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public function AcsfThemeCommands::themeNotify in Acquia Cloud Site Factory Connector 8.2

Sends a notification to the Factory that a theme event has occurred.

@command acsf-theme-notify @option event The type of theme event to notify the Factory about. Possible values are "create", "modify", or "delete". Defaults to "modify". @option theme The system name of the theme the event relates to. Only relevant for "theme" scope notifications. @option nid The node ID of the entity on the Factory the theme change is associated with. The node ID for "site" and "theme" scope notifications is automatically derived from the current site. Explicitly passing the --nid option for "site" and "theme" notifications overrides the one from the current site and should match the site node ID on the Factory. For "group" scope notifications, the nid cannot be automatically derived and is therefore required. @bootstrap max


string $scope: The scope of the repository to send a notification for. Possible values are "theme", "site", "group", or "global".

array $options: The command options supplied to the executed command.


\InvalidArgumentException If any of the arguments are invalid.


acsf_theme/src/Commands/AcsfThemeCommands.php, line 38


Provides drush commands for VCS theme notifications.




public function themeNotify($scope, array $options = [
  'event' => 'modify',
  'theme' => NULL,
  'nid' => NULL,
]) {
  $event = $options['event'];
  $nid = $options['nid'];
  $theme = $options['theme'];

  // Do most of the validation locally to avoid depending on the validation at
  // the endpoint.
  if (empty($scope)) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(dt('The scope argument is required. Possible values are "theme", "site", "group", or "global".'));
  if (!in_array($scope, [
  ])) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(dt('The scope argument must be either "theme", "site", "group", or "global".'));
  if (!in_array($event, [
  ])) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(dt('Event type not supported. Possible values are "create", "modify", or "delete".'));
  if ($scope === 'theme' && empty($theme)) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(dt('The --theme option must be passed for "theme" scope notifications.'));
  if ($scope === 'group' && empty($nid)) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(dt('The --nid option must be passed for "group" scope notifications.'));
  $response = \Drupal::service('acsf.theme_notification')
    ->sendNotification($scope, $event, $nid, $theme, NULL, FALSE);

  // AcsfMessageRest always returns a 500 error code if there was a problem
  // calling the REST API.
  if ($response['code'] === 500) {
  else {