You are here in Advertisement 6


Copyright (c) 2005-2009. Jeremy Andrews <>.

By default, adserve configuration happens dynamically as ads are served. However, it is possible to override dynamic settings with static defaults. Refer to the documentation/ADSERVE_CONFIGURATION.txt for details on adding adserve overrides to settings.php.

Note that the path to Drupal's root directory can not be overriden in settings.php as adserve needs this path to find settings.php in the first place. To hard code the path to Drupal's root directory, uncomment the following define statement, and set the correct path. This is not generally required. On a Unix server this path will be something like '/path/to/web'. On a Windows server this path will be something like 'D:\path\to\web'.

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 * @file
 * Configuration.
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009.
 *   Jeremy Andrews <>.
 * By default, adserve configuration happens dynamically as ads are served.
 * However, it is possible to override dynamic settings with static defaults.
 * Refer to the documentation/ADSERVE_CONFIGURATION.txt for details on adding
 * adserve overrides to settings.php.
 * Note that the path to Drupal's root directory can not be overriden in
 * settings.php as adserve needs this path to find settings.php in the first
 * place.  To hard code the path to Drupal's root directory, uncomment the
 * following define statement, and set the correct path.  This is not generally
 * required.  On a Unix server this path will be something like '/path/to/web'.
 * On a Windows server this path will be something like 'D:\path\to\web'.

//define('DRUPAL_ROOT', '/var/www/html');

 * The main adserve logic.
function adserve_ad($options = array()) {
  static $displayed_count = 0;

  // If no $options are passed in, assume we're using JavaScript.
  if (!empty($options)) {
    adserve_variable('variable_load', $options);
  else {
  adserve_variable('error', FALSE);
  $output = NULL;
  if (adserve_variable('adcache') != 'none') {

     * Ad caches are defined through external modules.  Ad caches are composed
     * of a module 'ad_cache_TYPE.module' and an include file
     * '' that live in the 'cache/TYPE' subdirectory where
     * 'TYPE' is replaced with the type of cache.  For example, the included
     * file cache lives in 'cache/file'.
     * The file must have a function named ad_cache_TYPE()
     * which is used to display ads.  It can optionally include a function
     * titled ad_cache_TYPE_variables used to extract any necessary
     * variables from the global $_GET array (this can also be used to override
     * values that would normally be set from $_GET).  Any functions used
     * by this code without bootstrapping Drupal should also be in this file.
     * The ad_cache_TYPE.module file should define the drupal _help() hook
     * so the module can be enabled.  It should also define the _adcacheapi()
     * hook allowing for configuration and processing.  Any functions used by
     * this code after bootstrapping Drupal should also be in this module.
     * Refer to cache/file/* for an implementation example.
    $function = 'ad_cache_' . adserve_variable('adcache');
    $output = adserve_invoke_file($function);

  // If there's no output, we assume either there's no cache enabled, or the
  // cache failed.
  // TODO: Log failures with the watchdog.
  if ($output == NULL) {
    if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
      echo "No cache enabled.<br />\n";
    if (adserve_variable('nids')) {
      $id = adserve_variable('nids');
      $type = 'nids';
      adserve_variable('group', "n{$id}");

      // Retrieve all active advertisements from the provided nid list.
      $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {ads} WHERE adstatus = 'active' AND aid IN (%s)";
      $result = db_query($sql, $id);
      if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
        echo "Searching for ad from nid list: {$id}.<br />\n";
        echo "Query: \"{$sql};\"<br />\n";
    else {
      if (adserve_variable('tids')) {
        $id = adserve_variable('tids');
        $type = 'tids';
        adserve_variable('group', "t{$id}");

        // Retrieve all active advertisements from the provided tid list.
        $sql = "SELECT a.aid FROM {ads} a INNER JOIN {term_node} n ON a.aid = n.nid WHERE a.adstatus = 'active' AND n.tid IN (%s)";
        $result = db_query($sql, $id);
        if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
          echo "Searching for ad from tid list: {$id}.<br />\n";
          echo "Query: \"{$sql};\"<br />\n";
      else {
        $id = 0;
        $type = 'default';
        adserve_variable('group', "{$id}");

        // Randomly determine which ad to display from those that do not have
        // any tid assigned to them.
        $sql = "SELECT a.aid FROM {ads} a LEFT JOIN {term_node} n ON a.aid = n.nid WHERE a.adstatus = 'active' AND n.tid IS NULL";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
          echo "Searching for ads with no tids.<br />\n";
          echo "Query: \"{$sql};\"<br />\n";

    // Build list of all available ads to choose from.
    $available = array();
    while ($ad = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $available[$ad->aid] = $ad->aid;
    if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
      echo 'Available ads: ';
      if (sizeof($ads)) {
        echo implode(', ', $available) . "<br />";
      else {
        echo 'none<br />';

    // Randomly select from available advertisements.
    $selected = adserve_select_ad($available, adserve_variable('quantity'));
    $output = '';
    $ads = 0;
    $details = array();
    $ids = array();

    // Include appropriate module for displaying selected ad.
    foreach ($selected as $aid) {
      $ids[$aid] = $aid;
      $detail = $details[$aid] = node_load($aid);
      if (!isset($modules[$detail->adtype])) {
        $modules[$detail->adtype] = db_result(db_query("SELECT filename FROM {system} WHERE name = '%s'", 'ad_' . $detail->adtype));
      if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
        echo 'ad: <pre>';
        echo '</pre>';
        echo "Loading module '" . $modules[$detail->adtype] . "'.<br />\n";
      include_once $modules[$detail->adtype];
      if ($output) {

        // Add a div between ads that themers can use to arrange ads when
        // displaying more than one at a time.
        $output .= "<div class=\"advertisement-space\" id=\"space-{$id}-{$displayed_count}\"></div>";
      $output .= module_invoke("ad_{$detail->adtype}", 'display_ad', $detail);

      // Update the ad's impressions counter.
      if (adserve_variable('ad_display') == 'raw') {
        $output .= ad_display_image($detail);
      else {
    adserve_variable("{$type}-ids", $ids);
    if (empty($ads)) {
      adserve_variable('error', TRUE);
      $output = 'No active ads were found in the ' . (empty($nids) ? 'tids' : 'nids') . " '{$id}'.";
      adserve_increment(NULL, 'count');
    if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
      echo "Ads displayed: {$ads}<br />";
  $hostid = adserve_variable('hostid');
  $group = adserve_variable('group');
  $replace = "/{$group}";
  if (!empty($hostid)) {
    $replace .= "/{$hostid}";
  if ($url = htmlentities(adserve_variable('url'))) {
    $replace .= "?u={$url}";
  $output = preg_replace('&/@HOSTID___&', $replace, $output);
  if (adserve_variable('error')) {
    $output = "<!-- {$output} -->";

   * Modules can add custom code to be displayed before or after ads are
   * displayed.  For example, you many want to add a tagline, "Powered by
   * Drupal".  To do so, define 'adserve_exit_text' within your module's
   * adapi hook.
   * Code sample for adserve_exit_text example:
   *   sample_adapi($op, $ad) {
   *     case 'adserve_exit_text':
   *       return array(
   *         'sample' => array(
   *           'text' => t('Powered by Drupal'),
   *         )
   *       );
   *   }
   * As another example use case, you could also use the _init_text and
   * _exit_text hooks to wrap all advertisements in a custom div.
  $init = TRUE;
  foreach (array(
  ) as $hook) {
    $result = adserve_invoke_hook($hook);
    if (is_array($result)) {
      $append = '';
      foreach ($result as $text) {
        if ($text['text']) {
          $append .= $text['text'];
      if ($init) {
        $output = $append . $output;
      else {
        $output .= $append;
    $init = FALSE;
  switch (adserve_variable('ad_display')) {
    case 'iframe':
    case 'jquery':
      if (!adserve_variable('debug')) {

        // Tell the web browser not to cache this frame so the ad refreshes
        // each time the page is viewed.
        // Expires in the past:
        header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

        // Last load:
        header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');

        // HTTP 1.1:
        header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
        header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', FALSE);

        // HTTP 1.0:
        header('Pragma: no-cache');
      print "{$output}";
    case 'javascript':
      $output = str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), addslashes($output));
      if (!adserve_variable('debug')) {

        // Tell the web browser not to cache this script so the ad refreshes
        // each time the page is viewed.
        // Expires in the past:
        header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

        // Last load:
        header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');

        // HTTP 1.1:
        header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
        header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', FALSE);

        // HTTP 1.0:
        header('Pragma: no-cache');

        // Output is a JavaScript:
        header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8');
      print "document.write('{$output}');";
    case 'raw':
      return $output;

 * Retrieve variables from $_GET array or from passed in $value array.
function adserve_variable($variable, $value = NULL) {
  global $conf;
  static $variables = NULL, $overridden = NULL, $cache_loaded = array();

  // Declare variables if not already declared.
  if ($variables === NULL) {
    $variables = new stdClass();

  // Update the value, if set.
  if (isset($value)) {
    $variables->{$variable} = $value;
  if (!isset($variables->loaded) || $variable == 'variable_load') {
    if ($variable == 'variable_load' && isset($value)) {
      $values['debug'] = isset($value['debug']) ? $value['debug'] : '';
      $values['c'] = isset($value['adcache']) ? $value['adcache'] : '';
      $values['n'] = isset($value['nids']) ? $value['nids'] : '';
      $values['t'] = isset($value['tids']) ? $value['tids'] : '';
      $values['k'] = isset($value['hostid']) ? $value['hostid'] : '';
      $values['q'] = isset($value['quantity']) ? $value['quantity'] : 1;
      $values['m'] = isset($value['ad_display']) ? $value['ad_display'] : 0;
    else {
      $values = $_GET;

    // Don't use getcwd as path may involve symbolic links
    $variables->ad_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);

    // 'debug' is an integer.
    $variables->debug = isset($values['debug']) ? (int) $values['debug'] : 0;

    // Cache types are comprised of only letters.
    $variables->adcache = isset($values['c']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $values['c']) : 'none';

    // Nids is an integer or a ",".
    $variables->nids = isset($values['n']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', $values['n']) : '';

    // Tids is an integer or a ",".
    $variables->tids = isset($values['t']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', $values['t']) : '';

    // Hostid is an md5() which is comprised of numbers and letters a-f.
    $variables->hostid = isset($values['k']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9a-f]/', '', $values['k']) : '';

    // Click url
    $variables->url = isset($values['u']) ? $values['u'] : '';

    // Quantity is an integer.
    $variables->quantity = isset($values['q']) ? (int) $values['q'] : 0;

    // Ad ID is an integer.
    $variables->aid = isset($values['a']) ? (int) $values['a'] : 0;

    // Method is compriese of only letters.
    $variables->ad_display = isset($values['m']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $values['m']) : 'javascript';

    // Set defaults.
    $variables->quantity = $variables->quantity ? $variables->quantity : 1;
    if ($variables->debug) {
      foreach ($variables as $variable => $val) {
        echo "{$variable}: '{$val}'<br />\n";
      if ($variables->debug == 1) {
    $variables->loaded = TRUE;

    // Override the value, if set during initialization.
    if (isset($value)) {
      $variables->{$variable} = $value;
  if (!$overridden) {
    if (isset($conf)) {
      foreach ($conf as $var => $val) {
        $variables->{$var} = $val;
        if ($variables->debug) {
          echo "Override {$var}: '{$val}'<br />\n";
      $overridden = TRUE;
  if (!isset($cache_loaded[$variables->adcache])) {

    // Retrieve variables defined by cache plugin, if enabled.
    if ($variables->adcache != 'none') {
      $include = $variables->ad_dir . "/cache/{$variables->adcache}/ad_cache_{$variables->adcache}.inc";
      if (file_exists($include)) {
        if ($variables->debug) {
          echo "Attempting to include cache include file '{$include}'.<br />\n";
        require_once $include;
      else {
        if ($variables->debug) {
          echo "Failed to find cache include file '{$include}'.<br />\n";
      $function = 'ad_cache_' . $variables->adcache . '_variables';
      if (function_exists($function)) {
        $external_variables = $function();
        foreach ($external_variables as $key => $val) {
          if (!isset($variables->{$key})) {
            $variables->{$key} = $val;
    $cache_loaded[$variables->adcache] = TRUE;
  if ($variable == 'variable_dump') {
    echo "Dumping \$variables:<br />\n";
    echo '<pre>';
    foreach ($variables as $var => $val) {
      echo "  {$var}({$val})<br />\n";
    echo '</pre>';
  if (isset($variables->{$variable})) {
    return $variables->{$variable};
  else {
    return NULL;

 * Invoke a function in the specified file.
function adserve_invoke_file($function, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL) {
  $output = '';
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    $output = $function($arg1, $arg2);
  else {
    if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
      echo "Function '{$function}' does not exist.<br />\n";
  return $output;

 * Invoke adserve hooks, defined in adapi with adserve_HOOK.
function adserve_invoke_hook($hook, $a1 = NULL, $a2 = NULL) {
  if (adserve_variable('adcache') != 'none') {
    $cache = adserve_variable('adcache');
    _debug_echo("Invoking adserve hook '{$hook}' in {$cache} cache.");

    // Get information from cache.
    return adserve_invoke_file("ad_cache_{$cache}_{$hook}", $a1, $a2);
  else {
    _debug_echo("Invoking adserve hook '{$hook}'.");

    // Get information from Drupal variable table.
    $actions = variable_get($hook, '');
    $return = array();
    if (!empty($actions)) {
      $actions = unserialize($actions);
      foreach ($actions as $name => $action) {
        if ($action['function']) {
          $function = $action['function'];
          if (!function_exists($function)) {
            if ($action['path']) {
              _debug_echo("Including file '" . $action['path'] . "'.");
              include_once $action['path'];
          if (function_exists($function)) {
            _debug_echo("Invoking function '{$function}'.");
            $return[] = $function($a1, $a2);
          else {
            if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
              echo "Function '{$function}' does not exist.<br />\n";
        else {
          $return[] = $action;
    return $return;

  // Retreive hook definition from cache if using, or from variable_get
  // return hook action.
function _debug_echo($text) {
  if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
    echo "{$text}<br />\n";

 * Remove one or more ids from array.
 * TODO: Optimize.  Perhaps something like array_flip, unset, array_flip.
 * @param $ids An array of ID's, ie array(5, 8, 9, 11).
 * @param $remove An ID or an array of ID's to be removed from $ids.
function adserve_select_reindex($ids, $remove) {
  $new = array();

  // Walk through array of IDs and decide what to keep.
  foreach ($ids as $id) {

    // If $remove is an array, walk through array to decide fate of ID.
    if (is_array($remove)) {
      $keep = TRUE;
      foreach ($remove as $rem) {

        // Loop until we find one that matches or reach end of array.
        if ($id == $rem) {
          $keep = FALSE;
      if ($keep) {
        $new[] = $id;
    else {
      if ($id != $remove) {
        $new[] = $id;
  return $new;

* Disabled: will be re-implemented with new adserve hooks introduced for
* geotargeting.
function adserve_invoke_weight($ads, $quantity = 1, $invalid = array()) {
 $parent = adserve_variable('ad_dir') .'/weight';
 if (is_dir($parent) && $handle = opendir($parent)) {
   while ($dir = readdir($handle)) {
     if (is_dir("$parent/$dir") && !in_array($dir, array('.', '..', 'CVS'))) {
       $include = "$parent/$dir/ad_weight_$";
       if (file_exists($include)) {
         $function = "ad_weight_{$dir}_select_ad";
         if (function_exists($function)) {
           $return = $function($ads, $quantity, $invalid);
           // First come, first serve.  We found an ad_weight function that
           // returned something, so we'll take it.
           if ($return) {
             return $return;

 * Simple default function to randomly select an ad.  Provides a hook to allow
 * the definition of external display methods.
 * @param An array of valid ad IDs, ie array(5, 8, 9, 11).
 * @param Optional, how many unique ads to select.
 * @param Optional, an array of invalid IDs.
function adserve_select_ad($ads, $quantity = 1, $invalid = array()) {

  //adserve_invoke_weight($ads, $quantity, $invalid);
  $ids = array();
  $id = 0;
  $total = sizeof($ads);
  _debug_echo("Selecting {$quantity} ad(s) from {$total} total ad(s).");
  if (is_array($ads)) {
    $ads = adserve_select_reindex($ads, $invalid);
    $total = sizeof($ads);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $quantity; $i++) {
      _debug_echo('Randomly selecting ad: ' . ($i + 1) . " of {$quantity}.");
      $id = 0;

      // Randomly select a unique banner to display.  We subtract 1 as arrays
      // start at 0.
      $return = adserve_invoke_hook('adserve_select', $ads, $invalid);
      if (is_array($return) && !empty($return)) {
        foreach ($return as $id) {

          // First come first serve.
          if ((int) $id) {
      if ($id >= 0 && sizeof($ads)) {
        if ($id == 0) {
          _debug_echo("Default ID selection in");
          $id = $total > 1 ? $ads[mt_rand(0, $total - 1)] : $ads[0];
          _debug_echo("Randomly selected ID: {$id}.");
        if ($id > 0) {
          $ids[] = $id;
      else {

        // There are no more valid advertisements left to display.
      $invalid[] = $id;
      $ads = adserve_select_reindex($ads, $id);
      $total = sizeof($ads);

      // We're out of ads to display.
      if ($total <= 0) {
  return $ids;

 * Include Drupal's
function adserve_include_drupal() {

  // For optimal performance set DRUPAL_ROOT at the top of this file.
  if (defined('DRUPAL_ROOT')) {
    if (is_dir(DRUPAL_ROOT) && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/')) {
      adserve_variable('root_dir', DRUPAL_ROOT);
    else {
      echo 'Invalid DRUPAL_ROOT (' . DRUPAL_ROOT . ') defined in';
  else {
    $path = explode('/', adserve_variable('ad_dir'));
    while (!empty($path)) {

      // Search for top level Drupal directory to perform bootstrap.
      chdir(implode('/', $path));
      if (file_exists('./includes/')) {
        adserve_variable('root_dir', getcwd());
  require_once adserve_variable('root_dir') . '/includes/';

 * Include the necessary files and call the Drupal bootstrap.
function adserve_bootstrap($bootstrap = NULL) {

  // If no specific bootstrap is specified, do a full bootstrap.
  if (!isset($bootstrap)) {
    $bootstrap = DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL;
  if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
    echo "Drupal bootstrap '" . $bootstrap . "'.<br />\n";

 * Increment ad counters.  Increment in cache if enabled.
function adserve_increment($ad, $action = 'view') {
  $cache = adserve_variable('adcache');
  if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
    echo "adserve_increment action({$action}) cache({$cache})<br />\n";
  if (is_object($ad) && isset($ad->aid)) {
    $aid = $ad->aid;
  else {
    $aid = 0;
  if ($cache != 'none') {
    $rc = adserve_invoke_file("ad_cache_{$cache}_increment", $action, $aid);
    if ($rc) {

  // Update impressions statistics.
  db_query("UPDATE {ad_statistics} SET count = count + 1 WHERE aid = %d AND action = '%s' AND date = %d AND adgroup = '%s' AND hostid = '%s'", $aid, $action, date('YmdH'), adserve_variable('group'), adserve_variable('hostid'));

  // If column doesn't already exist, we need to add it.
  if (!db_affected_rows()) {
    db_query("INSERT INTO {ad_statistics} (aid, date, action, adgroup, hostid, count) VALUES(%d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', 1)", $aid, date('YmdH'), $action, adserve_variable('hostid'), adserve_variable('hostid'));

    // If another process already added this row our INSERT will fail, if
    // so we still need to increment it so we don't loose an impression.
    if (!db_affected_rows()) {
      db_query("UPDATE {ad_statistics} SET count = count + 1 WHERE aid = %d AND action = '%s' AND date = %d AND adgroup = '%s' AND hostid = '%s'", $aid, $action, date('YmdH'), adserve_variable('group'), adserve_variable('hostid'));
  if ($action == 'view') {

    // See if we need to perform additional queries.
    if (isset($ad->maxviews) && $ad->maxviews > 0) {
      $views = (int) db_result(db_query("SELECT SUM(count) FROM {ad_statistics} WHERE aid = %d AND action = 'view' AND date >= %d", $aid, date('YmdH', $ad->activated)));
      if ($views >= $ad->maxviews) {
        db_query("UPDATE {ads} SET adstatus = 'expired', autoexpire = 0, autoexpired = %d, expired = %d WHERE aid = %d", time(), time(), $aid);
        ad_statistics_increment($aid, 'autoexpired');
        ad_statistics_increment($aid, 'expired');

  // TODO: Do we need to do this here?  Can it happen when a new click is
  // registered?
  if (isset($ad->maxclicks) && $ad->maxclicks > 0) {
    $clicks = (int) db_result(db_query("SELECT SUM(count) FROM {ad_statistics} WHERE aid = %d AND action = 'click' AND date >= %d", $aid, date('YmdH', $ad->activated)));
    if ($clicks >= $ad->maxclicks) {
      db_query("UPDATE {ads} SET adstatus = 'expired', autoexpire = 0, autoexpired = %d, expired = %d WHERE aid = %d", time(), time(), $aid);
      ad_statistics_increment($aid, 'autoexpired');
      ad_statistics_increment($aid, 'expired');

 * Display additional debug information.
function adserve_debug() {
  if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
    echo "Root drupal directory detected as '" . adserve_variable('root_dir') . "'.<br />\n<br />\n";
    $ad_dir = adserve_variable('ad_dir');
    $files = array(
    if (adserve_variable('debug') > 2) {
      $files = array_merge($files, array(
    if (adserve_variable('debug') > 3) {
      $files = array_merge($files, array(
    foreach ($files as $file) {
      if (!file_exists($file)) {
        echo "Error: '{$file}' does not exist!<br />\n";
      else {
        if (!is_readable($file)) {
          echo "Error: '{$file}' is not readable!<br />\n";
        else {
          $fd = fopen($file, 'r');
          while (!feof($fd)) {
            $line = fgets($fd);
            if (substr($line, 0, 5) == "<?php") {
            else {
              echo "{$file}: {$line}<br />";
    echo "<br />\n";


Namesort descending Description
adserve_ad The main adserve logic.
adserve_bootstrap Include the necessary files and call the Drupal bootstrap.
adserve_debug Display additional debug information.
adserve_include_drupal Include Drupal's
adserve_increment Increment ad counters. Increment in cache if enabled.
adserve_invoke_file Invoke a function in the specified file.
adserve_invoke_hook Invoke adserve hooks, defined in adapi with adserve_HOOK.
adserve_select_ad Simple default function to randomly select an ad. Provides a hook to allow the definition of external display methods.
adserve_select_reindex Remove one or more ids from array. TODO: Optimize. Perhaps something like array_flip, unset, array_flip.
adserve_variable Retrieve variables from $_GET array or from passed in $value array.