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function ad_access in Advertisement 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 ad.module \ad_access()
  2. 5 ad.module \ad_access()
  3. 6.3 ad.module \ad_access()
  4. 6.2 ad.module \ad_access()
  5. 7.2 ad.module \ad_access()

Implementation of hook_access().

4 calls to ad_access()
ad_external_access in external/ad_external.module
Implementation of hook_access().
ad_html_access in html/ad_html.module
Implementation of hook_access().
ad_image_access in image/ad_image.module
Implementation of hook_access().
ad_text_access in text/ad_text.module
Implementation of hook_access().


./ad.module, line 486
An advertising system for Drupal powered websites.


function ad_access($op, $node, $account) {
  if ($op == 'create') {
    return user_access('create advertisements', $account);
  if ($op == 'update' || $op == 'delete') {
    return user_access('administer advertisements', $account) || module_exists('ad_owners') && ad_is_owner($node->nid) && user_access('edit own advertisements', $account);