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6 calls to activity_insert() in Activity 5.2

ActivityAPITest::testGetActivity in tests/ActivityAPITests.test
Test activity_get_activity Assert that function can take an array of arbitrary uids or NULL Can take an optional array of module names to filter the results Takes a pager parameter Support HTML tables with tablesort query additions Should always…
ActivityAPITest::testInsertActivity in tests/ActivityAPITests.test
ability to pass in user or null when null global user should be used. the return value should be 1 greater than the previous greatest activity.
buddylistactivity_buddylist in contrib/buddylistactivity.module
Implementation of hook_buddylist_api()
nodeactivity_nodeapi in contrib/nodeactivity.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
views_bookmarkactivity_views_bookmark_api in contrib/views_bookmarkactivity.module
Implementation of hook_views_bookmark_api()
votingapiactivity_votingapi_insert in contrib/votingapiactivity.module
Implementation of hook_votingapi_insert()