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function ad_link_nofollow in Advertisement 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 ad.module \ad_link_nofollow()
  2. 6 ad.module \ad_link_nofollow()
  3. 6.2 ad.module \ad_link_nofollow()
  4. 7 ad.module \ad_link_nofollow()

Ad API Helper Function: Append rel="nofollow" if globally enabled.

1 call to ad_link_nofollow()
ad_link_attributes in ./ad.module
Ad API Helper Function: Append all necessary attributes to <a> tags.
2 string references to 'ad_link_nofollow'
ad_admin_configure_settings in ./ad.module
Display a form for the ad module settings.
ad_admin_configure_settings_submit in ./ad.module
Save updated values from settings form.


./ad.module, line 229
An advertising system for Drupal powered websites.


function ad_link_nofollow() {
  if (variable_get('ad_link_nofollow', 0)) {
    return ' rel="nofollow"';