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function acquia_lift_update_7205 in Acquia Lift Connector 7.2

Retire first generation decision engine's tests. Store the time that the system has performed V2 report upgrade.


./acquia_lift.install, line 901
Acquia Lift - Installation file.


function acquia_lift_update_7205() {

  // Delete the 'acquia_lift_v2_enabled' variable, because "true" became default.

  // Store the time that the system has performed V2 report upgrade.
  variable_set('acquia_lift_report_upgrade_timestamp', time());

  // Delete the V1 account info.

  // Rename the variable that stores api url.
  $api_url = variable_get('acquia_lift_apiv2_url', '');
  if (!empty($api_url)) {
    variable_set('acquia_lift_api_url', $api_url);

  // Retire all V1 tests.
  if (!module_exists('acquia_lift')) {

    // The best we can do is set all Lift personalizations' status to completed.
    // We can't rely on personalize module being enabled so we can't use any of
    // its API functions or constants. Just talk directly to the db and hard-code
    // variable names and status codes.
    $result = db_query("SELECT machine_name, label FROM {personalize_agent} WHERE plugin IN ('acquia_lift', 'acquia_lift_target', 'acquia_lift_learn')");
    $now = time();
    foreach ($result as $row) {

      // Set the stop time of the agent.
      variable_set("personalize_campaign_{$row->machine_name}_stop", $now);

      // Set the status to 8, which is "completed"
      variable_set("personalize_campaign_{$row->machine_name}_status", 8);
    drupal_set_message(t('Acquia Lift module was disabled so v1 style tests could not be retired. All Lift personalizations have been set to completed.'), 'warning');
  else {
    module_load_include('inc', 'acquia_lift', 'acquia_lift.admin');
    $parent_personalizations = personalize_agent_load_by_type('acquia_lift_target', TRUE);

    // We'll create a mapping of parent names to test names.
    $parents = array();
    foreach ($parent_personalizations as $parent_name => $parent) {
      $nested = acquia_lift_get_nested_tests($parent);
      foreach ($nested as $test_name) {
        $parents[$test_name] = $parent_name;

    // Go through each test and retire it.
    $agents = personalize_agent_load_by_type('acquia_lift', TRUE);
    foreach ($agents as $name => $agent) {
      if (!isset($parents[$name])) {
        if (empty($agent->data['lift_retired'])) {

          // This test has no parent, must be legacy - just complete it.
          personalize_agent_set_status($name, PERSONALIZE_STATUS_COMPLETED);
      $option_sets = personalize_option_set_load_by_agent($name);
      if (empty($option_sets)) {
      $os = reset($option_sets);
      $parent_name = $parents[$name];

      // The goals will be on the parent personalization, not the test itself.
      $goals = personalize_goal_load_by_conditions(array(
        'agent' => $parent_name,
      $goal_names = array();
      foreach ($goals as $goal) {
        $goal_names[] = $goal->action;

      // We need to find which audience in the parent personalization this test
      // is running for.
      $parent_os = acquia_lift_get_option_set_for_targeting($parent_name);
      foreach ($parent_os->targeting as $audience => $targeting) {
        if (isset($targeting['osid']) && $targeting['osid'] == $os->osid) {
          $audience_name = $audience;
      if (isset($audience_name)) {
        acquia_lift_stop_test_for_audience($parent_personalizations[$parent_name], $audience_name);
      else {

        // At least just set the status of the test to completed.
        personalize_agent_set_status($name, PERSONALIZE_STATUS_COMPLETED);
    if (!empty($agents)) {
      $names = array_keys($agents);
      drupal_set_message(t("The following v1 tests have been retired: @agents", array(
        "@agents" => implode(',', $names),