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function votingapiactivity_token_list in Activity 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.4 contrib/votingapiactivity/votingapiactivity.module \votingapiactivity_token_list()
  2. 5.3 contrib/votingapiactivity/votingapiactivity.module \votingapiactivity_token_list()

Token module integration. Defines available default tokens.


contrib/votingapiactivity/votingapiactivity.module, line 46


function votingapiactivity_token_list($type = 'all') {
  if ($type == 'votingapiactivity') {
    $tokens['votingapiactivity'] = array(
      'author-vote' => t('Value of the author\'s vote'),
      'content-type' => t('Content type that was voted on such as "story" or "image" or "comment"'),
      'content-id' => t('Id of the content that was voted upon (could be node Id or comment Id)'),
      'content-nid' => t('Id of the node that was voted upon'),
      'content-cid' => t('Id of the comment that was voted upon'),
      'content-title' => t('Title of the content that was voted upon'),
      'content-link' => t('Link to the content that was voted upon'),
      'content-vote-avg' => t('Average of all votes for this content'),
      'content-vote-count' => t('Count of all votes for this content'),
    return $tokens;