been assigned to any group
  151. you would execute the following code:
  152. (The first parameter specifies the ad group to display ads from. By
  153. specifying 0, we are telling the ad module to display ads that are not
  154. assigned to any group. The second parameter specifies the number of ads
  155. to display at one time.)
  156. To randomly display an ad from a specific group of nids, for example with
  157. the node ID 69 or 76, you would pass in the following parameters:
  158. '69,76')); ?>
  159. (When specifying specific nids, any specified ad group is ignored, so we
  160. leave the first parameter as NULL. The second parameter causes only one
  161. ad to be displayed at a time. And the third parameter is an array that
  162. tells the ad module to randomly display either ad 69 or ad 76.)
  163. To display and ad randomly selected from multiple groups you can simply
  164. specify multiple groups separated by commas. For example, to display 3
  165. ads from groups 24, 56 and 98 you would pass in the following parameters:
  166. You can also specify how to display a given ad. Current display methods are
  167. 'javascript', 'jquery', 'iframe', and 'raw'. When using the 'javascript',
  168. 'jquery', and 'iframe' methods, ads will randomly change even when the Drupal
  169. pagecache is enabled. When using the 'raw' method, ads will only change when
  170. the Drupal pagecache is flushed.
  171. To force one ad with a tid of 76 to display using JavaScript you would pass
  172. in the following parameters:
  173. 'javascript'));
  174. To force two ads with a tid of 101 or 102 to display using the Raw method
  175. you would pass in the following parameters:
  176. 'raw'));
  177. ------------
  178. Theming ads
  179. ------------
  180. All ads are wrapped in the following tags:
  181. All ads are in the same "advertisement" class. Each ad group gets a unique
  182. id. This makes it possible to create generic advertisement formatting as
  183. well as specific advertisement formatting.
  184. CSS Example 1:
  185. --------------
  186. This sample code can be added to your theme's custom style.css. It adds
  187. padding to advertisements, wrapping them in a dashed border and giving
  188. them a background color. It also adds the text "Advertisement:" above
  189. the ad:
  190. .advertisement {
  191. padding: 5px;
  192. border: dashed;
  193. background-color: #ffd;
  194. }
  195. .advertisement:before {
  196. content: "Advertisement:";
  197. }
  198. CSS Example 2:
  199. --------------
  200. Here is more sample code that could be added to your theme's custom
  201. style.css. It will cause multiple image ads to be displayed horizontally
  202. one beside the other (space permitting), rather than vertically one
  203. below the other. The ads are aligned to the left side of the screen,
  204. if you'd prefer them to be aligned to the right side of the screen change
  205. the word "left" to "right" in the snippet:
  206. .image-advertisement {
  207. float: left;
  208. padding: 3px;
  209. }
  210. -------------------
  211. Ad module settings
  212. -------------------
  213. The ad module and related modules provide a number of configuration options.
  214. ----------------
  215. Global settings
  216. ----------------
  217. The ad module allows you to specify some global settings at "Administer >>
  218. Content management >> Ads >> Settings >> Global settings".
  219. Even if you do not plan to make any changes, you should visit this page at
  220. least one time as the ad module will perform a series of sanity tests when
  221. you visit this page, alerting you to any installation problems.
  222. This page is divided into sections. The "Status" section validates that the
  223. module can find the necessary scripts for serving advertisements. If
  224. everything is properly installed, it will show you the automatically detected
  225. paths to serve.php and If you instead see errors in this section,
  226. review the directions in INSTALL.txt to get the ad module properly installed.
  227. In the "General" section you can configure what happens when an advertisement
  228. is clicked by setting the 'Click-through target'. You can also enable the
  229. 'nofollow' option to add 'rel="nofollow"' to all links generated by the ad
  230. module. The 'Display type' allows you to alter how advertisements are
  231. displayed, using JavaScript, jQuery, IFrames, or simply embedding raw HTML
  232. into your page. Regardless of the 'Display type' the ad module will
  233. accurately track how many times each advertisement is displayed and clicked.
  234. Finally, the 'Validate URLs' option tells the module whether or not it
  235. should use Drupal's built in URL validation logic to ensure that the
  236. Destination URL for new advertisements is a valid URL.
  237. In the "Search" section there are two options which are enabled by default.
  238. The first causes advertisements to be removed from local searches when using
  239. Drupal's built in search module. The second causes advertisements to be
  240. removed from remote search engines by adding the "noindex" meta tag to all
  241. pages where node ads are displayed. If you publish advertisement nodes to
  242. the front page mixed in with other content types, you should probably
  243. disable the "Remove ads from remote search engines" option as otherwise
  244. you may find that your entire website is removed from all search engines.
  245. (Note that displaying ads on the front page is not the same as displaying
  246. an ad node on the front page. The 'noindex' tag is not added when ads are
  247. displayed via blocks, direct calls to ad(), using views, or when embedded
  248. with the ad_embed module.)
  249. The "IFrame" section allows you to configure the size of IFrames and other
  250. related settings.
  251. The "Cache" section provides access to the configuration options for any
  252. enabled ad caching modules. By default the ad module comes with the
  253. file cache which allows advertisements to be quickly and efficiently displayed
  254. from a cache file without bootstrapping Drupal. If your website utilizes
  255. multiple web servers, you should instead download the ad_memcache module
  256. which allows you to serve advertisements from a shared memcache instance.
  257. ---------
  258. Text ads
  259. ---------
  260. The ad_text module allows you to specify some minimum and maximum lengths for
  261. text ads at "Administer >> Content management >> Ads >> Settings >> Text ads".
  262. ----------
  263. Image ads
  264. ----------
  265. The ad_image module allows you to specify some image constraints on a
  266. per-group basis at "Administer >> Content management >> Ads >> Settings >>
  267. Image ads".
  268. -------------
  269. Embedded ads
  270. -------------
  271. Manually and automatically embedded ads can be configured at "Administer >>
  272. Content management >> Ads >> Settings >> Embedded ads".
  273. -----------
  274. Statistics
  275. -----------
  276. The ad module tracks how often each ad is viewed and clicked. The statistics
  277. are tracked to an hourly granularity.
  278. When an advertisement is first enabled, the statistics for 'This hour', 'Today',
  279. 'Last seven days', 'This month', 'This year' and 'All time' will all be the
  280. same. When available, statistics will also include 'Last hour', 'Yesterday',
  281. 'Last month', and 'Last year'.
  282. When displaying advertisements using the JavaScript, jQuery, and IFrame methods
  283. impressions are tracked each time the script is loaded. When displaying
  284. advertisements using the Raw method, impressions are tracked through the use
  285. of a hidden 1x1 pixel image that is displayed along with each advertisement.
  286. The click_filter module can be enabled to filter out the following invalid
  287. clicks:
  288. * Duplicate clicks from the same IP address
  289. * Clicks from the owner of the advertisement
  290. * Clicks from any user with 'filter clicks' permissions.
  291. * Clicks from any users in which the word "bot" is contained in their
  293. This means that when the click_filter module is enabled, all clicks by UID 1
  294. will be filtered because Drupal will automatically assign all permissions to
  295. this user, including the 'filter clicks' permission. The click_filter module
  296. currently has no configuration options beyond the 'filter clicks' permission.