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Self-test diagnostic test functions for _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis().

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 * @file
 * Self-test diagnostic test functions for _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis().

 * Test whether the current hosting environment is Acquia Cloud.
 * @param string $t
 *   Name of the t() function to call.
 * @returns
 *   Associative array with the following elements:
 *   - title: The name of the requirement.
 *   - value: The current value (e.g., version, time, level, etc).
 *   - description: The description of the requirement/status.
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_acquiacloud($t) {
  $site = _acquia_purge_get_site_name();
  $test = array(
    'title' => $t('Hosting environment'),
  if (_acquia_purge_are_we_on_acquiacloud()) {
    $test['value'] = $t('Acquia Cloud: @site', array(
      '@site' => $site,
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_OK;
  else {
    $test['value'] = $t('Third-party environment.');
    $test['description'] = $t('You are not running on Acquia Cloud, this is a' . ' mandatory requirement for this module. The module will not process' . ' scheduled purges, once deployed scheduled purges will be processed.');
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
  return $test;

 * Test the amount of load balancers configured.
 * @param string $t
 *   Name of the t() function to call.
 * @returns
 *   Associative array with the following elements:
 *   - title: The name of the requirement.
 *   - value: The current value (e.g., version, time, level, etc).
 *   - description: The description of the requirement/status.
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_balancers($t) {
  $balancers = _acquia_purge_get_balancers();
  $balancers_c = count($balancers);
  $test = array(
    'value' => implode(', ', $balancers),
    'title' => $t('Load balancers'),

  // Determine whether the amount of load balancers is healthy.
  if (!$balancers_c) {
    $test['value'] = $t('No load balancers detected.');
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('There are no load balancers detected which makes' . ' it impossible to purge your site. Please contact Acquia Support!');
  elseif ($balancers_c < 2) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_WARNING;
    $test['description'] = $t('You have only one load balancer, this means your' . ' site can not be failed over by us. Please contact Acquia Support.');
  elseif ($balancers_c >= 6) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_WARNING;
    $test['description'] = $t('Your website is running behind @no load' . ' balancers, which will put severe stress on your database. Please pay' . ' attention to the number of items in the queue table.', array(
      '@no' => $balancers_c,
  else {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_OK;
  return $test;

 * Test against known conflicting modules such as varnish, boost and purge.
 * @param string $t
 *   Name of the t() function to call.
 * @returns
 *   Associative array with the following elements:
 *   - title: The name of the requirement.
 *   - value: The current value (e.g., version, time, level, etc).
 *   - description: The description of the requirement/status.
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_conflicts($t) {
  $test = array(
    'severity' => ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_OK,
    'value' => $t('No issues detected.'),
    'title' => $t('Module conflicts'),

  // Detect expire's "Include base URL in expires" setting, which causes issues.
  if (variable_get('expire_include_base_url', TRUE)) {
    $test['value'] = 'expire';
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_WARNING;
    $test['description'] = $t("We detected that you enabled the 'Include base" . " URL in expires'-setting offered by the expire module, this is known" . " to (potentially) cause issues. The setting causes hook_expire_cache()" . " to be given full urls that breaks its own API and Acquia Purge is not" . " always able to strip these. Check your logs to see if purges execute" . " properly.");

  // Detect the existence of the Boost module which is incompatible.
  if (module_exists('boost')) {
    $test['value'] = 'boost';
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('Your site has the boost module enabled which is' . ' known to cause issues on Acquia Cloud. Because of its heavy' . ' interactions with the file system it will destabilize your site.');

  // Detect the existence of the Purge module which is incompatible for now.
  if (module_exists('purge')) {
    $test['value'] = 'purge';
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('Your site has the Purge module enabled which' . ' is incompatible with this version of Acquia Purge. However, this' . ' module will depend on it in the future. Please, remove it for now!');

  // Detect if the Varnish module is enabled, which isn't necessary.
  if (module_exists('varnish')) {
    $test['value'] = 'varnish';
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_WARNING;
    $test['description'] = $t('Your site runs with the varnish module enabled,' . ' which is known to not work on Acquia Cloud. As Acquia Purge does its' . ' work already for you we strongly encourage you to remove it.');
  return $test;

 * Test whether the amount of domain names is healthy.
 * @param string $t
 *   Name of the t() function to call.
 * @returns
 *   Associative array with the following elements:
 *   - title: The name of the requirement.
 *   - value: The current value (e.g., version, time, level, etc).
 *   - description: The description of the requirement/status.
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_domains($t) {
  $domains_link = drupal_get_path('module', 'acquia_purge') . '/DOMAINS.txt';
  $domains_link = url($domains_link);
  $domains = _acquia_purge_get_domains();
  $domains_c = count($domains);
  $test = array(
    'value' => implode(', ', $domains),
    'title' => $t('Purged domains'),
    'description' => $t('The domains for which content gets cleared from your' . ' load balancers. Every domain name multiplies the purging work to be' . ' done, it is therefore important to <a href="!link" target="_blank">' . 'specify your domains</a> when the automatically detected list exceeds' . ' 4 domains or when it is incorrect.', array(
      '!link' => $domains_link,

  // Start evaluating the list of domain names.
  if (!$domains_c) {
    $test['value'] = $t('0 domains detected.');
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('No domains have been detected which implies that' . ' something is seriously wrong. Pending purges will not be processed.');
  elseif (php_sapi_name() === 'cli' && in_array('default', $domains)) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('The domain name "default" has been found' . ' indicating that you are running via Drush. Either you will need to' . ' specify your domains or provide --uri for the right site.');
  elseif ($domains_c <= 6) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_OK;
  elseif ($domains_c > 6 && $domains_c <= 8) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_WARNING;
    $test['description'] = $t('Because you have @no domain names there is a' . ' <b>high risk</b> that purging your site will put stress on your' . ' servers, it is <b>strongly recommended</b> to <a href="!link"' . ' target="_blank">specify your domains</a> to not exceed 6 domains.', array(
      '!link' => $domains_link,
      '@no' => $domains_c,
  else {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('Because you have @no domain names there is a' . ' <b>very high risk</b> that purging your site will put stress on your' . ' servers, it is <b>strongly recommended</b> to <a href="!link"' . ' target="_blank">specify your domains</a> to not exceed 6 domains. To' . ' prevent system failure, pending purges will not be processed!', array(
      '!link' => $domains_link,
      '@no' => $domains_c,
  return $test;

 * Test if anonymous page caching is enabled.
 * @param string $t
 *   Name of the t() function to call.
 * @returns
 *   Associative array with the following elements:
 *   - title: The name of the requirement.
 *   - value: The current value (e.g., version, time, level, etc).
 *   - description: The description of the requirement/status.
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_page_cache($t) {
  $cache = intval(variable_get('cache', 0)) === 3;
  $test = array(
    'severity' => ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_OK,
    'value' => $cache ? $t('External') : $t('Not in External mode'),
    'title' => $t('Cache pages for anonymous users'),
  if (!$cache) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('Your site has Drupal page caching disabled, in,' . ' normal mode or in aggressive mode. However the only mode supported' . ' and effective on Acquia Cloud is the external caching. It is of' . ' extreme importance to every site getting traffic. Once put in' . ' external mode (Pressflow) your load balances will be instructed to' . ' serve pages from its cached and protect your site and web servers.' . ' The more traffic offloaded to your balancers, the faster your site' . ' will be!');
  return $test;

 * Test if the page_cache_max_age setting is configured in a healthy way.
 * @param string $t
 *   Name of the t() function to call.
 * @returns
 *   Associative array with the following elements:
 *   - title: The name of the requirement.
 *   - value: The current value (e.g., version, time, level, etc).
 *   - description: The description of the requirement/status.
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_page_cache_age($t) {
  $pressflow = function_exists('drupal_page_cache_header_external');
  $age = (int) variable_get('page_cache_max_age', 0);
  $test = array(
    'title' => $t('Page cache maximum age'),

  // Set the value label.
  $test['value'] = $t('Disabled');
  if ($age !== 0) {
    $test['value'] = array(
      '@age' => round($age / 60 / 60, 2),
    $test['value'] = $t('@age hours', $test['value']);

  // Determine what "find out more" link we can provide.
  $link = '';
  if (user_access('administer site configuration') && $pressflow) {
    $link = url('admin/settings/performance');

  // Users without a TTL configured won't put our module to much use.
  if ($age === 0) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('The "<a href="!link" target="_blank">Page cache' . ' maximum age</a>"-setting of your website is disabled, while we' . ' strongly recommend to put it to 6 hours or longer in combination with' . ' the Acquia Purge module. The setting determines how long external' . ' caches (like our load balancers) are instructed to keep a cached copy' . ' of content. With your current setting your load balancer is not being' . ' used and your web servers will likely be under constant stress,' . ' causing a slow site and  system resources being wasted.', array(
      '!link' => $link,
  elseif ($age < 21600) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_WARNING;
    $test['description'] = $t('The "<a href="!link" target="_blank">page cache' . ' maximum age</a>"-setting of your website is set to @age, while we' . ' strongly recommend to put it to 6 hours or longer in combination with' . ' the Acquia Purge module. The setting determines how long external' . ' caches (like our load balancers) are instructed to keep a cached copy' . ' of content. With your current configuration, your load balancer is not' . ' used effectively and your web servers will likely be under stress,' . ' causing a slow site and system resources being wasted.', array(
      '!link' => $link,
      '@age' => $test['value'],
  else {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_OK;
  return $test;

 * Report whether the user runs Pressflow, absolutely necessary.
 * @param string $t
 *   Name of the t() function to call.
 * @returns
 *   Associative array with the following elements:
 *   - title: The name of the requirement.
 *   - value: The current value (e.g., version, time, level, etc).
 *   - description: The description of the requirement/status.
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_pressflow($t) {
  $pressflow = function_exists('drupal_page_cache_header_external');
  $test = array(
    'severity' => ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_OK,
    'value' => $pressflow ? $t('Installed') : $t('Not installed'),
    'title' => $t('Pressflow'),
  if (!$pressflow) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('Your are running ordinary Drupal 6 which has' . ' no support for external caches like the load balancers Acquia Cloud' . ' has installed for you. This is very bad, as it will put enormous' . ' stress on your web servers, all the time. Please upgrade your code' . ' base to the fully-compatible Pressflow as soon as you can. Although' . ' testing will be required, the differences remain relatively small and' . ' will improve the performance of your site dramatically.');
  return $test;

 * Report on the current status of the system.
 * @param string $t
 *   Name of the t() function to call.
 * @returns
 *   Associative array with the following elements:
 *   - title: The name of the requirement.
 *   - value: The current value (e.g., version, time, level, etc).
 *   - description: The description of the requirement/status.
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_status($t) {
  $stats = _acquia_purge_queue_stats();
  $test = array(
    'title' => $t('Status'),

  // Determine the status message.
  $status = $t('Idle, accepting purges');
  if ($stats['running']) {
    $status = $t('Active ongoing purges, @remaining items to go...', array(
      '@remaining' => $stats['remaining'],

  // Set the status on the plain-text and HTML versions.
  $test['value'] = $test['value_plain'] = $status;

  // Insert a HTML status widget into the description field if its running.
  if ($stats['running']) {
    $test['description'] = theme('acquia_purge_status_bar_widget', $stats);
  return $test;


Namesort descending Description
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_acquiacloud Test whether the current hosting environment is Acquia Cloud.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_balancers Test the amount of load balancers configured.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_conflicts Test against known conflicting modules such as varnish, boost and purge.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_domains Test whether the amount of domain names is healthy.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_page_cache Test if anonymous page caching is enabled.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_page_cache_age Test if the page_cache_max_age setting is configured in a healthy way.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_pressflow Report whether the user runs Pressflow, absolutely necessary.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_status Report on the current status of the system.