You are here in Advertisement 5

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 * Configuration.
 * By default, adserve configuration happens dynamically as ads are served.
 * However, it is possible to override dynamic settings with static defaults.
 * Refer to the documentation/ADSERVE_CONFIGURATION.txt for details on adding
 * adserve overrides to settings.php.
 * Note that the path to Drupal's root directory can not be overriden in
 * settings.php as adserve needs this path to find settings.php in the first
 * place.  To hard code the path to Drupal's root directory, uncomment the
 * following define statement, and set the correct path.  This is not generally
 * required.

//define('DRUPAL_ROOT', '/var/www/html');

 * The main adserve logic.
function adserve_ad($options = array()) {
  static $displayed_count = 0;

  // If no $options are passed in, assume we're using JavaScript.
  if (!empty($options)) {
    adserve_variable('variable_load', $options);
  else {
  adserve_variable('error', FALSE);
  $output = NULL;
  if (adserve_variable('adcache') != 'none') {

     * Ad caches are defined through external modules.  Ad caches are composed
     * of a module 'ad_cache_TYPE.module' and an include file
     * '' that live in the 'cache/TYPE' subdirectory where
     * 'TYPE' is replaced with the type of cache.  For example, the included
     * file cache lives in 'cache/file'.
     * The file must have a function named ad_cache_TYPE()
     * which is used to display ads.  It can optionally include a function
     * titled ad_cache_TYPE_variables used to extract any necessary
     * variables from the global $_GET array (this can also be used to override
     * values that would normally be set from $_GET).  Any functions used
     * by this code without bootstrapping Drupal should also be in this file.
     * The ad_cache_TYPE.module file should define the drupal _help() hook
     * so the module can be enabled.  It should also define the _adcacheapi()
     * hook allowing for configuration and processing.  Any functions used by
     * this code after bootstrapping Drupal should also be in this module.
     * Refer to cache/file/* for an implementation example.
    $function = 'ad_cache_' . adserve_variable('adcache');
    $output = adserve_invoke_file($function);

  // If there's no output, we assume either there's no cache enabled, or the
  // cache failed.
  // TODO: Log failures with the watchdog.
  if ($output == NULL) {
    if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
      echo "No cache enabled.<br />\n";
    if (adserve_variable('nids')) {
      $id = adserve_variable('nids');
      $type = 'nids';
      adserve_variable('group', "n{$id}");

      // Retrieve all active advertisements from the provided nid list.
      $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {ads} WHERE adstatus = 'active' AND aid IN({$id})";
      $result = db_query($sql);
      if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
        echo "Searching for ad from nid list: {$id}.<br />\n";
        echo "Query: \"{$sql};\"<br />\n";
    else {
      if (adserve_variable('tids')) {
        $id = adserve_variable('tids');
        $type = 'tids';
        adserve_variable('group', "t{$id}");

        // Retrieve all active advertisements from the provided tid list.
        $sql = "SELECT a.aid FROM {ads} a INNER JOIN {term_node} n ON a.aid = n.nid WHERE a.adstatus = 'active' AND n.tid IN({$id})";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
          echo "Searching for ad from tid list: {$id}.<br />\n";
          echo "Query: \"{$sql};\"<br />\n";
      else {
        $id = 0;
        $type = 'default';
        adserve_variable('group', "{$id}");

        // Randomly determine which ad to display from those that do not have
        // any tid assigned to them.
        $sql = "SELECT a.aid FROM {ads} a LEFT JOIN {term_node} n ON a.aid = n.nid WHERE a.adstatus = 'active' AND n.tid IS NULL";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
          echo "Searching for ads with no tids.<br />\n";
          echo "Query: \"{$sql};\"<br />\n";

    // Build list of all available ads to choose from.
    while ($ad = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $available[$ad->aid] = $ad->aid;
    if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
      echo 'Available ads: ';
      if (sizeof($ads)) {
        echo implode(', ', $available) . "<br />";
      else {
        echo 'none<br />';

    // Randomly select from available advertisements.
    $selected = adserve_select_ad($available, adserve_variable('quantity'));
    $output = '';
    $ads = 0;
    $details = array();

    // Include appropriate module for displaying selected ad.
    foreach ($selected as $aid) {
      $ids[$aid] = $aid;
      $detail = $details[$aid] = node_load($aid);
      if (!isset($modules[$detail->adtype])) {
        $modules[$detail->adtype] = db_result(db_query("SELECT filename FROM {system} WHERE name = '%s'", "ad_{$detail->adtype}"));
      if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
        echo 'ad: <pre>';
        echo '</pre>';
        echo "Loading module '" . $modules[$detail->adtype] . "'.<br />\n";
      include_once $modules[$detail->adtype];
      if ($output) {

        // Add a div between ads that themers can use to arrange ads when
        // displaying more than one at a time.
        $output .= "<div class=\"advertisement-space\" id=\"space-{$id}-{$displayed_count}\"></div>";
      $output .= module_invoke("ad_{$detail->adtype}", 'display_ad', $detail);

      // Update the ad's view counter.
      if (adserve_variable('ad_display') == 'raw') {
        $output .= ad_display_image($detail);
      else {
    adserve_variable("{$type}-ids", $ids);
    if (empty($ads)) {
      adserve_variable('error', TRUE);
      $output = 'No active ads were found in the ' . (empty($nids) ? 'tids' : 'nids') . " '{$id}'.";
      adserve_increment(NULL, 'count');
    if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
      echo "Ads displayed: {$ads}<br />";
  $hostid = adserve_variable('hostid');
  $group = adserve_variable('group');
  if ($url = htmlentities(adserve_variable('url'))) {
    $replace = "/{$group}/{$hostid}?u={$url}";
  else {
    $replace = "/{$group}/{$hostid}";
  $output = preg_replace('&/@HOSTID___&', $replace, $output);
  if (adserve_variable('error')) {
    $output = "<!-- {$output} -->";

   * Modules can add custom code to be displayed before or after ads are
   * displayed.  For example, you many want to add a tagline, "Powered by
   * Drupal".  To do so, define 'adserve_exit_text' within your module's
   * adapi hook.
   * Code sample for adserve_exit_text example:
   *   sample_adapi($op, $ad) {
   *     case 'adserve_exit_text':
   *       return array(
   *         'sample' => array(
   *           'text' => t('Powered by Drupal'),
   *         )
   *       );
   *   }
   * As another example use case, you could also use the _init_text and
   * _exit_text hooks to wrap all advertisements in a custom div.
  $init = TRUE;
  foreach (array(
  ) as $hook) {
    $result = adserve_invoke_hook($hook);
    if (is_array($result)) {
      $append = '';
      foreach ($result as $text) {
        if ($text['text']) {
          $append .= $text['text'];
      if ($init) {
        $output = $append . $output;
      else {
        $output .= $append;
    $init = FALSE;
  switch (adserve_variable('ad_display')) {
    case 'iframe':
    case 'jquery':
      if (!adserve_variable('debug')) {

        // Tell the web browser not to cache this frame so the ad refreshes
        // each time the page is viewed.
        // Expires in the past:
        header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

        // Last load:
        header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');

        // HTTP 1.1:
        header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
        header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);

        // HTTP 1.0:
        header('Pragma: no-cache');
      print "{$output}";
    case 'javascript':
      $output = str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), addslashes($output));
      if (!adserve_variable('debug')) {

        // Tell the web browser not to cache this script so the ad refreshes
        // each time the page is viewed.
        // Expires in the past:
        header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

        // Last load:
        header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');

        // HTTP 1.1:
        header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
        header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);

        // HTTP 1.0:
        header('Pragma: no-cache');

        // Output is a JavaScript:
        header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8');
      print "document.write('{$output}');";
    case 'raw':
      return $output;

 * Retrieve variables from $_GET array or from passed in $value array.
function adserve_variable($variable, $value = NULL) {
  global $conf;
  static $variables = NULL, $overridden = NULL, $cache_loaded = array();

  // Update the value, if set.
  if (isset($value)) {
    $variables->{$variable} = $value;
  $loaded = FALSE;
  if (!isset($variables->loaded) || $variable == 'variable_load') {
    if ($variable == 'variable_load' && isset($value)) {
      $values['debug'] = $value['debug'];
      $values['c'] = $value['adcache'];
      $values['n'] = $value['nids'];
      $values['t'] = $value['tids'];
      $values['k'] = $value['hostid'];
      $values['q'] = $value['quantity'];
      $values['m'] = $value['ad_display'];
    else {
      $values = $_GET;

    // Don't use getcwd as path may involve symbolic links
    $variables->ad_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);

    // 'debug' is an integer.
    $variables->debug = isset($values['debug']) ? (int) $values['debug'] : 0;

    // Cache types are comprised of only letters.
    $variables->adcache = isset($values['c']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $values['c']) : 'none';

    // Nids is an integer or a ",".
    $variables->nids = isset($values['n']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', $values['n']) : '';

    // Tids is an integer or a ",".
    $variables->tids = isset($values['t']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9,]/', '', $values['t']) : '';

    // Hostid is an md5() which is comprised of numbers and letters a-f.
    $variables->hostid = isset($values['k']) ? preg_replace('/[^0-9a-f]/', '', $values['k']) : '';

    // Click url
    $variables->url = isset($values['u']) ? $values['u'] : '';

    // Quantity is an integer.
    $variables->quantity = isset($values['q']) ? (int) $values['q'] : 0;

    // Ad ID is an integer.
    $variables->aid = isset($values['a']) ? (int) $values['a'] : 0;

    // Method is compriese of only letters.
    $variables->ad_display = isset($values['m']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $values['m']) : 'javascript';

    // Set defaults.
    $variables->quantity = $variables->quantity ? $variables->quantity : 1;
    if ($variables->debug) {
      foreach ($variables as $variable => $val) {
        echo "{$variable}: '{$val}'<br />\n";
      if ($variables->debug == 1) {
    $variables->loaded = TRUE;

    // Override the value, if set during initialization.
    if (isset($value)) {
      $variables->{$variable} = $value;
    $loaded = TRUE;
  if (!$overridden) {
    if (isset($conf)) {
      foreach ($conf as $var => $val) {
        $variables->{$var} = $val;
        if ($variables->debug) {
          echo "Override {$var}: '{$val}'<br />\n";
      $overridden = TRUE;
  if (!isset($cache_loaded[$variables->adcache])) {

    // Retrieve variables defined by cache plugin, if enabled.
    if ($variables->adcache != 'none') {
      $include = $variables->ad_dir . "/cache/{$variables->adcache}/ad_cache_{$variables->adcache}.inc";
      if (file_exists($include)) {
        if ($variables->debug) {
          echo "Attempting to include cache include file '{$include}'.<br />\n";
        require_once $include;
      else {
        if ($variables->debug) {
          echo "Failed to find cache include file '{$include}'.<br />\n";
      $function = "ad_cache_{$variables->adcache}" . '_variables';
      if (function_exists($function)) {
        $external_variables = $function();
        foreach ($external_variables as $key => $val) {
          if (!isset($variables->{$key})) {
            $variables->{$key} = $val;
    $cache_loaded[$variables->adcache] = TRUE;
  if ($variable == 'variable_dump') {
    echo "Dumping \$variables:<br />\n";
    echo '<pre>';
    foreach ($variables as $var => $val) {
      echo "  {$var}({$val})<br />\n";
    echo '</pre>';
  if (isset($variables->{$variable})) {
    return $variables->{$variable};
  else {
    return NULL;

 * Invoke a function in the specified file.
function adserve_invoke_file($function, $arg1 = NULL, $arg2 = NULL) {
  $output = '';
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    $output = $function($arg1, $arg2);
  else {
    if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
      echo "Function '{$function}' does not exist.<br />\n";
  return $output;

 * Invoke adserve hooks, defined in adapi with adserve_HOOK.
function adserve_invoke_hook($hook, $a1 = NULL, $a2 = NULL) {
  if (adserve_variable('adcache') != 'none') {
    $cache = adserve_variable('adcache');
    _debug_echo("Invoking adserve hook '{$hook}' in {$cache} cache.");

    // Get information from cache.
    return adserve_invoke_file("ad_cache_{$cache}_{$hook}", $a1, $a2);
  else {
    _debug_echo("Invoking adserve hook '{$hook}'.");

    // Get information from Drupal variable table.
    $actions = variable_get($hook, '');
    $return = array();
    if (!empty($actions)) {
      $actions = unserialize($actions);
      foreach ($actions as $name => $action) {
        if ($action['function']) {
          $function = $action['function'];
          if (!function_exists($function)) {
            if ($action['path']) {
              _debug_echo("Including file '" . $action['path'] . "'.");
              include_once $action['path'];
          if (function_exists($function)) {
            _debug_echo("Invoking function '{$function}'.");
            $return[] = $function($a1, $a2);
          else {
            if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
              echo "Function '{$function}' does not exist.<br />\n";
        else {
          $return[] = $action;
    return $return;

  // Retreive hook definition from cache if using, or from variable_get
  // return hook action.
function _debug_echo($text) {
  if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
    echo "{$text}<br />\n";

 * Remove one or more ids from array.
 * TODO: Optimize.  Perhaps something like array_flip, unset, array_flip.
 * @param $ids An array of ID's, ie array(5, 8, 9, 11).
 * @param $remove An ID or an array of ID's to be removed from $ids.
function adserve_select_reindex($ids, $remove) {
  $new = array();

  // Walk through array of IDs and decide what to keep.
  foreach ($ids as $id) {

    // If $remove is an array, walk through array to decide fate of ID.
    if (is_array($remove)) {
      $keep = TRUE;
      foreach ($remove as $rem) {

        // Loop until we find one that matches or reach end of array.
        if ($id == $rem) {
          $keep = FALSE;
      if ($keep) {
        $new[] = $id;
    else {
      if ($id != $remove) {
        $new[] = $id;
  return $new;

* Disabled: will be re-implemented with new adserve hooks introduced for
* geotargeting.
function adserve_invoke_weight($ads, $quantity = 1, $invalid = array()) {
 $parent = adserve_variable('ad_dir') .'/weight';
 if (is_dir($parent) && $handle = opendir($parent)) {
   while ($dir = readdir($handle)) {
     if (is_dir("$parent/$dir") && !in_array($dir, array('.', '..', 'CVS'))) {
       $include = "$parent/$dir/ad_weight_$";
       if (file_exists($include)) {
         $function = "ad_weight_{$dir}_select_ad";
         if (function_exists($function)) {
           $return = $function($ads, $quantity, $invalid);
           // First come, first serve.  We found an ad_weight function that
           // returned something, so we'll take it.
           if ($return) {
             return $return;

 * Simple default function to randomly select an ad.  Provides a hook to allow 
 * the definition of external display methods.
 * @param An array of valid ad IDs, ie array(5, 8, 9, 11).
 * @param Optional, how many unique ads to select.
 * @param Optional, an array of invalid IDs.
function adserve_select_ad($ads, $quantity = 1, $invalid = array()) {

  //adserve_invoke_weight($ads, $quantity, $invalid);
  $ids = array();
  $id = 0;
  $total = sizeof($ads);
  _debug_echo("Selecting {$quantity} ad(s) from {$total} total ad(s).");
  if (is_array($ads)) {
    $ads = adserve_select_reindex($ads, $invalid);
    $total = sizeof($ads);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $quantity; $i++) {
      _debug_echo('Randomly selecting ad: ' . ($i + 1) . " of {$quantity}.");
      $id = 0;

      // Randomly select a unique banner to display.  We subtract 1 as arrays
      // start at 0.
      $return = adserve_invoke_hook('adserve_select', $ads, $invalid);
      if (is_array($return) && !empty($return)) {
        foreach ($return as $id) {

          // First come first serve.
          if ((int) $id) {
      if ($id == 0) {
        _debug_echo("Default ID selection in");
        $id = $total > 1 ? $ads[mt_rand(0, $total - 1)] : $ads[0];
        _debug_echo("Randomly selected ID: {$id}.");
      if ($id > 0) {
        $ids[] = $id;
      else {
        if ($id < 0) {

          // There are no more valid advertisements left to display.
      $invalid[] = $id;
      $ads = adserve_select_reindex($ads, $id);
      $total = sizeof($ads);

      // We're out of ads to display.
      if ($total <= 0) {
  return $ids;

 * Include Drupal's
function adserve_include_drupal() {

  // For optimal performance set DRUPAL_ROOT at the top of this file.
  if (defined('DRUPAL_ROOT')) {
    if (is_dir(DRUPAL_ROOT) && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/')) {
    else {
      echo 'Invalid DRUPAL_ROOT (' . DRUPAL_ROOT . ') defined in';
  else {
    $path = explode('/', adserve_variable('ad_dir'));
    while (!empty($path)) {

      // Search for top level Drupal directory to perform bootstrap.
      chdir(implode('/', $path));
      if (file_exists('./includes/')) {
  adserve_variable('root_dir', getcwd());
  require_once adserve_variable('root_dir') . '/includes/';

 * Include the necessary files and call the Drupal bootstrap.
function adserve_bootstrap($bootstrap = NULL) {

  // If no specific bootstrap is specified, do a full bootstrap.
  if (!isset($bootstrap)) {
    $bootstrap = DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL;
  if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
    echo "Drupal bootstrap '" . $bootstrap . "'.<br />\n";

 * Increment ad counters.  Increment in cache if enabled.
function adserve_increment($ad, $action = 'view') {
  $cache = adserve_variable('adcache');
  if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
    echo "adserve_increment action({$action}) cache({$cache})<br />\n";
  if ($cache != 'none') {
    $rc = adserve_invoke_file("ad_cache_{$cache}_increment", $action);
    if ($rc) {

  // Update view statistics.
  db_query("UPDATE {ad_statistics} SET count = count + 1 WHERE aid = %d AND action = '%s' AND date = %d AND adgroup = '%s' AND hostid = '%s'", $ad->aid, $action, date('YmdH'), adserve_variable('group'), adserve_variable('hostid'));

  // If column doesn't already exist, we need to add it.
  if (!db_affected_rows()) {
    db_query("INSERT INTO {ad_statistics} (aid, date, action, adgroup, hostid, count) VALUES(%d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', 1)", $ad->aid, date('YmdH'), $action, adserve_variable('hostid'), adserve_variable('hostid'));

    // If another process already added this row our INSERT will fail, if
    // so we still need to increment it so we don't loose a view.
    if (!db_affected_rows()) {
      db_query("UPDATE {ad_statistics} SET count = count + 1 WHERE aid = %d AND action = '%s' AND date = %d AND adgroup = '%s' AND hostid = '%s'", $ad->aid, $action, date('YmdH'), adserve_variable('group'), adserve_variable('hostid'));
  if ($action == 'view') {

    // See if we need to perform additional queries.
    if ($ad->maxviews) {
      $views = (int) db_result(db_query("SELECT SUM(count) FROM {ad_statistics} WHERE aid = %d AND action = 'view' AND date >= %d", $ad->aid, date('YmdH', $ad->activated)));
      if ($views >= $ad->maxviews) {
        db_query("UPDATE {ads} SET adstatus = 'expired', autoexpire = 0, autoexpired = %d, expired = %d WHERE aid = %d", time(), time(), $ad->aid);
        ad_statistics_increment($ad->aid, 'autoexpired');
        ad_statistics_increment($ad->aid, 'expired');

  // TODO: Do we need to do this here?  Can it happen when a new click is
  // registered?
  if ($ad->maxclicks) {
    $clicks = (int) db_result(db_query("SELECT SUM(count) FROM {ad_statistics} WHERE aid = %d AND action = 'click' AND date >= %d", $ad->aid, date('YmdH', $ad->activated)));
    if ($clicks >= $ad->maxclicks) {
      db_query("UPDATE {ads} SET adstatus = 'expired', autoexpire = 0, autoexpired = %d, expired = %d WHERE aid = %d", time(), time(), $ad->aid);
      ad_statistics_increment($ad->aid, 'autoexpired');
      ad_statistics_increment($ad->aid, 'expired');

 * Display additional debug information.
function adserve_debug() {
  if (adserve_variable('debug')) {
    echo "Root drupal directory detected as '" . adserve_variable('root_dir') . "'.<br />\n<br />\n";
    $ad_dir = adserve_variable('ad_dir');
    $files = array(
    if (adserve_variable('debug') > 2) {
      $files = array_merge($files, array(
    if (adserve_variable('debug') > 3) {
      $files = array_merge($files, array(
    foreach ($files as $file) {
      if (!file_exists($file)) {
        echo "Error: '{$file}' does not exist!<br />\n";
      else {
        if (!is_readable($file)) {
          echo "Error: '{$file}' is not readable!<br />\n";
        else {
          $fd = fopen($file, 'r');
          while (!feof($fd)) {
            $line = fgets($fd);
            if (substr($line, 0, 5) == "<?php") {
            else {
              echo "{$file}: {$line}<br />";
    echo "<br />\n";


Namesort descending Description
adserve_ad The main adserve logic.
adserve_bootstrap Include the necessary files and call the Drupal bootstrap.
adserve_debug Display additional debug information.
adserve_include_drupal Include Drupal's
adserve_increment Increment ad counters. Increment in cache if enabled.
adserve_invoke_file Invoke a function in the specified file.
adserve_invoke_hook Invoke adserve hooks, defined in adapi with adserve_HOOK.
adserve_select_ad Simple default function to randomly select an ad. Provides a hook to allow the definition of external display methods.
adserve_select_reindex Remove one or more ids from array. TODO: Optimize. Perhaps something like array_flip, unset, array_flip.
adserve_variable Retrieve variables from $_GET array or from passed in $value array.