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9 calls to ad_statistics_increment() in Advertisement 5

adserve_increment in ./
Increment ad counters. Increment in cache if enabled.
ad_cache_file_build in cache/file/ad_cache_file.module
Build all required cache files when using the file cache.
ad_cache_memcache_sync_ad in cache/memcache/ad_cache_memcache.module
Syncronize counts for given advertisement with database.
ad_cron in ./ad.module
Drupal _cron hook.
ad_image_handler_field_image in image/
ad_nodeapi in ./ad.module
Drupal _nodeapi hook.
ad_operations_callback in ./ad.module
Callback function for admin mass approving ads. TODO: Update activated and expired when appropriate. TODO: Publish/unpublish nodes when appropriate.
ad_redirect in ./ad.module
Update click counter then redirect host to ad's target URL.
ad_text_handler_field_text in text/