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function _acquia_purge_trigger_client_side_purging in Acquia Purge 6

Trigger client-side AJAX based purging during this request.

@returns Void, this function doesn't return anything.

1 call to _acquia_purge_trigger_client_side_purging()
acquia_purge_init in ./acquia_purge.module
Implements hook_init().


./acquia_purge.module, line 1066
Acquia Purge, Top-notch Varnish purging on Acquia Cloud!


function _acquia_purge_trigger_client_side_purging() {

  // Prevent API misuse and don't trigger when this user doesn't own the queue.
  if (!_acquia_purge_queue_is_user_purging()) {

  // Load the JQuery logic that will start hitting 'acquia_purge_ajax_processor'
  // which on its turn will process the queue. Because the back-end uses locks
  // we don't have to worry about how many times we're hitting it. When the user
  // doesn't have on-screen reporting enabled the HTML DIV won't be present
  // causing the script to simply purge silently without notifying the user.
  $module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'acquia_purge');
  drupal_add_js($module_path . '/acquia_purge.js');

  // If the user has the permission 'purge notification' it means on-screen
  // reporting is enabled and we'll set a standard drupal_set_message() that
  // announces the AJAX powered purging. Because we're abusing the API with a
  // non-standard message type our JQuery logic is smartly able to replace the
  // nodes with the interactive progressbar.
  if (user_access('purge notification')) {
    $message = t("There have been changes to content, and these needs to be\n      refreshed throughout the system. There may be a delay before the changes\n      appear to all website visitors.");

    // Set the message and don't repeat it if it is already set.
    drupal_set_message($message, 'acquia_purge_messages', FALSE);

    // Add inline CSS to initially hide the message (see d.o. 2014461). A
    // separate file that could be cached would be non-sense for this one line
    // declaration as this statement only occurs for authenticated users.
    drupal_add_css($module_path . '/acquia_purge.css');