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function activity_get_module_info in Activity 6.2

Get a list of modules that support the current activity API.

20 calls to activity_get_module_info()
activity_access_realms in ./activity.module
Return all the allowed realms for Activity Access.
activity_batch_load in ./activity.module
Menu loader function to load batch-able action_id.
activity_batch_regenerate_step in ./
Batch regeneration step.
activity_count_modules in ./activity.module
FAPI submit callback to count the number of enabled Activity access modules.
activity_form_system_modules_alter in ./activity.module
Implementation of hook_form-$form-id_alter().

... See full list


./activity.module, line 12
Primarily Drupal hooks and global API functions to manipulate activity.


function activity_get_module_info($module_spec = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $cache = NULL;
  if ($reset) {
    $cache = NULL;
  if (!isset($cache)) {
    $cache = array();
    foreach (module_implements('activity_info') as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_activity_info';
      $info = $function();
      if (isset($info->api) && $info->api == 2.0) {

        // Set the defaults. Not all modules implement the full api
        if (!isset($info->path)) {
          $info->path = drupal_get_path('module', $module);
        if (!isset($info->hooks)) {
          $info->hooks = array();
        if (!isset($info->objects)) {
          $info->objects = array();
        if (!isset($info->realms)) {
          $info->realms = array();
        if (!isset($info->types)) {
          $info->types = array();
        if (!isset($info->eid_field)) {
          $info->eid_field = '';

        // Load up the file if it exists.
        if (file_exists('./' . $info->path . '/' . $module . '')) {
          require_once './' . $info->path . '/' . $module . '';
        $cache[$module] = $info;
  if ($module_spec) {
    return $cache[$module_spec];
  return $cache;