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8 calls to _acquia_purge_are_we_on_acquiacloud() in Acquia Purge 6

drush_acquia_purge_ap_domains in ./
List all detected domain names that Acquia Purge will purge.
drush_acquia_purge_ap_forget in ./
Forget all scheduled purges and empty the queue.
drush_acquia_purge_ap_list in ./
List all the items that are in the queue.
drush_acquia_purge_ap_process in ./
Purge all queued items from the command line.
drush_acquia_purge_ap_purge in ./
Purge a specified path from your balancers.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_acquiacloud in ./
Test whether the current hosting environment is Acquia Cloud.
_acquia_purge_get_domains in ./acquia_purge.module
Get a list of defined domains that we can purge for.
_acquia_purge_queue_is_user_purging in ./acquia_purge.module
Queue manager: determines if the current owns a running purge session.