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Functions in Activity 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
activity_access_batch_set ./ FAPI form submit function for the activity_rebuild button. 1
activity_actions_delete_form ./ Create the form for confirmation of deleting an activity action. 1
activity_actions_delete_form_submit ./ Process activity_actions_delete form submissions.
activity_admin_overview ./ Menu callback to display all the currently setup Activities. 1
activity_admin_recreate ./ Page callback to set up a batch process. 1
activity_bad_trigger_weight ./activity.install Check to see if we need to fix the Trigger weight. 2
activity_batch_access ./activity.module Access callback for batch access 1
activity_batch_access_rebuild_process ./ Batch API processing operation. Rebuilding Access table. 1
activity_batch_delete ./ Batch deletion step. 2
activity_batch_recreate_messages_step ./ Batch operation callback to generate new messages. 1
activity_batch_regenerate ./ Set a batch process to regenerate activity for a specific hook and op pair. 1
activity_batch_regenerate_step ./ Batch regeneration step. 2
activity_cache_api_load ./activity.module 1
activity_cache_get ./activity.module 10
activity_comments_add_js activity_comments/activity_comments.module After build function to add the js to the page 2
activity_comments_comment_delete activity_comments/activity_comments.module Delete comment form build 1
activity_comments_comment_delete_submit activity_comments/activity_comments.module Form submit for the delete form
activity_comments_delete_access activity_comments/activity_comments.module Access callback to determine if you can delete the comment 1 1
activity_comments_form activity_comments/activity_comments.module Add comment form. 1
activity_comments_form_submit activity_comments/activity_comments.module Implements hook_submit() for activity_comments_form().
activity_comments_insert_ajax_callback activity_comments/activity_comments.module 1
activity_comments_install activity_comments/activity_comments.install Implements hook_install().
activity_comments_menu activity_comments/activity_comments.module Implements hook_menu().
activity_comments_permission activity_comments/activity_comments.module Implements hook_permission().
activity_comments_schema activity_comments/activity_comments.install Implements hook_schema().
activity_comments_theme activity_comments/activity_comments.module Implements hook_theme().
activity_comments_uninstall activity_comments/activity_comments.install Implements hook_uninstall().
activity_comments_views_api activity_comments/activity_comments.module Implements hook_views_api().
activity_comments_views_data activity_comments/views/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
activity_comments_views_handlers activity_comments/views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
activity_comments_wrap activity_comments/activity_comments.module FAPI pre_render function 1
activity_comment_delete ./activity.module Implements hook_comment_delete().
activity_comment_update ./activity.module Implements hook_comment_update().
activity_configure_handler_form ./ Form builder for the Handler configuration. 1
activity_configure_handler_form_submit ./ Form submit handler for the configuration form.
activity_create_form ./ Form builder to select what type of Activity to record. 1
activity_create_form_submit ./ Form submit callback to create the new ActivityActionHandler.
activity_delete ./activity.module Delete a set of Activities. 5
activity_delete_access ./activity.module Menu Access callback for delete Activity. 1 1
activity_delete_confirm ./ Menu callback -- ask for confirmation of activity deletion 1
activity_delete_confirm_submit ./ Execute activity deletion
activity_enabled_languages ./activity.module helper function to get the enabled languages 1
activity_expire_validate ./ Element validate callback 1
activity_fix_trigger_weight ./activity.install Sets Trigger modules weight to be higher then pathauto. 1
activity_form_options_hooks ./activity.module Option callback used to present the available hooks. 1 1
activity_get_grants ./activity.module Return all the grants for a given activity. 2
activity_handler_batchable_load ./activity.module Load a batchable Activity Handler from an aid. 1
activity_handler_load ./activity.module Load an Activity Handler from an aid. 6
activity_install ./activity.install
activity_load_handler ./activity.module Load a Handler for a given hook. 8


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