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Files in Activity 5.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description name = Activity description = Allow users to see their friends' activity on the site. dependencies = buddylist package = Activity
activity.install activity.install Install file for activity module.
activity.module activity.module Activity module: Allow users to see their friends' activity on the site.
ActivityAPITests.test tests/ActivityAPITests.test contrib/ name = Buddylist activity description = Enable activity notifications for buddylist. dependencies = activity buddylist package = Activity
buddylistactivity.module contrib/buddylistactivity.module contrib/ name = Node activity description = Enable activity notifications for content creation. dependencies = activity package = Activity
nodeactivity.module contrib/nodeactivity.module contrib/ name = Views bookmark activity description = Enable activity notifications for views bookmarks. dependencies = activity views_bookmark package = Activity
views_bookmarkactivity.module contrib/views_bookmarkactivity.module contrib/ name = Voting activity description = Enable activity notifications for voting. dependencies = activity votingapi package = Activity
votingapiactivity.module contrib/votingapiactivity.module

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