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acquia_spi.module in Acquia Connector 6.2

Send site profile information (NSPI) and system data to Acquia Insight.


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 * @file
 *   Send site profile information (NSPI) and system data to Acquia Insight.

// Version of SPI data format.

 * Identifiers for the method of sending SPI data.
define('ACQUIA_SPI_METHOD_CRON', 'cron');
define('ACQUIA_SPI_METHOD_DRUSH', 'drush');
define('ACQUIA_SPI_METHOD_CREDS', 'creds');
define('ACQUIA_SPI_METHOD_INSIGHT', 'insight');

 * Implementation of hook_help()
function acquia_spi_help($path, $arg) {
  $welcome_nid = variable_get('acquia_welcome', 0);
  if ($path == 'admin/help#acquia_spi' && $welcome_nid) {

    // Only provide help text if the welcome message is avalailable.
    if ($nid = db_result(db_query('SELECT nid FROM {node} where nid = %d', $welcome_nid))) {
      $txt = 'The !acquia_welcome provides information about how to ' . 'quickly get your site up and running.  Also there are instructions for ' . 'setting the site theme as well as many other configuration tasks.';
      $link = l('Acquia Drupal welcome page', 'node/' . $nid);
      return '<p>' . t($txt, array(
        '!acquia_welcome' => $link,
      )) . '<p>';

 * Implementation of hook_cron().
function acquia_spi_cron() {

  // Get the last time we processed data.
  $last = variable_get('acquia_spi_cron_last', 0);

  // 30 minute interval for sending site profile.
  $interval = variable_get('acquia_spi_cron_interval', 30);

  // Allow an override.
  if (variable_get('acquia_spi_cron_interval_override', FALSE)) {
    $interval = variable_get('acquia_spi_cron_interval_override', 30);

  // Determine if the required interval has passed.
  $now = time();
  if (variable_get('acquia_spi_use_cron', 1) && $now - $last > $interval * 60) {
    $ret = acquia_spi_send_full_spi(ACQUIA_SPI_METHOD_CRON);

 * Implements hook_menu().
function acquia_spi_menu() {
  $items['system/acquia-spi-send'] = array(
    'title' => 'Acquia SPI Send',
    'description' => 'Send SPI data to Acquia Insight.',
    'page callback' => '_acquia_spi_send',
    'access callback' => '_acquia_spi_send_access',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['system/acquia-spi-custom-test-validate'] = array(
    'title' => 'Acquia SPI Custom Test Validation',
    'description' => 'Perform a validation check on all Acquia SPI custom tests.',
    'page callback' => 'acquia_spi_test_status',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'access site reports',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_boot().
function acquia_spi_boot() {

  // Store server information for SPI incase data is being sent from PHP CLI.
  if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' || is_numeric($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] > 0)) {

  // Get the last time we processed data.
  $last = variable_get('acquia_spi_boot_last', 0);

  // 60 minute interval for storing the global variable.
  $interval = variable_get('acquia_spi_cron_interval', 60);

  // Determine if the required interval has passed.
  $now = time();
  if ($now - $last > $interval * 60) {
    $platform = acquia_spi_get_platform();
      'platform' => $platform,
    variable_set('acquia_spi_boot_last', $now);

 * Put SPI data in local storage.
 * @param array $data Keyed array of data to store.
 * @param int $expire Expire time or null to use default of 1 day.
function acquia_spi_data_store_set($data, $expire = NULL) {
  if (is_null($expire)) {
    $expire = time() + 60 * 60 * 24;
  foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
    cache_set('acquia.spi.' . $key, $value, 'cache', $expire);

 * Get SPI data out of local storage.
 * @param array Array of keys to extract data for.
 * @return array Stored data or false if no data is retrievable from storage.
function acquia_spi_data_store_get($keys) {
  $store = array();
  foreach ($keys as $key) {
    $cache = cache_get('acquia.spi.' . $key, 'cache');
    if ($cache && !empty($cache->data)) {
      $store[$key] = $cache->data;
  return $store;

 * Access callback check for SPI send independent call.
function _acquia_spi_send_access() {
  $acquia_key = acquia_agent_settings('acquia_key');
  if (!empty($acquia_key) && isset($_GET['key'])) {
    $key = sha1(drupal_get_private_key());
    if ($key === $_GET['key']) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Callback for sending SPI data.
function _acquia_spi_send() {

  // Insight's set variable feature will pass method insight.
  if (isset($_GET['method']) && $_GET['method'] === ACQUIA_SPI_METHOD_INSIGHT) {
  $response = acquia_spi_send_full_spi($method);
  if (isset($_GET['destination'])) {
    if (!empty($response)) {
      $message = array();
      if (isset($response['spi_data_received']) && $response['spi_data_received'] === TRUE) {
        $message[] = t('SPI data sent.');
      if (!empty($response['nspi_messages'])) {
        $message[] = t('Acquia Insight returned the following messages. Further information may be in the logs.');
        foreach ($response['nspi_messages'] as $nspi_message) {
          $message[] = check_plain($nspi_message);
      drupal_set_message(implode('<br/>', $message));
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('Error sending SPI data. Consult the logs for more information.'), 'error');

  // If destination was not sent the call is via cron so close request and exit.
  print '';

 * Implementation of hook_xmlrpc().
function acquia_spi_xmlrpc() {
  return array(
      t('Send file data for the provided path.'),
function acquia_spi_valid_request($data, $message) {
  $key = acquia_agent_settings('acquia_key');
  if (!isset($data['authenticator']) || !isset($data['authenticator']['time']) || !isset($data['authenticator']['nonce'])) {
    return FALSE;
  $string = $data['authenticator']['time'] . ':' . $data['authenticator']['nonce'] . ':' . $message;
  $hash = sha1((str_pad($key, 64, chr(0x0)) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5c), 64)) . pack("H*", sha1((str_pad($key, 64, chr(0x0)) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64)) . $string)));
  if ($hash == $data['authenticator']['hash']) {
    return TRUE;
  else {
    return FALSE;

 * Send a file's contents to the requestor
function acquia_spi_send_module_data($data = array()) {

  // We only do this if we are on SSL
  $via_ssl = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
  if (variable_get('acquia_spi_module_diff_data', 1) && $via_ssl && acquia_agent_has_credentials() && isset($data['body']['file']) && acquia_spi_valid_request($data, $data['body']['file'])) {

    // If our checks pass muster, then we'll provide this data.
    // If the file variable is set and if the user has allowed file diffing.
    $file = $data['body']['file'];
    $document_root = getcwd();
    $file_path = realpath($document_root . '/' . $file);

    // Be sure the file being requested is within the webroot and is not any
    // settings.php file.
    if (is_file($file_path) && strpos($file_path, $document_root) === 0 && strpos($file_path, 'settings.php') === FALSE) {
      $file_contents = file_get_contents($file_path);
      header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
      header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
      header("Pragma: no-cache");
      return $file_contents;
  return FALSE;

 * Implementation of hook_form_[form_id]_alter().
function acquia_spi_form_acquia_agent_settings_form_alter(&$form) {
  $identifier = acquia_agent_settings('acquia_identifier');
  $key = acquia_agent_settings('acquia_key');
  if (empty($identifier) && empty($key)) {

  // Help documentation is local unless the Help module is disabled.
  if (module_exists('help')) {
    $help_url = url('admin/help/acquia_agent');
  else {
    $help_url = url('');
  $ssl_available = in_array('ssl', stream_get_transports(), TRUE) && !defined('ACQUIA_DEVELOPMENT_NOSSL');
  $form['connection']['#description'] = t('Allow collection and examination of the following items. <a href="!url">Learn more</a>.', array(
    '!url' => $help_url,
  $form['connection']['spi'] = array(
    '#prefix' => '<div class="acquia-spi">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
    '#weight' => -1,
  $form['connection']['spi']['admin_priv'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Admin privileges'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('acquia_spi_admin_priv', 1),
  $form['connection']['spi']['send_node_user'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Nodes and users'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('acquia_spi_send_node_user', 1),
  $form['connection']['spi']['send_watchdog'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Watchdog logs'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('acquia_spi_send_watchdog', 1),
  $form['connection']['spi']['module_diff_data'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Source code'),
    '#default_value' => (int) variable_get('acquia_spi_module_diff_data', 1) && $ssl_available,
    '#description' => t('Source code analysis requires a SSL connection and for your site to be publicly accessible. <a href="!url">Learn more</a>.', array(
      '!url' => $help_url,
    '#disabled' => !$ssl_available,
  $form['connection']['alter_variables'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Allow Insight to update list of approved variables.'),
    '#default_value' => (int) variable_get('acquia_spi_set_variables_override', 0),
    '#description' => t('Insight can set variables on your site to recommended values at your approval, but only from a specific list of variables. Check this box to allow Insight to update the list of approved variables. <a href="!url">Learn more</a>.', array(
      '!url' => $help_url,
  $use_cron = variable_get('acquia_spi_use_cron', 1);
  $form['connection']['spi_use_cron'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Send via Drupal cron'),
    '#default_value' => $use_cron,
  if (!$use_cron) {
    $key = sha1(drupal_get_private_key());
    $url = url('system/acquia-spi-send', array(
      'query' => array(
        'key' => $key,
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $form['connection']['spi_use_cron_url'] = array(
      '#value' => t('<p>Enter the following URL in your server\'s crontab to send SPI data:<br/><em>!url</em></p>', array(
        '!url' => $url,
  $form['submit']['#submit'][] = 'acquia_agent_spi_set_submit';

 * Save the results of the NSPI form
function acquia_agent_spi_set_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  variable_set('acquia_spi_module_diff_data', $form_state['values']['module_diff_data']);
  variable_set('acquia_spi_admin_priv', $form_state['values']['admin_priv']);
  variable_set('acquia_spi_send_node_user', $form_state['values']['send_node_user']);
  variable_set('acquia_spi_send_watchdog', $form_state['values']['send_watchdog']);
  variable_set('acquia_spi_use_cron', $form_state['values']['spi_use_cron']);

 * Added submit function for acquia_agent_settings form.
function acquia_spi_agent_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  // Send information as soon as the key/identifier pair is submitted.

 * Gather full SPI data and send to Acquia Insight.
 * @param string $method Optional identifier for the method initiating request.
 *   Values could be 'cron' or 'menu callback' or 'drush'.
 * @return mixed FALSE if data not sent else NSPI result array
function acquia_spi_send_full_spi($method = '') {
  $spi = acquia_spi_get();
  if (!empty($method)) {
    $spi['send_method'] = $method;
  $result = acquia_spi_send_data($spi);
  if ($result === FALSE) {
    return FALSE;
  variable_set('acquia_spi_cron_last', time());
  return $result;

 * Act on SPI update server response.
 * @param array $spi_response Array response from acquia_spi_send_data().
function acquia_spi_handle_server_response($spi_response) {

  // Check result for command to update SPI definition.
  $update = isset($spi_response['result']['update_spi_definition']) ? $spi_response['result']['update_spi_definition'] : FALSE;
  if ($update === TRUE) {

  // Check for set_variables command.
  $set_variables = isset($spi_response['set_variables']) ? $spi_response['set_variables'] : FALSE;
  if ($set_variables !== FALSE) {

  // Log messages.
  $messages = isset($spi_response['nspi_messages']) ? $spi_response['nspi_messages'] : FALSE;
  if ($messages !== FALSE) {
    watchdog('acquia spi', 'SPI update server response messages: @messages', array(
      '@messages' => implode(', ', $messages),

 * Send data to Acquia Insight.
 * Note, call acquia_spi_send_full_spi() to support SPI response actions.
 * @param array $spi SPI data. Required parameters:
 *   'site_key' A SHA1 hash of the Drupal private key.
 *   'spi_data_version'
 *   @see acquia_spi_get().
 *   Note, acquia_agent will add authenticator.
 * @return mixed FALSE if no credentials or validation error else full
 *   NSPI response array.
function acquia_spi_send_data($spi) {

  // Do nothing unless we have credentials.
  if (!acquia_agent_has_credentials()) {
    watchdog('acquia spi', 'Connect your site to a valid subscription on Acquia Insight to send SPI data', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;

  // acquia_agent_network_address() sets remote server protocol.
  $nspi_server = variable_get('acquia_spi_server', '');

  // Specify version 3 of the RPC, which ommits request parameters in the HMAC.
  $spi['rpc_version'] = 3;
  $response = acquia_agent_call('acquia.nspi.update', $spi, NULL, NULL, $nspi_server);

  // Validate the server response.
  if (!acquia_agent_valid_response($response, acquia_agent_settings('acquia_key'))) {

    // Acquia Agent will have logged error.
    return FALSE;

  // $response contains request authenticator as well as server authenticator
  // under 'result' element so return just the server response 'body' element.
  return $response['result']['body'];

 * Checks if NSPI server has an updated SPI data definition.
 * If it does, then this function updates local copy of SPI definition data.
 * @return boolean
 *   True if SPI definition data has been updated
function acquia_spi_update_definition() {
  $core_version = substr(VERSION, 0, 1);
  $spi_def_end_point = variable_get('acquia_spi_server', '');
  $spi_def_end_point .= '/spi_def/get/' . $core_version;
  $data = http_build_query(array(
    'spi_data_version' => ACQUIA_SPI_DATA_VERSION,
  $response = drupal_http_request($spi_def_end_point, array(
    'Content-type' => 'application/json',
  ), 'GET', $data);
  if ($response->code != 200 || !isset($response->data)) {
    watchdog('acquia spi', 'Failed to obtain latest SPI data definition. HTTP response: @response', array(
      '@response' => var_export($response, TRUE),
    return FALSE;
  else {
    $response_data = json_decode($response->data, TRUE);

    // Force it to array.
    $expected_data_types = array(
      'drupal_version' => 'string',
      'timestamp' => 'string',
      'acquia_spi_variables' => 'array',

    // Make sure that $response_data contains everything expected.
    foreach ($expected_data_types as $key => $values) {
      if (!array_key_exists($key, $response_data) || gettype($response_data[$key]) != $expected_data_types[$key]) {
        watchdog('acquia spi', 'Received SPI data definition does not match expected pattern while checking "@key". Received and expected data: @data', array(
          '@key' => $key,
          '@data' => var_export(array_merge(array(
            'expected_data' => $expected_data_types,
          ), array(
            'response_data' => $response_data,
          )), 1),
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
    if ($response_data['drupal_version'] != $core_version) {
      watchdog('acquia spi', 'Received SPI data definition does not match with current version of your Drupal installation. Data received for Drupal @version', array(
        '@version' => $response_data['drupal_version'],
      return FALSE;

  // NSPI response is in expected format.
  if ((int) $response_data['timestamp'] > (int) variable_get('acquia_spi_def_timestamp', 0)) {

    // Compare stored variable names to incoming and report on update.
    $old_vars = variable_get('acquia_spi_def_vars', array());
    $new_vars = $response_data['acquia_spi_variables'];
    $new_optional_vars = 0;
    foreach ($new_vars as $new_var_name => $new_var) {

      // Count if received from NSPI optional variable is not present in old local SPI definition
      // or if it already was in old SPI definition, but was not optional
      if ($new_var['optional'] && !array_key_exists($new_var_name, $old_vars) || $new_var['optional'] && isset($old_vars[$new_var_name]) && !$old_vars[$new_var_name]['optional']) {

    // Clean up waived vars that are not exposed by NSPI anymore.
    $waived_spi_def_vars = variable_get('acquia_spi_def_waived_vars', array());
    $changed_bool = FALSE;
    foreach ($waived_spi_def_vars as $key => $waived_var) {
      if (!in_array($waived_var, $new_vars)) {
        $changed_bool = TRUE;
    if ($changed_bool) {
      variable_set('acquia_spi_def_waived_vars', $waived_spi_def_vars);

    // Finally, save SPI definition data.
    if ($new_optional_vars > 0) {
      variable_set('acquia_spi_new_optional_data', 1);
    variable_set('acquia_spi_def_timestamp', $response_data['timestamp']);
    variable_set('acquia_spi_def_vars', $response_data['acquia_spi_variables']);
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Gather site profile information about this site.
 * @return
 *   An associative array keyed by types of information.
function acquia_spi_get() {

  // Get file hashes and compute serialized version.
  list($hashes, $fileinfo) = acquia_spi_file_hashes();
  $hashes_string = serialize($hashes);

  // Get the Drupal version
  $drupal_version = acquia_spi_get_version_info();
  $stored = acquia_spi_data_store_get(array(
  if (!empty($stored['platform'])) {
    $platform = $stored['platform'];
  else {
    $platform = acquia_spi_get_platform();
  $spi = array(
    'spi_data_version' => ACQUIA_SPI_DATA_VERSION,
    'site_key' => sha1(drupal_get_private_key()),
    'modules' => acquia_spi_get_modules(),
    'platform' => $platform,
    'quantum' => acquia_spi_get_quantum(),
    'system_status' => acquia_spi_get_system_status(),
    'failed_logins' => variable_get('acquia_spi_send_watchdog', 1) ? acquia_spi_get_failed_logins() : array(),
    '404s' => variable_get('acquia_spi_send_watchdog', 1) ? acquai_spi_get_404s() : array(),
    'watchdog_size' => acquai_spi_get_watchdog_size(),
    'watchdog_data' => variable_get('acquia_spi_send_watchdog', 1) ? acquia_spi_get_watchdog_data() : array(),
    'last_nodes' => variable_get('acquia_spi_send_node_user', 1) ? acquai_spi_get_last_nodes() : array(),
    'last_users' => variable_get('acquia_spi_send_node_user', 1) ? acquai_spi_get_last_users() : array(),
    'extra_files' => acquia_spi_check_files_present(),
    'ssl_login' => acquia_spi_check_login(),
    'file_hashes' => $hashes,
    'hashes_md5' => md5($hashes_string),
    'hashes_sha1' => sha1($hashes_string),
    'fileinfo' => $fileinfo,
    'distribution' => $drupal_version['distribution'],
    'base_version' => $drupal_version['base_version'],
    'build_data' => $drupal_version,
    'roles' => _acquia_spi_json(user_roles()),
    'uid_0_present' => acquia_spi_uid_0_present(),
  $scheme = parse_url(variable_get('acquia_spi_server', ''), PHP_URL_SCHEME);
  $via_ssl = in_array('ssl', stream_get_transports(), TRUE) && $scheme == 'https' ? TRUE : FALSE;
  if (variable_get('acquia_spi_ssl_override', FALSE)) {
    $via_ssl = TRUE;
  $additional_data = array();
  $security_review_results = acquia_spi_run_security_review();
  if (!empty($security_review_results)) {
    $additional_data['security_review'] = $security_review_results['security_review'];

  // Collect all user-contributed custom tests that pass validation.
  $custom_tests_results = acquia_spi_test_collect();
  if (!empty($custom_tests_results)) {
    $additional_data['custom_tests'] = $custom_tests_results;
  $spi_data = module_invoke_all('acquia_spi_get');
  if (!empty($spi_data)) {
    foreach ($spi_data as $name => $data) {
      if (is_string($name) && is_array($data)) {
        $additional_data[$name] = $data;

  // Database updates required?
  // Based on code from system.install
  include_once './includes/';
  $additional_data['pending_updates'] = FALSE;
  foreach (module_list() as $module) {
    $updates = drupal_get_schema_versions($module);
    if ($updates !== FALSE) {
      $default = drupal_get_installed_schema_version($module);
      if (max($updates) > $default) {
        $additional_data['pending_updates'] = TRUE;

  // It's worth sending along node access control information even if there are
  // no modules implementing it - some alerts are simpler if we know we don't
  // have to worry about node access.
  // Check for node grants modules.
  $additional_data['node_grants_modules'] = module_implements('node_grants', TRUE);

  // Check for node access modules.
  // hook_node_access() is hook_access() in Drupal 6, but we place it into
  // the same additional data key for ease of processing.
  $additional_data['node_access_modules'] = module_implements('access', TRUE);
  if (!empty($additional_data)) {

    // JSON encode this additional data.
    $spi['additional_data'] = _acquia_spi_json($additional_data);
  if (!$via_ssl) {
    return $spi;
  else {

    // Values returned only over SSL
    $spi_ssl = array(
      'system_vars' => acquia_spi_get_variables_data(),
      'settings_ra' => acquia_spi_get_settings_permissions(),
      'admin_count' => variable_get('acquia_spi_admin_priv', 1) ? acquia_spi_get_admin_count() : '',
      'admin_name' => variable_get('acquia_spi_admin_priv', 1) ? acquia_spi_get_super_name() : '',
    return array_merge($spi, $spi_ssl);

 * Run some checks from the Security Review module.
function acquia_spi_run_security_review() {
  if (!_acquia_spi_security_review_compatible()) {

    // Older versions of Security Review are not compatible and the results
    // cannot easily be retrieved.
    return array();
  module_load_include('inc', 'acquia_spi', 'security_review');
  $checklist_results = array();
  $skips = array();

  // Collect the checklist.
  $checklist = acquia_spi_security_review_get_checks();

  // Run only specific checks.
  $to_check = array(
  foreach ($checklist as $module => $checks) {
    foreach ($checks as $check_name => $args) {
      if (!in_array($check_name, $to_check)) {
    if (empty($checklist[$module])) {
  $checklist_results = acquia_spi_security_review_run($checklist);
  foreach ($checklist_results as $module => $checks) {
    foreach ($checks as $check_name => $check) {

      // Unset data that does not need to be sent.
      if (is_null($check['result'])) {
      else {
        $checklist_results[$module][$check_name] = $check;
    if (empty($checklist_results[$module])) {
  return $checklist_results;

 * Helper function checks for conflict with full Security Review module.
function _acquia_spi_security_review_compatible() {
  if (module_exists('security_review')) {
    if (file_exists(drupal_get_path('module', 'security_review') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '')) {

      // Versions with the separate .inc file are compatible.
      return TRUE;
    else {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Collects all user-contributed test results that pass validation.
 * @return array $custom_data
 *  An associative array containing properly formatted user-contributed tests.
function acquia_spi_test_collect() {
  $custom_data = array();

  // Collect all custom data provided by hook_insight_custom_data().
  $collections = module_invoke_all('acquia_spi_test');
  foreach ($collections as $test_name => $test_params) {
    $result = acquia_spi_test_validate(array(
      $test_name => $test_params,
    if ($result['result']) {
      $custom_data[$test_name] = $test_params;
  return $custom_data;

 * Implements hook_enable().
function acquia_spi_test_enable() {
  $modules = module_implements('acquia_spi_test');
  foreach ($modules as $module) {
    if (function_exists($module . '_acquia_spi_test')) {
      drupal_set_message(t("An invokation of hook_acquia_spi_test() has been detected in @module.", array(
        '@module' => $module,
      watchdog('acquia agent', "An invokation of hook_acquia_spi_test() has been detected in @module.", array(
        '@module' => $module,

 * Determines the status of all user-contributed tests and logs any failures to
 * a tracking table.
 * @param boolean $log
 *  (Optional) If TRUE, log all failures.
 * @return array $custom_data
 *  An associative array containing any tests which failed validation.
function acquia_spi_test_status($log = FALSE) {
  $custom_data = array();

  // Iterate through modules which contain hook_acquia_spi_test().
  foreach (module_implements('acquia_spi_test') as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_acquia_spi_test';
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      $result = acquia_spi_test_validate($function());
      if (!$result['result']) {
        $custom_data[$module] = $result;
        foreach ($result['failure'] as $test_name => $test_failures) {
          foreach ($test_failures as $test_param => $test_value) {
            $variables = array(
              '!module' => $module,
              '@message' => $test_value['message'],
              '!param_name' => $test_param,
              '!test' => $test_name,
              '!value' => $test_value['value'],

            // Only log if we're performing a full validation check.
            if ($log) {
              drupal_set_message(t("Custom test validation failed for !test in !module and has been logged: @message for parameter '!param_name'; current value '!value'.", $variables), 'error');
              watchdog('acquia spi test', "<em>Custom test validation failed</em>: @message for parameter '!param_name'; current value '!value'. (<em>Test '!test_name' in module '!module_name'</em>)", $variables, WATCHDOG_WARNING);

  // If a full validation check is being performed, go to the status page to
  // show the results.
  if ($log) {
  return $custom_data;

 * Validates data from callbacks.
 * @param array $collection
 *  An associative array containing a collection of user-contributed tests.
 * @return array
 *  An associative array containing the validation result of the given tests,
 *  along with any failed parameters.
function acquia_spi_test_validate($collection) {
  $result = TRUE;
  $check_result_value = array();

  // Load valid categories and severities.
  $categories = array(
  $severities = array(
  foreach ($collection as $machine_name => $tests) {
    foreach ($tests as $check_name => $check_value) {
      $fail_value = '';
      $message = '';
      $check_name = strtolower($check_name);
      $check_value = is_string($check_value) ? strtolower($check_value) : $check_value;

      // Validate the data inputs for each check.
      switch ($check_name) {
        case 'category':
          if (!is_string($check_value) || !in_array($check_value, $categories)) {
            $type = gettype($check_value);
            $fail_value = "{$check_value} ({$type})";
            $message = 'Value must be a string and one of ' . implode(', ', $categories);
        case 'solved':
          if (!is_bool($check_value)) {
            $type = gettype($check_value);
            $fail_value = "{$check_value} ({$type})";
            $message = 'Value must be a boolean';
        case 'severity':
          if (!is_int($check_value) || !in_array($check_value, $severities)) {
            $type = gettype($check_value);
            $fail_value = "{$check_value} ({$type})";
            $message = 'Value must be an integer and set to one of ' . implode(', ', $severities);
          if (!is_string($check_value) || strlen($check_value) > 1024) {
            $type = gettype($check_value);
            $fail_value = "{$check_value} ({$type})";
            $message = 'Value must be a string and no more than 1024 characters';
      if (!empty($fail_value) && !empty($message)) {
        $check_result_value['failed'][$machine_name][$check_name]['value'] = $fail_value;
        $check_result_value['failed'][$machine_name][$check_name]['message'] = $message;

  // If there were any failures, the test has failed. Into exile it must go.
  if (!empty($check_result_value)) {
    $result = FALSE;
  return array(
    'result' => $result,
    'failure' => isset($check_result_value['failed']) ? $check_result_value['failed'] : array(),

 * Attempt to determine the version of Drupal being used.
 * Note, there is better information on this in the file.
 * @return array
 *    An array containing some detail about the version
function acquia_spi_get_version_info() {
  $store = acquia_spi_data_store_get(array(
  $server = !empty($store) && isset($store['platform']) ? $store['platform']['php_quantum']['SERVER'] : $_SERVER;
  $ver = array();
  $ver['base_version'] = VERSION;
  $ver['distribution'] = '';
  $install_root = $server['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path();

  // Determine if this puppy is Acquia Drupal
    $ver['distribution'] = 'Acquia Drupal';
    $ver['ad']['version'] = ACQUIA_DRUPAL_VERSION;
    $ver['ad']['series'] = ACQUIA_DRUPAL_SERIES;
    $ver['ad']['branch'] = ACQUIA_DRUPAL_BRANCH;
    $ver['ad']['revision'] = ACQUIA_DRUPAL_REVISION;

  // Determine if we are looking at Pressflow
  if (defined('CACHE_EXTERNAL')) {
    $ver['distribution'] = 'Pressflow';
    $press_version_file = $install_root . './PRESSFLOW.txt';
    if (is_file($press_version_file)) {
      $ver['pr']['version'] = trim(file_get_contents($press_version_file));
  elseif (is_dir($install_root . '/profiles/openatrium')) {
    $ver['distribution'] = 'Open Atrium';
    $version_file = $install_root . 'profiles/openatrium/VERSION.txt';
    if (is_file($version_file)) {
      $ver['oa']['version'] = trim(file_get_contents($version_file));
  elseif (is_dir($install_root . '/profiles/drupal_commons') || is_dir($install_root . '/profiles/commons')) {
    $ver['distribution'] = 'Commons';

    // Earlier versions of Commons made version a constant.
    if (defined('DRUPAL_commons_release')) {
      $ver['commons']['version'] = DRUPAL_commons_release;
  elseif (is_dir($install_root . '/profiles/cod')) {
    $ver['distribution'] = 'COD';
  return $ver;

 * Checks to see if SSL login is required
 * @param n/a
 * @return boolean
function acquia_spi_check_login() {
  $login_safe = 0;
  if (module_exists('securepages')) {
    if (drupal_match_path('user/login', variable_get('securepages_pages', ''))) {
      $login_safe = 1;
    if (drupal_match_path('user/login', variable_get('securepages_ignore', ''))) {
      $login_safe = 0;
    if (!variable_get('securepages_secure', FALSE) || !variable_get('securepages_enable', FALSE)) {
      $login_safe = 0;
  elseif (module_exists('securelogin')) {

    // All the required forms should be enabled.
    $required_forms = array(
    $login_safe = 1;
    foreach ($required_forms as $form_variable) {
      if (!variable_get($form_variable, TRUE)) {
        $login_safe = 0;
  return $login_safe;

 * Determines if settings.php is read-only
 * @param n/a
 * @return boolean
function acquia_spi_get_settings_permissions() {
  $settings_permissions_read_only = TRUE;
  $writes = array(

  $settings_file = './' . conf_path(FALSE, TRUE) . '/settings.php';
  $permissions = drupal_substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($settings_file)), -4);
  foreach ($writes as $bit) {
    if (strpos($permissions, $bit)) {
      $settings_permissions_read_only = FALSE;
  return $settings_permissions_read_only;

 * Check to see if the unneeded release files with Drupal are removed
 * @param n/a
 * @return
 *   True if they are removed, false if they aren't
function acquia_spi_check_files_present() {
  $store = acquia_spi_data_store_get(array(
  $server = !empty($store) && isset($store['platform']) ? $store['platform']['php_quantum']['SERVER'] : $_SERVER;
  $files_exist = FALSE;
  $url = url(NULL, array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
  $files_to_remove = array(
  foreach ($files_to_remove as $file) {
    $path = $server['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path() . $file;
    if (file_exists($path)) {
      $files_exist = TRUE;
  return $files_exist ? 1 : 0;

 * Get lsat 15 users created--useful for determining if your site is comprimised
 * @param n/a
 * @return array of the details of last 15 users created
function acquai_spi_get_last_users() {
  $last_five_users = array();
  $query = db_query_range('SELECT uid, mail, name, created FROM {users} WHERE created > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-3600 ORDER BY created DESC', 0, 15);
  $count = 0;
  while ($data = db_fetch_array($query)) {
    $last_five_users[$count]['uid'] = $data['uid'];
    $last_five_users[$count]['name'] = $data['name'];
    $last_five_users[$count]['email'] = $data['mail'];
    $last_five_users[$count]['created'] = $data['created'];

  //TODO is this what we really want?
  return $last_five_users;

 * Get last 15 nodes created--this can be useful to determine if you have some
 * sort of spamme on your site
 * @param n/a
 * @return array of the details of last 15 nodes created
function acquai_spi_get_last_nodes() {
  $last_five_nodes = array();
  $query = db_query_range('SELECT title, type, nid, created FROM {node} WHERE created > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-3600 ORDER BY created DESC', 0, 15);
  $count = 0;
  while ($data = db_fetch_array($query)) {
    $last_five_nodes[$count]['url'] = drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $data['nid']);
    $last_five_nodes[$count]['title'] = $data['title'];
    $last_five_nodes[$count]['type'] = $data['type'];
    $last_five_nodes[$count]['created'] = $data['created'];
  return $last_five_nodes;

 * Get the number of rows in watchdog
 * @param n/a
 * @return int
function acquai_spi_get_watchdog_size() {
  if (module_exists('dblog')) {
    return db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) as num FROM {watchdog}'));

 * Get the latest (last hour) critical and emergency warnings from watchdog
 * These errors are 'severity' 0 and 2.
 * @param n/a
 * @return array
function acquia_spi_get_watchdog_data() {
  $wd = array();
  if (module_exists('dblog')) {
    $sql = "SELECT wid, severity, type, message, timestamp FROM {watchdog} WHERE severity IN (0,2) AND timestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 3600";
    $res = db_query($sql);
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
      $wd[$row['severity']] = $row;
  return $wd;

 * Grabs the last 404 errors in logs, excluding the checks we run for drupal files like README
 * @param n/a
 * @return
 *   An array of the pages not found and some associated data
function acquai_spi_get_404s() {
  $data = array();
  $row = 0;
  if (module_exists('dblog')) {
    $results = db_query_range('SELECT message, hostname, referer, timestamp FROM {watchdog} WHERE type = "page not found" AND timestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-3600 AND message NOT IN("UPGRADE.txt", "MAINTAINERS.txt", "README.txt", "INSTALL.pgsql.txt", "INSTALL.txt", "LICENSE.txt", "INSTALL.mysql.txt", "COPYRIGHT.txt", "CHANGELOG.txt") ORDER BY timestamp DESC', 0, 10);
    while ($result = db_fetch_array($results)) {
      $data[$row]['message'] = $result['message'];
      $data[$row]['hostname'] = $result['hostname'];
      $data[$row]['referer'] = $result['referer'];
      $data[$row]['timestamp'] = $result['timestamp'];
  return $data;

 * get all system variables
 * @param n/a
 * @return string
function acquia_spi_get_variables_data() {
  global $conf;
  $data = array();
  $variables = array(
  $spi_def_vars = variable_get('acquia_spi_def_vars', array());
  $waived_spi_def_vars = variable_get('acquia_spi_def_waived_vars', array());

  // Merge hard coded $variables with vars from SPI definition.
  foreach ($spi_def_vars as $var_name => $var) {
    if (!in_array($var_name, $waived_spi_def_vars) && !in_array($var_name, $variables)) {
      $variables[] = $var_name;

  // Add comment settings for node types.
  $types = node_get_types();
  if (!empty($types)) {
    foreach ($types as $name => $type) {
      $variables[] = 'comment_' . $name;
  foreach ($variables as $name) {
    if (isset($conf[$name])) {
      $data[$name] = $conf[$name];

  // Exception handling.
  if (module_exists('globalredirect') && function_exists('_globalredirect_get_settings')) {

    // Explicitly get Global Redirect settings since it deletes its variable
    // if the settings match the defaults.
    $data['globalredirect_settings'] = _globalredirect_get_settings();

  // Unset waived vars so they won't be sent to NSPI.
  foreach ($data as $var_name => $var) {
    if (in_array($var_name, $waived_spi_def_vars)) {

  // Collapse to JSON string to simplify transport.
  return _acquia_spi_json($data);

 * Helper function checks for PHP 5.2's json_encode or fallback to core.
function _acquia_spi_json($var) {
  if (function_exists('json_encode')) {
    return str_replace(array(
    ), array(
    ), json_encode($var));
  else {
    return drupal_to_js($var);

 * Get the information on failed logins in the last cron interval
 * @param n/a
 * @return array
function acquia_spi_get_failed_logins() {
  $last_logins = array();
  $cron_interval = variable_get('acquia_spi_cron_interval', 8 * 60 * 60);
  if (module_exists('dblog')) {
    $query = 'SELECT message, variables, timestamp FROM {watchdog} WHERE message LIKE "login attempt failed%" AND now()-timestamp > %s ORDER BY timestamp DESC';
    $results = db_query($query, $cron_interval);
    while ($result = db_fetch_array($results)) {
      $variables = unserialize($result['variables']);
      $last_logins['failed'][$result['timestamp']] = check_plain($variables['%user']);
  return $last_logins;

 * Determine if the super user has a weak name
 * @return boolean
function acquia_spi_get_super_name() {
  $sql = "SELECT name from {users} WHERE uid = 1 AND (name LIKE '%admin%' OR name LIKE '%root%')";
  $result = db_result(db_query_range($sql, 0, 1));
  if ($result) {
    return TRUE;
  else {
    return FALSE;

 * The number of users who have admin-level user roles.
 * @param n/a
 * @return int
function acquia_spi_get_admin_count() {
  $count = NULL;
  $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.uid) as count\n             FROM {users} u, {users_roles} ur, {permission} p\n             WHERE u.uid = ur.uid\n               AND ur.rid = p.rid\n               AND u.status = 1\n               AND (p.perm LIKE '%administer permissions%' OR p.perm LIKE '%administer users%')";
  $result = db_query($sql);
  while ($r = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $count = $r['count'];
  return is_numeric($count) ? $count : NULL;

 * Gather platform specific information.
 * @return
 *   An associative array keyed by a platform information type.
function acquia_spi_get_platform() {
  global $db_type;
  $server = $_SERVER;
  $database_type = $db_type;

  // Webserver detection is based on name being before the slash, and
  // version being after the slash.
  preg_match('!^([^/]+)(/.+)?$!', $server['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], $webserver);
  if (isset($webserver[1]) && stristr($webserver[1], 'Apache') && function_exists('apache_get_version')) {
    $webserver[2] = apache_get_version();
    $apache_modules = apache_get_modules();
  else {
    $apache_modules = '';

  // Get some basic PHP vars
  $php_quantum = array(
    'memory_limit' => ini_get('memory_limit'),
    'register_globals' => ini_get('register_globals'),
    'post_max_size' => ini_get('post_max_size'),
    'max_execution_time' => ini_get('max_execution_time'),
    'upload_max_filesize' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize'),
    'error_log' => ini_get('error_log'),
    'error_reporting' => ini_get('error_reporting'),
    'display_errors' => ini_get('display_errors'),
    'log_errors' => ini_get('log_errors'),
    'session.cookie_domain' => ini_get('session.cookie_domain'),
    'session.cookie_lifetime' => ini_get('session.cookie_lifetime'),
    'newrelic.appname' => ini_get('newrelic.appname'),
    'SERVER' => $server,
    'sapi' => php_sapi_name(),
  $platform = array(
    'php' => PHP_VERSION,
    'webserver_type' => isset($webserver[1]) ? $webserver[1] : '',
    'webserver_version' => isset($webserver[2]) ? $webserver[2] : '',
    'apache_modules' => $apache_modules,
    'php_extensions' => get_loaded_extensions(),
    'php_quantum' => $php_quantum,
    'database_type' => $database_type,
    'database_version' => db_version(),
    'system_type' => php_uname('s'),
    // php_uname() only accepts one character, so we need to concatenate ourselves.
    'system_version' => php_uname('r') . ' ' . php_uname('v') . ' ' . php_uname('m') . ' ' . php_uname('n'),
    'mysql' => in_array($database_type, array(
    )) ? acquia_spi_get_platform_mysql_data() : array(),

  // Never send NULL (or FALSE?) - that causes hmac errors.
  foreach ($platform as $key => $value) {
    if (empty($platform[$key])) {
      $platform[$key] = '';
  return $platform;
function acquia_spi_get_platform_mysql_data() {
  $res = db_query("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS");

  // what happens if we run this on mssql or postgres
  $ret = array();
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) {
    if (!isset($row['Variable_name'])) {
    switch ($row['Variable_name']) {
      case 'Table_locks_waited':
        $ret['Table_locks_waited'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Slow_queries':
        $ret['Slow_queries'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Qcache_hits':
        $ret['Qcache_hits'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Qcache_inserts':
        $ret['Qcache_inserts'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Qcache_queries_in_cache':
        $ret['Qcache_queries_in_cache'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Qcache_lowmem_prunes':
        $ret['Qcache_lowmem_prunes'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Open_tables':
        $ret['Open_tables'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Opened_tables':
        $ret['Opened_tables'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Select_scan':
        $ret['Select_scan'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Select_full_join':
        $ret['Select_full_join'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Select_range_check':
        $ret['Select_range_check'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Created_tmp_disk_tables':
        $ret['Created_tmp_disk_tables'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Created_tmp_tables':
        $ret['Created_tmp_tables'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Handler_read_rnd_next':
        $ret['Handler_read_rnd_next'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Sort_merge_passes':
        $ret['Sort_merge_passes'] = $row['Value'];
      case 'Qcache_not_cached':
        $ret['Qcache_not_cached'] = $row['Value'];
  return $ret;

 * This function is a trimmed version of Drupal's system_status function
 * @return array
function acquia_spi_get_system_status() {
  $data = array();
  $data['php'] = array(
    'title' => 'PHP',
    'value' => phpversion(),
  $conf_dir = TRUE;
  $settings = TRUE;
  $dir = conf_path();
  if (is_writable($dir) || is_writable($dir . '/settings.php')) {
    $value = 'Not protected';
    if (is_writable($dir)) {
      $conf_dir = FALSE;
    elseif (is_writable($dir . '/settings.php')) {
      $settings = FALSE;
  else {
    $value = 'Protected';
  $data['settings.php'] = array(
    'title' => 'Configuration file',
    'value' => $value,
    'conf_dir' => $conf_dir,
    'settings' => $settings,
  $cron_last = variable_get('cron_last', NULL);
  if (!is_numeric($cron_last)) {
    $cron_last = variable_get('install_time', 0);
  $data['cron'] = array(
    'title' => 'Cron maintenance tasks',
    'value' => t('Last run !time ago', array(
      '!time' => format_interval(time() - $cron_last),
    'cron_last' => $cron_last,
  if (!empty($GLOBALS['update_free_access'])) {
    $data['update access'] = array(
      'value' => 'Not protected',
      'protected' => FALSE,
  else {
    $data['update access'] = array(
      'value' => 'Protected',
      'protected' => TRUE,
  $data['update access']['title'] = 'Access to update.php';
  if (!module_exists('update')) {
    $data['update status'] = array(
      'value' => 'Not enabled',
  else {
    $data['update status'] = array(
      'value' => 'Enabled',
  $data['update status']['title'] = 'Update notifications';
  return $data;

 * Gather information about modules on the site.
 * @return
 *   An associative array keyed by filename of associative arrays with
 *   information on the modules.
function acquia_spi_get_modules() {

  // Only do a full rebuild of the module cache every 1 at the most
  $last_build = variable_get('acquia_spi_module_rebuild', 0);
  if ($last_build < time() - 86400) {
    $modules = module_rebuild_cache();
    variable_set('acquia_spi_module_rebuild', time());
  else {
    $result = db_query("SELECT filename, name, type, status, throttle, schema_version, info FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module'");
    while ($file = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $file->info = unserialize($file->info);
      $modules[$file->filename] = $file;
  $result = array();
  $keys_to_send = array(
  foreach ($modules as $filename => $file) {
    $info = array();
    $info['status'] = $file->status;
    foreach ($keys_to_send as $key) {
      $info[$key] = isset($file->info[$key]) ? $file->info[$key] : '';
    $info['filename'] = $file->filename;

    // Determine which files belong to this module and hash them
    $module_path = explode('/', $file->filename);

    // We really only care about this module if it is in 'sites' folder.
    // Otherwise it is covered by the hash of the distro's modules
    if ($module_path[0] == 'sites') {
      $contrib_path = implode('/', $module_path);

      // Get a hash for this module's files. If we nest into another module, we'll return
      // and that other module will be covered by it's entry in the system table.
      // !! At present we aren't going to do a per module hash, but rather a per-project hash. The reason being that it is
      // too hard to tell an individual module appart from a project

      //$info['module_data'] = _acquia_spi_generate_hashes($contrib_path,array(),array(),TRUE,$contrib_path);
      list($info['module_data']['hashes'], $info['module_data']['fileinfo']) = _acquia_spi_generate_hashes($contrib_path);
    else {
      $info['module_data']['hashes'] = array();
      $info['module_data']['fileinfo'] = array();
    $result[] = $info;
  return $result;

 * Gather information about nodes, users and comments.
 * @return
 *   An associative array.
function acquia_spi_get_quantum() {
  $quantum = array();

  // Get only published nodes.
  $quantum['nodes'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(nid) FROM {node} WHERE status = 1"));

  // Get only active users.
  $quantum['users'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM {users} WHERE status = 1"));

  // Get only active comments. NOTE: in case of comments, 0 is the active comment!
  $quantum['comments'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(cid) FROM {comments} WHERE status = 0"));
  return $quantum;

 * Check the presence of UID 0 in the users table.
 * @return bool Whether UID 0 is present.
function acquia_spi_uid_0_present() {
  $result = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT count(uid) as count FROM {users} WHERE uid = 0"));
  return $result['count'] == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;

 * Gather hashes of all important files, ignoring line ending and CVS Ids
 * @param $excuded_dirs
 *   Optional array of directory paths to be excluded.
 * @return
 *   An associative array keyed by filename of hashes.
function acquia_spi_file_hashes($exclude_dirs = array()) {

  // The list of directories for the third parameter are the only ones that
  // will be recursed into.  Thus, we avoid sending hashes for any others.
  list($hashes, $fileinfo) = _acquia_spi_generate_hashes('.', $exclude_dirs, array(

  // Add .htaccess file.
  $htaccess = realpath('.' . base_path()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.htaccess';
  if (is_file($htaccess)) {
    $owner = fileowner($htaccess);
    if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
      $userinfo = posix_getpwuid($owner);
      $owner = $userinfo['name'];
    $fileinfo['.htaccess'] = 'mt:' . filemtime($htaccess) . '$p:' . substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($htaccess)), -4) . '$o:' . $owner . '$s:' . filesize($htaccess);
  return array(

 * Recursive helper function for acquia_spi_file_hashes().
function _acquia_spi_generate_hashes($dir, $exclude_dirs = array(), $limit_dirs = array(), $module_break = FALSE, $orig_dir = NULL) {
  $hashes = array();
  $fileinfo = array();

  // Ensure that we have not nested into another module's dir
  if ($dir != $orig_dir && $module_break) {
    if (is_dir($dir) && ($handle = opendir($dir))) {
      while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
        if (stristr($file, '.module')) {
  if (isset($handle)) {

  // Standard nesting function
  if (is_dir($dir) && ($handle = opendir($dir))) {
    while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
      if (!in_array($file, array(
      ))) {
        $path = $dir == '.' ? $file : "{$dir}/{$file}";
        if (is_dir($path) && !in_array($path, $exclude_dirs) && (empty($limit_dirs) || in_array($path, $limit_dirs)) && $file != 'translations') {
          list($sub_hashes, $sub_fileinfo) = _acquia_spi_generate_hashes($path, $exclude_dirs);
          $hashes = array_merge($sub_hashes, $hashes);
          $fileinfo = array_merge($sub_fileinfo, $fileinfo);
          $hashes[$path] = acquia_spi_hash_path($path);
        elseif (acquia_spi_is_manifest_type($file)) {
          $hashes[$path] = acquia_spi_hash_path($path);
          $owner = fileowner($path);
          if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
            $userinfo = posix_getpwuid($owner);
            $owner = $userinfo['name'];
          $fileinfo[$path] = 'mt:' . filemtime($path) . '$p:' . substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path)), -4) . '$o:' . $owner . '$s:' . filesize($path);

  //return array('hashes'=>$hashes, 'fileinfo'=>$fileinfo);
  return array(

 * Determine if a path is a file type we care about for modificaitons.
function acquia_spi_is_manifest_type($path) {
  $extensions = array(
    'php' => 1,
    'php4' => 1,
    'php5' => 1,
    'module' => 1,
    'inc' => 1,
    'install' => 1,
    'test' => 1,
    'theme' => 1,
    'engine' => 1,
    'profile' => 1,
    'css' => 1,
    'js' => 1,
    'info' => 1,
    'sh' => 1,
    // SSL certificates
    'pem' => 1,
    'pl' => 1,
    'pm' => 1,
  $pathinfo = pathinfo($path);
  return isset($pathinfo['extension']) && isset($extensions[$pathinfo['extension']]);

 * Calculate the sha1 hash for a path.
 * @param $path
 *   The name of the file or a directory.
 * @return
 *   bas64 encoded sha1 hash. 'hash' is an empty string for directories.
function acquia_spi_hash_path($path = '') {
  $hash = '';
  if (file_exists($path)) {
    if (!is_dir($path)) {
      $string = file_get_contents($path);

      // Remove trailing whitespace
      $string = rtrim($string);

      // Replace all line endings and CVS/svn Id tags
      $string = preg_replace('/\\$Id[^;<>{}\\(\\)\\$]*\\$/', 'x$' . 'Id$', $string);
      $string = preg_replace('/\\r\\n|\\n|\\r/', ' ', $string);
      $hash = base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($string)));
  return $hash;

 * Set variables from NSPI response.
 * @param  array $set_variables Variables to be set.
 * @return NULL
function acquia_spi_set_variables($set_variables) {
  if (empty($set_variables)) {
  $saved = array();
  $ignored = variable_get('acquia_spi_ignored_set_variables', array());
  if (!variable_get('acquia_spi_set_variables_override', 0)) {
    $ignored[] = 'acquia_spi_set_variables_automatic';

  // Some variables can never be set.
  $ignored = array_merge($ignored, array(

  // Variables that can be automatically set.
  $whitelist = acquia_spi_approved_set_variables();
  foreach ($set_variables as $key => $value) {

    // Approved variables get set immediately unless ignored.
    if (in_array($key, $whitelist) && !in_array($key, $ignored)) {
      $saved[] = $key;
      variable_set($key, $value);
  if (!empty($saved)) {
    variable_set('acquia_spi_saved_variables', array(
      'variables' => $saved,
      'time' => time(),
    watchdog('acquia spi', 'Saved variables from Acquia Insight: @variables', array(
      '@variables' => implode(', ', $saved),
  else {
    watchdog('acquia spi', 'Did not save any variables from Acquia Insight.', array(), WATCHDOG_INFO);

 * Variables that can be automatically set by the NSPI set variables command.
 * @return array Array of variable names.
function acquia_spi_approved_set_variables() {

  // acquia_spi_set_variables_automatic is in here so that if
  // acquia_spi_set_variables_override is TRUE then it can be automatically set.
  return variable_get('acquia_spi_set_variables_automatic', array(


Namesort descending Description
acquai_spi_get_404s Grabs the last 404 errors in logs, excluding the checks we run for drupal files like README
acquai_spi_get_last_nodes Get last 15 nodes created--this can be useful to determine if you have some sort of spamme on your site
acquai_spi_get_last_users Get lsat 15 users created--useful for determining if your site is comprimised
acquai_spi_get_watchdog_size Get the number of rows in watchdog
acquia_spi_agent_settings_submit Added submit function for acquia_agent_settings form.
acquia_spi_approved_set_variables Variables that can be automatically set by the NSPI set variables command.
acquia_spi_boot Implements hook_boot().
acquia_spi_check_files_present Check to see if the unneeded release files with Drupal are removed
acquia_spi_check_login Checks to see if SSL login is required
acquia_spi_cron Implementation of hook_cron().
acquia_spi_data_store_get Get SPI data out of local storage.
acquia_spi_data_store_set Put SPI data in local storage.
acquia_spi_file_hashes Gather hashes of all important files, ignoring line ending and CVS Ids
acquia_spi_form_acquia_agent_settings_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_[form_id]_alter().
acquia_spi_get Gather site profile information about this site.
acquia_spi_get_admin_count The number of users who have admin-level user roles.
acquia_spi_get_failed_logins Get the information on failed logins in the last cron interval
acquia_spi_get_modules Gather information about modules on the site.
acquia_spi_get_platform Gather platform specific information.
acquia_spi_get_quantum Gather information about nodes, users and comments.
acquia_spi_get_settings_permissions Determines if settings.php is read-only
acquia_spi_get_super_name Determine if the super user has a weak name
acquia_spi_get_system_status This function is a trimmed version of Drupal's system_status function
acquia_spi_get_variables_data get all system variables
acquia_spi_get_version_info Attempt to determine the version of Drupal being used. Note, there is better information on this in the file.
acquia_spi_get_watchdog_data Get the latest (last hour) critical and emergency warnings from watchdog These errors are 'severity' 0 and 2.
acquia_spi_handle_server_response Act on SPI update server response.
acquia_spi_hash_path Calculate the sha1 hash for a path.
acquia_spi_help Implementation of hook_help()
acquia_spi_is_manifest_type Determine if a path is a file type we care about for modificaitons.
acquia_spi_menu Implements hook_menu().
acquia_spi_run_security_review Run some checks from the Security Review module.
acquia_spi_send_data Send data to Acquia Insight.
acquia_spi_send_full_spi Gather full SPI data and send to Acquia Insight.
acquia_spi_send_module_data Send a file's contents to the requestor
acquia_spi_set_variables Set variables from NSPI response.
acquia_spi_test_collect Collects all user-contributed test results that pass validation.
acquia_spi_test_enable Implements hook_enable().
acquia_spi_test_status Determines the status of all user-contributed tests and logs any failures to a tracking table.
acquia_spi_test_validate Validates data from callbacks.
acquia_spi_uid_0_present Check the presence of UID 0 in the users table.
acquia_spi_update_definition Checks if NSPI server has an updated SPI data definition. If it does, then this function updates local copy of SPI definition data.
acquia_spi_xmlrpc Implementation of hook_xmlrpc().
_acquia_spi_generate_hashes Recursive helper function for acquia_spi_file_hashes().
_acquia_spi_json Helper function checks for PHP 5.2's json_encode or fallback to core.
_acquia_spi_security_review_compatible Helper function checks for conflict with full Security Review module.
_acquia_spi_send Callback for sending SPI data.
_acquia_spi_send_access Access callback check for SPI send independent call.
