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function activity_form_submit in Activity 6.2

Form submit controller.


./, line 97 Contains administrative forms for activity.module


function activity_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if (empty($form_state['storage'])) {
    $form_state['storage'] = array();
    $form_state['storage']['values'] = array();

  // Call user-defined submit function.
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['step_submit'])) {
    $function = $form_state['values']['step_submit'];
    $function($form, $form_state);

  // Store submitted form values, this must happen after function call above to
  // allow for modifying $form_state['values'].
  $this_step = $form_state['values']['this_step'];
  $form_state['storage']['values'][$this_step] = $form_state['values'];

  // Set up next step.
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['step_next']) && $form_state['values']['op'] != 'Back') {
    $form_state['storage']['step'] = $form_state['values']['step_next'];
  else {
    if ($form_state['values']['op'] == 'Back') {

      // Set up previous step
      $form_state['storage']['step'] = $form_state['values']['step_prev'];
    else {

      // Form complete!
      $values = $form_state['storage']['values'];
      $hook = $values['triggers']['hook'];
      $op = $values['operations']['operation'];
      $module = activity_module_name($hook);
      $info = call_user_func($module . '_activity_info');
      foreach (activity_enabled_languages() as $id => $language) {
        foreach ($info->objects as $type) {
          $params[$type . '-pattern-' . $id] = $values['messages'][$type . '-pattern-' . $id];
        $params['everyone-pattern-' . $id] = $values['messages']['everyone-pattern-' . $id];
      $desc = $values['messages']['description'];
      $update = TRUE;
      if (!($aid = $values['messages']['aid'])) {
        $aid = NULL;
        $update = FALSE;

      // handle the types, thanks Checkboxes :-D
      foreach ($values['operations']['activity_types'] as $type => $nice_name) {
        if (empty($nice_name)) {
      $params['activity_types'] = $values['operations']['activity_types'];

      // Save the action
      include_once 'includes/';

      // In order to save the aid into the actions.parameters column, when a new
      // template is created, the aid must be generated. Can look into using
      // {actions_aid} table for this as well. SELECT aid + 1 ORDER BY aid DESC ?
      if (!$update) {
        $aid = actions_save('activity_record', 'activity', $params, $desc);
      $params['aid'] = $aid;
      $aid = actions_save('activity_record', 'activity', $params, $desc, $aid);

      // Save the trigger assignment
      // @todo: calc weight (last param)
      $record = new stdClass();
      $record->hook = $hook;
      $record->op = $op;
      $record->aid = $aid;
      $record->weight = 1;

      // try update first
      drupal_write_record('trigger_assignments', $record, array(
      if (!db_affected_rows()) {

        // ok then insert
        drupal_write_record('trigger_assignments', $record);
      $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/build/activity';