in Acquia Cloud Site Factory Connector 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
ACSF helper functions for Drupal's multi-site directory aliasing feature.
Make sure to use require_once() so this file is never loaded more than once per page.
acsf_init/lib/sites/g/sites.incView source
* @file
* ACSF helper functions for Drupal's multi-site directory aliasing feature.
* Make sure to use require_once() so this file is never loaded more than
* once per page.
use Acquia\Cloud\Environment\MultiSite\Config;
use Acquia\SimpleRest\SimpleRestCreds;
use Acquia\SimpleRest\SimpleRestMessage;
use Acquia\SimpleRest\SimpleRestResponse;
// Load SimpleRest classes, needed for sending requests to the Site Factory.
// @todo if we ever change/test gardens_site_data_alert_send(), we should move
// this include_once() into there. It is perfectly fine to execute in a
// shutdown function (as long as we don't make assumptions about the cwd).
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/SimpleRest.php';
// Bail out if we're not on an Acquia server.
if (function_exists('is_acquia_host') && !is_acquia_host()) {
define('GARDENS_SITE_DATA_USE_APC', get_cfg_var('gardens.disable_apc_for_sites_php') != 1);
// TTL set to 30 minutes to allow a cron to run full refreshes.
define('GARDENS_SITE_DATA_TTL', 1800);
// 'Domain not found' is unlikely to be triggered for most customers (because it
// requires a hostname on the balancer to be pointing to us), but can happen for
// customers with path based domains (because those hostnames pointing to us +
// whatever path is requested, is not necessarily a domain registered in
// sites.json). We do want Varnish to keep its regular caching times for the
// "Site not found" page served by our acsf.settings.php. An empty sites.json is
// equivalent to "domain not found" in our code; in this case we would rather
// not cache anything, but it's not hugely important. Based on this, we can
// either set a high value like above, or a low value because Varnish will
// shield us from repeated HTTP requests anyway. (CLI requests don't have APC.)
// Read failure is likely gluster acting up. In this case we will want to
// dramatically shorten the cache time for both APC and Varnish. (It's unclear
// whether we even need APC at all.) This means that extended read failures will
// increase hits on Drupal (at least on the path through sites.php ->
// acsf.settings.php -> "Site not found" page), but that's better than having
// sites be unreachable for too long.
// Note: a nonexistent sites.json leads to no caching at all.
// The path (template) to the lock file that should be checked when sites.json
// is unreadable. Sitegroup + env need to be filled.
define('GARDENS_SITE_JSON_ALERT_LOCK_TEMPLATE', '/mnt/tmp/%s.%s/.sites-json-alert');
// The PHP configuration is used to switch between the new and the legacy
// site.json usage. The new approach uses the interface provided by the
// Acquia Cloud layer, the legacy approach uses the file deployed to gluster.
define('GARDENS_SITE_JSON_LEGACY', empty(get_cfg_var('acsf.sites_json_on_ephemeral')));
// This fallback to populate $_ENV should not be necessary on Acquia Hosting
// anymore. Also, ah_site_info() is not a public API and not guaranteed to
// keep existing. Still, we keep it for exotic environments which may be using
// it to insert the environment values, e.g. local development environments.
if (!isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME']) || !isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP']) || !isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT'])) {
if (!function_exists('ah_site_info') && file_exists('/var/www/site-scripts/site-info.php')) {
require_once '/var/www/site-scripts/site-info.php';
if (function_exists('ah_site_info')) {
list($name, $group, $stage, $secret) = ah_site_info();
if (!isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME'])) {
$_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME'] = $name;
if (!isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP'])) {
$_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP'] = $group;
if (!isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT'])) {
* Returns the sites data structure.
* @return bool|mixed
* An array of sites data on success, or FALSE on failure to load or parse the
* file.
function gardens_site_data_load_file() {
// Retrieve sites.json data from a gluster file.
$json = @file_get_contents(gardens_site_data_get_filepath());
return $json ? json_decode($json, TRUE) : FALSE;
else {
// Retrieve sites data using the interface provided by the Acquia Cloud
// layer.
$config = Config::getInstance();
return empty($config) ? FALSE : $config
* Checks for a registered ACSF site based on Apache server variables.
* Prerequisite: $_SERVER and $_ENV are both populated as per Acquia practices.
* @return array|int|null
* 0 if no site was found for the given domain; NULL if a sites.json read
* failure was encountered; otherwise, an array of site data as constructed
* by gardens_site_data_build_data() - with an added key 'dir_key' containing
* the key where sites.php would expect to set this site's directory in its
* '$sites' variable.
* @see gardens_site_data_build_data()
function gardens_site_data_get_site_from_server_info() {
// First derive the 'site uri' (the base domain with possibly a sub path).
// Drush site-install gets confused about the uri when we specify the
// --sites-subdir option. The HTTP_HOST is set incorrectly and we can't find
// it in the sites.json. By specifying the --acsf-install-uri option with the
// value of the standard domain, we can catch that here and correct the uri
// argument for drush site installs.
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && function_exists('drush_get_option') && ($acsf_uri = drush_get_option('acsf-install-uri', FALSE))) {
// The acsf-install-uri argument contains a pure domain string, one without
// a leading http:// string - but we make no assumptions about that.
if (!preg_match('|https?://|', $acsf_uri)) {
$acsf_uri = 'http://' . $acsf_uri;
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = parse_url($acsf_uri, PHP_URL_HOST);
$path = parse_url($acsf_uri, PHP_URL_PATH);
else {
$host = rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.');
// Path based domains are implemented by symlinking a subdirectory back to
// the docroot. To support these, we need to know which part of the script
// path is the domain sub path, and which is a URL path inside the website.
// (Note our only concern in 'supporting path based domains' is locating
// the right site. How the request would derive the right URL inside that
// site is not up to us, and the only thing that is actually known to work
// with path based domains -through HTTP requests or Drush- is the standard
// index.php.)
if (substr($path, -10) === '/index.php') {
// Assume the requested index.php is in the root, meaning that the full
// script path leading up to it is the domain sub path. In other words:
// we do not support index.php being anywhere else except the docroot.
// This goes for every customer, not just those using path based domains.
$path = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - 10);
else {
// For any non-index.php path, assume the sub path is empty. In other
// words: simply do not support path based domains for these.
$path = '';
// Convert host/path to lower case because our registry stores data this way;
// upper cased paths may still not be recognized (by Drush commands, unless
// there is a symlink matching the specific case) though.
$host = strtolower($host);
// The path may have a trailing slash (because PHP_URL_PATH can contain one,
// and because Drush can set SCRIPT_NAME to '//index.php' when the --uri
// parameter has a trailing slash). Unify, so the result is either empty or a
// path with a leading slash.
$path = strtolower(rtrim($path, '/'));
// Get data for the 'site uri' from APC.
// Check for data in APC: FALSE means no; 0 means "not found" cached in
// APC; NULL means "sites.json read failure" cached in APC.
$data = gardens_site_data_cache_get($host . $path);
if ($data === FALSE) {
// There's no guarantee about how many times this will be called, because
// Core doesn't do any caching around the 'conf path'. For instance Drush
// 7 would will call this file and logic around 19 times during each
// command; Drush 8 only once and Drush 9.6 increases this to around 4. To
// minimise gluster access, cache data to a local static cache. We assume
// that *if* we have data for a given domain at any point during a request
// on the command line then that data remains the same for the duration of
// the command execution.
// For some drush commands (that have bootstrap levels lower than
// 'configuration', only when run with drush6/drush7), we don't have
// drupal_static() available. We'll skip caching for those few commands,
// so sites.json will be read always (which used to be the case for all
// commands before we implemented this cache).
if (function_exists('drupal_static')) {
$static_cache =& drupal_static('acsf_sites_php_site_data');
else {
$static_cache = [];
if (isset($static_cache[$host . $path])) {
$data = $static_cache[$host . $path];
else {
$data = gardens_site_data_refresh_one($host . $path);
if ($data) {
// We only cache truthy data ourselves, because we don't want to
// assume that if a domain is not found (or there's a gluster error),
// that will stay the same during command execution. Note we also set
// the static cache if APC is active (which isn't necessary) because
// it doesn't really matter and because otherwise, we would have to
// - either replicate the check for APC which is now abstracted away
// into gardens_site_data_cache_get()
// - or move $static_cache into gardens_site_data_cache_get() &
// gardens_site_data_cache_set(), which isn't wrong but we prefer
// not caching every domain in memory when the full file gets read.
$static_cache[$host . $path] = $data;
else {
$data = gardens_site_data_refresh_one($host . $path);
if (is_array($data)) {
// Generate the expected drupal sites.php key for this domain.
$data['dir_key'] = str_replace('/', '.', $host . $path);
return $data;
* Returns the location of the sites data json file.
* We rely on the existence of the files-private directory that's created in
* /mnt/files next to the public files directory.
* @return string
* The json file location.
function gardens_site_data_get_filepath() {
// Use the "real" path here rather than the canonical hosting path
// to minimize symlink traversal.
return "/mnt/files/{$_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP']}.{$_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT']}/files-private/sites.json";
* Returns the location of the private files directory.
* The private files directory is supposed to be kept outside of the docroot to
* make sure that its contents are not directly accessible. This directory
* should not have a symbolic link in the site's directory.
* @param string $db_role
* The site's db role.
* @return string
* The private files directory location.
function gardens_site_data_get_private_files_directory($db_role) {
return "/mnt/files/{$_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP']}.{$_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT']}/sites/g/files-private/{$db_role}";
* Returns the location of the public files directory.
* @param string $db_role
* The site's db role.
* @return string
* The public files directory location.
function gardens_site_data_get_public_files_directory($db_role) {
return "sites/g/files/{$db_role}/files";
* Fully refreshes the APC cached site/domain data, rewriting every key.
function gardens_site_data_refresh_all() {
if ($map = gardens_site_data_load_file()) {
foreach ($map['sites'] as $domain => $site) {
$data = gardens_site_data_build_data($site, $map);
gardens_site_data_cache_set($domain, $data);
* Returns the data structure for a single site.
* @param array $site
* An array of information about a specific site, containing keys including
* 'conf', 'flags', 'name' etc.
* @param array $map
* An array containing global information that applies to all sites (site,
* env, memcache_inc).
* @return array
* A data structure containing information about a single site.
function gardens_site_data_build_data(array $site, array $map) {
$db_name = $site['conf']['acsf_db_name'];
$private_files_directory = gardens_site_data_get_private_files_directory($db_name);
$public_files_directory = gardens_site_data_get_public_files_directory($db_name);
return [
'dir' => "g/files/{$site['name']}",
// Put some settings into a global used in settings.php.
'gardens_site_settings' => [
'site' => $map['cloud']['site'],
'env' => $map['cloud']['env'],
'memcache_inc' => !empty($map["memcache_inc"]) ? $map["memcache_inc"] : '',
'flags' => !empty($site['flags']) ? $site['flags'] : [],
'conf' => !empty($site['conf']) ? $site['conf'] : [],
'file_private_path' => file_exists($private_files_directory) ? $private_files_directory : NULL,
'file_public_path' => file_exists($public_files_directory) ? $public_files_directory : NULL,
* Parses the entire JSON sites file and returns a result for a single domain.
* Use gardens_site_data_refresh_one() for a faster near-equivalent.
* @param string $domain
* A domain name to search for in the JSON.
* @return array
* A gardens site data structure, or zero if the domain was not found.
function gardens_site_data_get_site_from_file($domain) {
$result = 0;
// This function does not seem to be used. Issues with the sites.json in here
// is not handled.
if ($map = gardens_site_data_load_file()) {
if (!empty($map['sites'][$domain])) {
$result = gardens_site_data_build_data($map['sites'][$domain], $map);
return $result;
* Returns data for a single domain.
* Optionally also stores the data in APC.
* @param string $domain
* The domain name to look up.
* @return array|int|null
* An array of site data, 0 if no site was found for the given domain, or NULL
* if a sites.json read failure was encountered.
function gardens_site_data_refresh_one($domain) {
// Using the legacy sites.json file from the gluster, and optionally also
// stores the data in APC.
$data = gardens_site_data_refresh_domains([
else {
// Using interface provided by the Acquia Cloud layer, no APC cache handling
// in this case.
$data = gardens_site_data_from_multi_site_config([
return isset($data[$domain]) ? $data[$domain] : NULL;
* Returns data for the specified domains directly from the JSON file.
* Optionally also stores the data in APC.
* @param array $domains
* The domain names to look up in the JSON file.
* @return array
* An array keyed by the specified domains, whose values are site data arrays
* or 0 if no site was found for the given domain. If a domain is not present
* in the array keys, this indicates a sites.json read failure.
function gardens_site_data_refresh_domains(array $domains) {
$location = gardens_site_data_get_filepath();
$data = [];
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
$domain = trim($domain);
// Below code expects the JSON file to contain newlines such that
// - all data except the 'sites' data and the closing brace are on the first
// line;
// - all data for a key/value pair representing one single site, on a single
// line. (See below for example.)
// This way we can isolate data for one site by performing a grep command,
// which is much quicker than reading all data into one JSON object. The
// code is built to keep working if the formatting changes by accident; it
// will just be much slower. Also, our grep command does not assume that the
// key for a site is included in double quotes (apparently for fear of
// having a file in illegal JSON format, which does not double-quote its
// object keys...) so we may hit false positives.
// Acquia rules disallow exec() with dynamic arguments.
// phpcs:disable
exec(sprintf("grep %s %s --no-filename --color=never --context=0", escapeshellarg($domain), escapeshellarg($location)), $output_array, $exit_code);
// phpcs:enable
$result = trim(implode("\n", $output_array));
if (empty($result)) {
// Log an explicit fail in APC if we cannot find the domain, so that we
// can take advantage of APC caching the "fail" also. Differentiate
// between values for "site not found" and "read failure" so future
// requests can emit different responses for them. (From the docs about
// Gnu grep: exit status is 0 if a line is selected -which should never
// happen here-, 1 if no line is selected, 2 if error encountered.)
if ($exit_code === 1) {
$data[$domain] = 0;
else {
// $result is in the form of
// "": {"name": "g123", "flags": {}},
// (with or without the trailing comma). Since we didn't include quotes,
// we may have more than 1 line returned from the grep command, typically
// if the searched-for site domain is a substring of another site domain.
// The "m" (multiline) modifier is used in the regular expression so that
// the begin and end anchors can match the beginning and end of any one of
// those lines, rather than having to match the entire string from
// beginning to end (which fails if there is more than 1 line of results).
$matches = [];
$pattern = '@^\\s*"' . preg_quote($domain, '@') . '": ({.+}),?$@m';
if (preg_match($pattern, $result, $matches)) {
$found_site = json_decode($matches[1], TRUE);
// Retrieve the first line of the JSON file, which contains the global
// site settings data.
$f = fopen($location, 'r');
$json = fgets($f);
$json = rtrim($json, ",\n");
$json .= "}";
$global_map_data = json_decode($json, TRUE);
if (empty($found_site) || empty($global_map_data)) {
// This will happen if the domain appears in the JSON file, but the
// format of the file has changed such that the grep-based single-line
// parsing no longer works.
if (class_exists('Drupal') && \Drupal::hasService('logger.factory')) {
->alert('Unable to extract site data for site @site from sites.json line "@line".', [
'@site' => $domain,
'@line' => $result,
elseif (function_exists('syslog')) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, sprintf('Unable to extract site data for site %s from sites.json line "%s".', $domain, $result));
if ($map = gardens_site_data_load_file()) {
if (!empty($map['sites'][$domain])) {
$data[$domain] = gardens_site_data_build_data($map['sites'][$domain], $map);
else {
// The domain isn't actually present; apparently $domain is a
// substring of the domain(s) matched by grep. (Or, who knows: the
// string might appear somewhere else on the line than the 'key'.)
$data[$domain] = 0;
// If $data[$domain] was not set here, the file is readable (or there's
// a race condition and the error just appeared) because we did get a
// line of data returned earlier. So the JSON is invalid.
else {
$data[$domain] = gardens_site_data_build_data($found_site, $global_map_data);
if (isset($data[$domain])) {
// Update the current record in place *if* we are using APC.
gardens_site_data_cache_set($domain, $data[$domain]);
else {
// Report the read failure, only if Drupal is bootstrapped.
if (function_exists('drupal_register_shutdown_function')) {
// Since reporting involves contacting the Site Factory it should be
// done in a way that does not affect pageload.
// Stop processing further domains.
if (count($data) == count($domains)) {
// No read failure encountered; all domains were accounted for / cached.
if (gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_check() && function_exists('drupal_register_shutdown_function')) {
// Clear the flag. Since it involves contacting the Site Factory it should
// be done in a way that does not affect pageload.
else {
// If we were checking several domains and any check reported a read failure
// then don't try reading the file again for other domains; cache the failed
// domain plus any that were not processed yet, as "read failure". (It's
// unlikely that we gathered data for some domains before encountering a
// read failure for another one, but account for it.)
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
if (!isset($data[$domain])) {
gardens_site_data_cache_set($domain, NULL);
return $data;
* Returns data for the specified domains using hosting's php interface.
* @param array $domains
* The domain names to look up in the domain registry.
* @return array
* An array keyed by the specified domains, whose values are site data arrays
* or 0 if no site was found for the given domain.
function gardens_site_data_from_multi_site_config(array $domains) {
$data = [];
$config = Config::getInstance();
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
$domain = trim($domain);
if ($config) {
// Site config returns an associative array representation of one
// site object, selected by domain.
$found_site = $config
// Shared config returns an associative array with every key except sites.
$global_map_data = $config
// In case of missing data, set the results to zero and report the failure.
if (empty($found_site) || empty($global_map_data)) {
$data[$domain] = 0;
if (class_exists('Drupal') && \Drupal::hasService('logger.factory')) {
->alert('Unable to extract site data for site @site.', [
'@site' => $domain,
elseif (function_exists('syslog')) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, sprintf('Unable to extract data for site %s.', $domain));
else {
$data[$domain] = gardens_site_data_build_data($found_site, $global_map_data);
return $data;
* Stores site info for a given domain in APC.
* @param string $domain
* The domain name used in the cache key to store.
* @param mixed $data
* An array of data about the site/domain containing keys 'dir' and
* 'gardens_site_settings'. If the domain was not found in the sites.json then
* a scalar 0; if sites.json could not be read, then NULL.
function gardens_site_data_cache_set($domain, $data) {
if (extension_loaded('apcu') && ini_get('apc.enabled') && function_exists('apcu_store')) {
if ($data === NULL) {
elseif ($data === 0) {
else {
if ($ttl) {
$domain_key = "gardens_domain:{$domain}";
apcu_store($domain_key, $data, $ttl);
* Retrieves cached site info from APC for a given domain.
* @param string $domain
* The domain associated with the cached data.
* @return mixed
* An object containing information about the site on success, or FALSE if no
* cached data was found for the domain.
function gardens_site_data_cache_get($domain) {
$result = FALSE;
if (extension_loaded('apcu') && ini_get('apc.enabled') && function_exists('apcu_fetch')) {
$domain_key = "gardens_domain:{$domain}";
$result = apcu_fetch($domain_key);
return $result;
* Re-checks for a fatal issue with the sites.json file.
* This function is not the only location where issues are determined; it's used
* to doublecheck the exact type of issue / doublecheck for a race condition,
* after an issue was initially detected outside this function.
* @return string
* Type of issue encountered. Empty string means the sites.json file is OK
* (or is missing, which is also OK).
function gardens_site_data_sites_json_issue_type_get() {
$issue_type = '';
$sites_json_path = gardens_site_data_get_filepath();
// If sites.json is missing completely then this script is being executed
// outside of an ACSF infrastructure in which case no alert is needed.
if (file_exists($sites_json_path)) {
// Check if sites.json is readable.
if (!is_readable($sites_json_path)) {
$issue_type = 'file_unreadable';
// Check if the file's contents are inaccessible.
if (!$issue_type) {
// Try to read sites.json and see if it succeeds and what kind of error
// we get back if it fails. There is a fail which we need to ignore: when
// the sites.json is being rewritten for a short period of time the
// following error will be returned:
// head: cannot open `/mnt/files/balazs.01live/files-private/sites.json'
// for reading: Structure needs cleaning
// To make sure we are only triggering an alert in case of a Gluster split
// brain, redirect the stderr to stdout and look for the indicator
// message: 'Input/output error'.
// Acquia rules disallow exec() with dynamic arguments.
// phpcs:disable
exec(sprintf('head -n1 %s 2>&1', escapeshellarg($sites_json_path)), $output_array, $exit_code);
// phpcs:enable
$output = implode('', $output_array);
if ($exit_code !== 0 && strpos($output, 'Input/output error') !== FALSE) {
$issue_type = 'gluster_split_brain';
// Check for invalid JSON data. We treat empty file as invalid too here,
// because it doesn't matter much. It's not consistent with the initial
// check, though. (An empty file does not cause
// gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_set() to be called.)
if (!$issue_type) {
$map = gardens_site_data_load_file();
if (!$map) {
$issue_type = 'invalid_json_data';
return $issue_type;
* Tries to set a flag, marking that an issue with sites.json exists.
* This function is not supposed to be used for checking that there is an issue
* with sites.json; it should only be called if an issue exists.
* As we do not have a DB connection, and we assume gluster is the primary
* suspect for issues, the lock will live on the ephemeral disk. If something
* strange happens while setting the flag (like the file cannot be opened or
* written to), the function will always return empty string, and no logging/
* alerting is done at all. We basically have a choice between this and flooding
* watchdog/syslog/the factory with alerts.
function gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_set() {
if (!file_exists($lock_file)) {
// Create/open file, do not generate an error in race conditions (two
// processes opening the file at the same time).
$fh = fopen($lock_file, 'c');
if ($fh) {
// Get (exclusive, non-blocking) lock. Note we assume we can actually rely
// on flock; see multithreading notes in the docs.
if (flock($fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
// Something more evasive than the 'fopen()' race condition: what
// happens just around the time a sites.json issue stops existing? Could
// one slow process that still thinks there is an issue, be delayed and
// execute this code just _after_ another process removed the flag? That
// would result in a superfluous alert being sent out at that time. To
// prevent this, we repeat the check. (We often would need to do this
// check anyway, somewhere, if we did not know the issue type yet.)
$issue_type = gardens_site_data_sites_json_issue_type_get();
// Send the alert to the Site Factory.
$alert_sent = FALSE;
if ($issue_type) {
$response = gardens_site_data_alert_send('sites_json', $issue_type);
if ($response->code == 200 && !empty($response->body['received'])) {
$alert_sent = TRUE;
// Remove the lock file if issue has gone away or the alert was not
// processed by the Site Factory.
if (!$alert_sent) {
// Remove the lock file (name; the file/handle itself is still
// locked/open, which is fine).
// Release the lock.
flock($fh, LOCK_UN);
* Checks if a 'sites.json alert' flag exists.
* @return bool
* TRUE on if the flag exists.
function gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_check() {
return file_exists($lock_file);
* Clears a 'sites.json alert' flag.
function gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_clear() {
if (file_exists($lock_file)) {
// To prevent a situation where a slow process would remove the file just
// after it was created (i.e. the reverse of what is documented in
// gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_set()), we lock the file and check
// again, and only remove the file if no issues were encountered. This isn't
// exactly symmetric in the sense that we have no domain name, so: if domain
// specific information was just lost somehow, then a slow process has a
// higher chance of clearing the flag when it shouldn't. The effect: two
// alerts would be sent out in sequence (because the flag is set, cleared
// here, and then set again). That is less problematic than the reverse,
// which would send out an alert at the moment the domain specific error was
// just solved.
$fh = @fopen($lock_file, 'r+');
if ($fh) {
if (flock($fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
// Make sure that the issue is gone.
$issue_type = gardens_site_data_sites_json_issue_type_get();
// Send an all fine message to the Site Factory if the issue is gone.
$alert_sent = FALSE;
if (!$issue_type) {
$response = gardens_site_data_alert_send('sites_json', 'all_fine');
if ($response->code == 200 && !empty($response->body['received'])) {
$alert_sent = TRUE;
// Clear the flag if the all fine message was sent and processed.
if ($alert_sent) {
// There is no problem with unlinking a locked file; the file name
// gets freed up (while the 'orphaned' file itself is still locked).
// Removing a (locked) file like this does not introduce a race
// condition, if all processes try to lock the file in an exclusive
// and non-blocking manner. So unlinking the file should never fail.
// If it does, we could try to log to watchdog/syslog but that would
// completely flood the logs.
// We could release the lock here but if the file is already unlinked
// that won't do much useful - and if it's not, we may be better off
// keeping it locked.
* Returns the shared credentials.
* @param string $site
* The hosting sitegroup name.
* @param string $env
* The hosting environment name.
* @return Acquia\SimpleRest\SimpleRestCreds
* The credentials.
* @throws Exception
* If the credentials cannot be read for any reason.
function gardens_site_data_shared_creds_get($site, $env) {
$ini_file = sprintf('/mnt/files/%s.%s/nobackup/sf_shared_creds.ini', $site, $env);
if (file_exists($ini_file)) {
$data = parse_ini_file($ini_file, TRUE);
if (!empty($data) && !empty($data['gardener'])) {
return new SimpleRestCreds($data['gardener']['username'], $data['gardener']['password'], $data['gardener']['url']);
throw new Exception(sprintf('Unable to read credentials from %s.', $ini_file));
* Alerts the Site Factory on possible sites.json issues.
* @param string $scope
* The scope type. (Currently only 'sites_json' scope type is accepted by the
* Site Factory.)
* @param string $issue_type
* The issue type.
* @return Acquia\SimpleRest\SimpleRestResponse
* The response.
function gardens_site_data_alert_send($scope, $issue_type) {
// The SF REST API endpoint.
$endpoint = 'site-api/v1/sf-alert';
// The hosting site group name.
$site = $_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP'];
// The hosting environment name.
// The fully qualified webnode name.
$webnode = gethostname();
try {
$parameters = [
'scope' => $scope,
'data' => [
'issue_type' => $issue_type,
'site_group' => $site,
'site_env' => $env,
'server' => $webnode,
// Instead of \Drupal::time()->getRequestTime() we're going to use
// time() here because there is no definite usage of \Drupal at this
// point in the bootstrap.
// Rest of the code above also does a class_exists() check against
// 'Drupal', probably due to the same reason.
'timestamp' => time(),
$creds = gardens_site_data_shared_creds_get($site, $env);
$message = new SimpleRestMessage($site, $env);
$response = $message
->send('POST', $endpoint, $parameters, $creds);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error_message = sprintf('Sending alert to Site Factory failed: %s', $e
syslog(LOG_ERR, $error_message);
$response = new SimpleRestResponse($endpoint, 500, [
'message' => $error_message,
return $response;
Name | Description |
gardens_site_data_alert_send | Alerts the Site Factory on possible sites.json issues. |
gardens_site_data_build_data | Returns the data structure for a single site. |
gardens_site_data_cache_get | Retrieves cached site info from APC for a given domain. |
gardens_site_data_cache_set | Stores site info for a given domain in APC. |
gardens_site_data_from_multi_site_config | Returns data for the specified domains using hosting's php interface. |
gardens_site_data_get_filepath | Returns the location of the sites data json file. |
gardens_site_data_get_private_files_directory | Returns the location of the private files directory. |
gardens_site_data_get_public_files_directory | Returns the location of the public files directory. |
gardens_site_data_get_site_from_file | Parses the entire JSON sites file and returns a result for a single domain. |
gardens_site_data_get_site_from_server_info | Checks for a registered ACSF site based on Apache server variables. |
gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_check | Checks if a 'sites.json alert' flag exists. |
gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_clear | Clears a 'sites.json alert' flag. |
gardens_site_data_json_alert_flag_set | Tries to set a flag, marking that an issue with sites.json exists. |
gardens_site_data_load_file | Returns the sites data structure. |
gardens_site_data_refresh_all | Fully refreshes the APC cached site/domain data, rewriting every key. |
gardens_site_data_refresh_domains | Returns data for the specified domains directly from the JSON file. |
gardens_site_data_refresh_one | Returns data for a single domain. |
gardens_site_data_shared_creds_get | Returns the shared credentials. |
gardens_site_data_sites_json_issue_type_get | Re-checks for a fatal issue with the sites.json file. |