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function drush_acquia_contenthub_compare in Acquia Content Hub 8

Compares a CDF entity from local and remote source.


string $entity_type: The Entity type.

string $uuid: The Entity's UUID.

Return value

mixed|false Returns an array containing the differences between local and remote entities.


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ContentHub Drush Commands.


function drush_acquia_contenthub_compare($entity_type, $uuid) {
  $entity_type_manager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager();
  if (!$entity_type_manager
    ->getDefinition($entity_type)) {
    return drush_set_error(dt("The entity type provided does not exist."));
  if (!Uuid::isValid($uuid)) {
    return drush_set_error(dt("Argument provided is not a UUID."));

  /** @var \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer $serializer */
  $serializer = \Drupal::service('serializer');

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityRepository $entity_repository */
  $entity_repository = \Drupal::service('entity.repository');

  /** @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Client\ClientManager $client_manager */
  $client_manager = \Drupal::service('acquia_contenthub.client_manager');
  $client = $client_manager

  // Get our local CDF version.
  $local_entity = $entity_repository
    ->loadEntityByUuid($entity_type, $uuid);
  $local_cdf = $serializer
    ->normalize($local_entity, 'acquia_contenthub_cdf');
  if (!$local_cdf) {
    $local_cdf = [];

  // Get the Remote CDF version.
  $remote_cdf = $client
  if (!$remote_cdf) {
    $remote_cdf = [];
  $local_compare = array_diff($local_cdf, (array) $remote_cdf);
  drush_print("Data from the local entity that doesn't appear in the remote entity, retrieved from Content Hub Backend:");
  drush_print_r(json_encode($local_compare, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
  drush_print("Data from the remote entity that doesn't appear in the local entity:");
  $remote_compare = array_diff((array) $remote_cdf, $local_cdf);
  drush_print_r(json_encode($remote_compare, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));