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Functions in Acquia Cloud Site Factory Connector 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_acsf_site_sync ./ Command callback. Synchronizes data with the Factory. 2
drush_acsf_theme_notify acsf_theme/ Command callback: Sends a theme change notification to the Factory.
drush_acsf_uninstall acsf_init/ Command callback: Uninstalls ACSF files from the code base. 1
drush_acsf_variables_acsf_info acsf_variables/ Command callback. Prints information about the site.
drush_acsf_variables_acsf_vdel acsf_variables/ Command callback. Deletes a named variable.
drush_acsf_variables_acsf_vget acsf_variables/ Command callback. Retrieves a named ACSF variable.
drush_acsf_variables_acsf_vget_group acsf_variables/ Command callback. Retrieves a group of variables.
drush_acsf_variables_acsf_vset acsf_variables/ Command callback. Sets a named variable with an optional group.
drush_acsf_version_get ./ Command callback. Fetches the version of the acsf moduleset.
drush_cache_path acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/post-db-copy/000-acquia_required_scrub.php Returns Drush cache location based on site, environment and domain. 1
drush_exec acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/post-db-copy/000-acquia_required_scrub.php Runs Drush command. Exits with error code if something fails. 1
error acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/acquia/db_connect.php Exit on error. 3 8
execute_query acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/acquia/db_connect.php Helper function for mysqli query execute. 1
gardens_site_data_alert_send acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Alerts the Site Factory on possible sites.json issues. 2
gardens_site_data_build_data acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns the data structure for a single site. 4
gardens_site_data_cache_get acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Retrieves cached site info from APC for a given domain. 1
gardens_site_data_cache_set acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Stores site info for a given domain in APC. 2
gardens_site_data_from_multi_site_config acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns data for the specified domains using hosting's php interface. 1
gardens_site_data_get_filepath acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns the location of the sites data json file. 6 2
gardens_site_data_get_private_files_directory acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns the location of the private files directory. 1
gardens_site_data_get_public_files_directory acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns the location of the public files directory. 1
gardens_site_data_get_site_from_file acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Parses the entire JSON sites file and returns a result for a single domain.
gardens_site_data_get_site_from_server_info acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Checks for a registered ACSF site based on Apache server variables. 1
gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_check acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Checks if a 'sites.json alert' flag exists. 1
gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_clear acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Clears a 'sites.json alert' flag. 1
gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_set acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Tries to set a flag, marking that an issue with sites.json exists. 1
gardens_site_data_load_file acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns the sites data structure. 5 1
gardens_site_data_refresh_all acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Fully refreshes the APC cached site/domain data, rewriting every key. 1
gardens_site_data_refresh_domains acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns data for the specified domains directly from the JSON file. 2
gardens_site_data_refresh_one acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns data for a single domain. 1
gardens_site_data_shared_creds_get acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Returns the shared credentials. 1
gardens_site_data_sites_json_issue_type_get acsf_init/lib/sites/g/ Re-checks for a fatal issue with the sites.json file. 2
get_db acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/acquia/db_connect.php Initiates a connection to a specified database. 1
get_registry_file acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php Returns the path to the site registry file. 1
get_shared_creds acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php Returns the shared credentials. 2
get_theme_directory acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php Returns the path to the theme repository. 1
get_wip_task_status acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php Requests status of a particular wip task. 1
has_theme_files acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php Indicates whether theme files have been deployed. 1
hook_acsf_duplication_scrub_admin_roles_alter acsf_duplication/acsf_duplication.api.php Alters the list of admin roles of users to preserve.
hook_acsf_duplication_scrub_context_alter acsf_duplication/acsf_duplication.api.php Alters the scrub event context of `drush acsf-duplication-scrub-batch`.
hook_acsf_duplication_scrub_preserved_users_alter acsf_duplication/acsf_duplication.api.php Alters the list of user IDs to preserve.
hook_acsf_duplication_scrub_remaining_counts_alter acsf_duplication/acsf_duplication.api.php Alters the counts reported by `drush acsf-duplication-scrub-progress`.
hook_acsf_registry ./acsf.api.php Defines ACSF event handlers.
hook_acsf_staging_scrub_admin_roles_alter ./acsf.api.php Modifies the preserved list of user roles for staged sites.
hook_acsf_staging_scrub_preserved_users_alter ./acsf.api.php Modifies the preserved list of user IDs for staged sites.
main acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php The entry point into the script.
mkdir_p acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/post-db-copy/000-acquia_required_scrub.php Creates a new directory if it doesn't exist already. 1
request_theme_files acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php Sends the request to deploy themes on the specified webnode. 1
rmdir_r acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/post-db-copy/000-acquia_required_scrub.php Recursively removes a directory. 1
url_to_connection_info acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/acquia/db_connect.php Converts a URL to a database connection info array. 1


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