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acquia_contenthub.routing.yml in Acquia Content Hub 8.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 acquia_contenthub.routing.yml


View source
  1. acquia_contenthub.admin_settings:
  2. path: '/admin/config/services/acquia-contenthub'
  3. defaults:
  4. _form: '\Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Form\ContentHubSettingsForm'
  5. _title: 'Acquia Content Hub Settings'
  6. requirements:
  7. _permission: 'administer acquia content hub'
  8. acquia_contenthub.delete_client_confirm:
  9. path: '/admin/config/services/acquia-contenthub/delete-client-confirm'
  10. defaults:
  11. _form: '\Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Form\ContentHubDeleteClientConfirmForm'
  12. _title: 'Acquia Content Hub Delete Client Confirmation'
  13. requirements:
  14. _permission: 'administer acquia content hub'
  15. acquia_contenthub.webhook:
  16. path: 'acquia-contenthub/webhook'
  17. defaults:
  18. _controller: 'Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Controller\ContentHubWebhookController::receiveWebhook'
  19. requirements:
  20. # HMAC signature verification is performed in the controller, see validateWebhookSignature().
  21. _access: 'TRUE'
  22. options:
  23. _maintenance_access: TRUE
  24. default_url_options:
  25. path_processing: false