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function acquia_contenthub_audit_publisher in Acquia Content Hub 8

Checks published entities and compares them with Content Hub.

This method also republishes entities if they are not in sync with what exists currently in Content Hub.


array $entities: An array of records from the tracking table.

bool $republish: 1 to republish entities, FALSE to just print.

mixed $context: The context array.

Return value

mixed|false Drush Output.

2 string references to 'acquia_contenthub_audit_publisher'
AcquiaContenthubCommands::contenthubAuditPublisher in src/Commands/AcquiaContenthubCommands.php
Checks published entities and republishes them to Content Hub.
drush_acquia_contenthub_audit_publisher in ./
Audits exported entities and republishes if inconsistencies are found.


./acquia_contenthub.module, line 322
Contains acquia_contenthub.module.


function acquia_contenthub_audit_publisher(array $entities, $republish, &$context) {
  if (empty($context['sandbox'])) {
    $context['results']['not_published'] = !empty($context['results']['not_published']) ? $context['results']['not_published'] : 0;
    $context['results']['outdated'] = !empty($context['results']['outdated']) ? $context['results']['outdated'] : 0;

  /** @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Client\ClientManager $client_manager */
  $client_manager = \Drupal::service('acquia_contenthub.client_manager');
  if (!$client_manager
    ->isConnected()) {
    throw new \Exception(dt('The Content Hub client is not connected so no operations could be performed.'));

  // Collect UUIDs.
  $uuids = [];
  foreach ($entities as $entity) {
    $uuids[] = $entity->entity_uuid;

  /** @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\EntityManager $entity_manager */
  $entity_manager = \Drupal::service('acquia_contenthub.entity_manager');

  /** @var \Acquia\ContentHubClient\Entity[] $ch_entities */
  $ch_entities = $client_manager
    ->createRequest('readEntities', [
  foreach ($entities as $entity) {
    $out_of_sync = FALSE;
    $uuid = $entity->entity_uuid;
    $ch_entity = isset($ch_entities[$uuid]) ? $ch_entities[$uuid] : FALSE;
    if (!$ch_entity) {

      // Entity does not exist in Content Hub.
        ->writeln(dt('Entity not published: Entity Type = @type, UUID = @uuid, ID = @id, Modified = @modified', [
        '@type' => $entity->entity_type,
        '@uuid' => $entity->entity_uuid,
        '@id' => $entity->entity_id,
        '@modified' => $entity->modified,
      $out_of_sync = TRUE;
    elseif ($ch_entity && $entity->modified !== $ch_entity
      ->getModified()) {

      // Entity exists in Content Hub but the modified flag does not match.
        ->writeln(dt('Outdated entity: Entity Type = @type, UUID = @uuid, ID = @id, Modified (local) = @lmodified, Modified (remote) = @rmodified', [
        '@type' => $entity->entity_type,
        '@uuid' => $entity->entity_uuid,
        '@id' => $entity->entity_id,
        '@lmodified' => $entity->modified,
        '@rmodified' => $ch_entity
      $out_of_sync = TRUE;
    if ($out_of_sync) {
      $entity_id = FALSE;
      if ($republish) {
        $drupal_entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        if ($drupal_entity) {
          $entity_id = $drupal_entity
          if ($entity_manager
            ->isEligibleEntity($drupal_entity)) {

            /** @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Controller\ContentHubEntityExportController $export_controller */
            $export_controller = \Drupal::service('acquia_contenthub.acquia_contenthub_export_entities');

            // Export Entities.
          else {

            // Entity is not eligible for exporting anymore.
              ->writeln(dt('Entity exists in the tracking table but is no longer eligible for exporting: Entity Type = @type, UUID = @uuid, ID = @id, Modified (local) = @lmodified, Modified (remote) = @rmodified', [
              '@type' => $entity->entity_type,
              '@uuid' => $entity->entity_uuid,
              '@id' => $entity->entity_id,
              '@lmodified' => $entity->modified,
              '@rmodified' => $ch_entity
      else {
        $entity_type = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        $table = $entity_type
        $id_col = $entity_type
        $query = \Drupal::database()
          ->fields($table, [
          ->condition("{$table}.{$id_col}", $entity->entity_id);
        $entity_id = $query
      if (empty($entity_id)) {

        // The drupal entity could not be loaded.
        throw new \Exception(dt('This entity exists in the tracking table but could not be loaded in Drupal: Entity Type = @type, UUID = @uuid, ID = @id, Modified = @modified', [
          '@type' => $entity->entity_type,
          '@uuid' => $entity->entity_uuid,
          '@id' => $entity->entity_id,
          '@modified' => $entity->modified,