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acquia_spi.module in Acquia Connector 6

Send site profile information (SPI) and system data to Acquia Network.


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 * @file
 *   Send site profile information (SPI) and system data to Acquia Network.

 * Implementation of hook_help()
function acquia_spi_help($path, $arg) {
  $welcome_nid = variable_get('acquia_welcome', 0);
  if ($path == 'admin/help#acquia_spi' && $welcome_nid) {

    // Only provide help text if the welcome message is avalailable.
    if ($nid = db_result(db_query('SELECT nid FROM {node} where nid = %d', $welcome_nid))) {
      $txt = 'The !acquia_welcome provides information about how to ' . 'quickly get your site up and running.  Also there are instructions for ' . 'setting the site theme as well as many other configuration tasks.';
      $link = l('Acquia Drupal welcome page', 'node/' . $nid);
      return '<p>' . t($txt, array(
        '!acquia_welcome' => $link,
      )) . '<p>';

 * Implementation of hook_cron().
function acquia_spi_cron() {
  $last = variable_get('acquia_spi_cron_last', 0);

  // 8 hour interval for sending site profile.
  $interval = variable_get('acquia_spi_cron_interval', 8 * 60 * 60);
  $now = time();
  if ($now - $last > $interval) {
    variable_set('acquia_spi_cron_last', $now);

 * Implementation of hook_form_[form_id]_alter().
function acquia_spi_form_acquia_agent_settings_form_alter(&$form) {
  $form['buttons']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'acquia_spi_agent_settings_submit';

 * Added submit function for acquia_agent_settings form.
function acquia_spi_agent_settings_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  // Send information as soon as the key/identifier pair is submitted.

 * Send site profile information to Acquia Network via XML-RPC.
function acquia_spi_send_profile_info() {

  // Do nothing unless we have credentials.
  if (acquia_agent_has_credentials()) {
    $spi = acquia_spi_get();
    return acquia_agent_call('acquia.spi.update', $spi);

 * Gather site profile information about this site.
 * @return
 *   An associative array keyed by types of information.
function acquia_spi_get() {

  // Include version number information.
  $acquia_version = $hashes = $fileinfo = array();
  $hashes_string = '';
    $acquia_version = array(
      'version' => ACQUIA_DRUPAL_VERSION,
      'series' => ACQUIA_DRUPAL_SERIES,
      'branch' => ACQUIA_DRUPAL_BRANCH,
      'revision' => ACQUIA_DRUPAL_REVISION,

    // Get file hashes and compute serialized version.
    list($hashes, $fileinfo) = acquia_spi_file_hashes();
    $hashes_string = serialize($hashes);
  return array(
    'modules' => acquia_spi_get_modules(),
    'platform' => acquia_spi_get_platform(),
    'quantum' => acquia_spi_get_quantum(),
    'file_hashes' => $hashes,
    'hashes_md5' => md5($hashes_string),
    'hashes_sha1' => sha1($hashes_string),
    'fileinfo' => $fileinfo,
    'acquia_version' => $acquia_version,

 * Gather platform specific information.
 * @return
 *   An associative array keyed by a platform information type.
function acquia_spi_get_platform() {

  // Database detection depends on the structure starting with the database
  // 'type-name' => array('title' => 'name', 'value' => 'version-info') data.
  $database = db_status_report('');
  $database_type = array_shift(array_keys($database));

  // Webserver detection is based on name being before the slash, and
  // version being after the slash.
  preg_match('!^([^/]+)(/.+)?$!', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], $webserver);
  $platform = array(
    'php' => PHP_VERSION,
    'webserver_type' => isset($webserver[1]) ? $webserver[1] : '',
    'webserver_version' => isset($webserver[2]) ? $webserver[2] : '',
    'database_type' => $database_type,
    'database_version' => $database[$database_type]['value'],
    'system_type' => php_uname('s'),
    // php_uname() only accepts one character, so we need to concatenate ourselves.
    'system_version' => php_uname('r') . ' ' . php_uname('v') . ' ' . php_uname('m') . ' ' . php_uname('n'),

  // Never send NULL (or FALSE?) - that causes hmac errors.
  foreach ($platform as $key => $value) {
    if (empty($platform[$key])) {
      $platform[$key] = '';
  return $platform;

 * Gather information about modules on the site.
 * @return
 *   An associative array keyed by filename of associative arrays with
 *   information on the modules.
function acquia_spi_get_modules() {
  $modules = module_rebuild_cache();
  $result = array();
  $keys_to_send = array(
  foreach ($modules as $filename => $file) {
    $info = array();
    $info['status'] = $file->status;
    foreach ($keys_to_send as $key) {
      $info[$key] = isset($file->info[$key]) ? $file->info[$key] : '';
    $info['filename'] = $file->filename;
    $result[] = $info;
  return $result;

 * Gather information about nodes, users and comments.
 * @return
 *   An associative array.
function acquia_spi_get_quantum() {
  $quantum = array();

  // Get only published nodes.
  $quantum['nodes'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(nid) FROM {node} WHERE status = 1"));

  // Get only active users.
  $quantum['users'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM {users} WHERE status = 1"));

  // Get only active comments. NOTE: in case of comments, 0 is the active comment!
  if (module_exists('comment')) {
    $quantum['comments'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(cid) FROM {comments} WHERE status = 0"));
  else {
    $quantum['comments'] = 0;
  return $quantum;

 * Gather hashes of all important files, ignoring line ending and CVS Ids
 * @param $excuded_dirs
 *   Optional array of directory paths to be excluded.
 * @return
 *   An associative array keyed by filename of hashes.
function acquia_spi_file_hashes($exclude_dirs = array()) {

  // The list of directories for the third parameter are the only ones that
  // will be recursed into.  Thus, we avoid sending hashes for any others.
  list($hashes, $fileinfo) = _acquia_spi_generate_hashes('.', $exclude_dirs, array(
  return array(

 * Recursive helper function for acquia_spi_file_hashes().
function _acquia_spi_generate_hashes($dir, $exclude_dirs, $limit_dirs = array()) {
  $hashes = array();
  $fileinfo = array();
  if (is_dir($dir) && ($handle = opendir($dir))) {
    while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
      if (!in_array($file, array(
      ))) {
        $path = $dir == '.' ? $file : "{$dir}/{$file}";
        if (is_dir($path) && !in_array($path, $exclude_dirs) && (empty($limit_dirs) || in_array($path, $limit_dirs)) && $file != 'translations') {
          list($sub_hashes, $sub_fileinfo) = _acquia_spi_generate_hashes($path, $exclude_dirs);
          $hashes = array_merge($sub_hashes, $hashes);
          $fileinfo = array_merge($sub_fileinfo, $fileinfo);
          $hashes[$path] = acquia_spi_hash_path($path);
        elseif (acquia_spi_is_manifest_type($file)) {
          $hashes[$path] = acquia_spi_hash_path($path);
          $owner = fileowner($path);
          if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
            $userinfo = posix_getpwuid($owner);
            $owner = $userinfo['name'];
          $fileinfo[$path] = 'mt:' . filemtime($path) . '$p:' . substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path)), -4) . '$o:' . $owner . '$s:' . filesize($path);
  return array(

 * Determine if a path is a file type we care about for modificaitons.
function acquia_spi_is_manifest_type($path) {
  $extensions = array(
    'php' => 1,
    'php4' => 1,
    'php5' => 1,
    'module' => 1,
    'inc' => 1,
    'install' => 1,
    'test' => 1,
    'theme' => 1,
    'engine' => 1,
    'profile' => 1,
    'css' => 1,
    'js' => 1,
    'info' => 1,
    'sh' => 1,
    // SSL certificates
    'pem' => 1,
    'pl' => 1,
    'pm' => 1,
  $pathinfo = pathinfo($path);
  return isset($pathinfo['extension']) && isset($extensions[$pathinfo['extension']]);

 * Calculate the sha1 hash for a path.
 * @param $path
 *   The name of the file or a directory.
 * @return
 *   bas64 encoded sha1 hash. 'hash' is an empty string for directories.
function acquia_spi_hash_path($path = '') {
  $hash = '';
  if (file_exists($path)) {
    if (!is_dir($path)) {
      $string = file_get_contents($path);

      // Remove trailing whitespace
      $string = rtrim($string);

      // Replace all line endings and CVS/svn Id tags
      $string = preg_replace('/\\$Id[^;<>{}\\(\\)\\$]*\\$/', 'x$' . 'Id$', $string);
      $string = preg_replace('/\\r\\n|\\n|\\r/', ' ', $string);
      $hash = base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($string)));
  return $hash;


Namesort descending Description
acquia_spi_agent_settings_submit Added submit function for acquia_agent_settings form.
acquia_spi_cron Implementation of hook_cron().
acquia_spi_file_hashes Gather hashes of all important files, ignoring line ending and CVS Ids
acquia_spi_form_acquia_agent_settings_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_[form_id]_alter().
acquia_spi_get Gather site profile information about this site.
acquia_spi_get_modules Gather information about modules on the site.
acquia_spi_get_platform Gather platform specific information.
acquia_spi_get_quantum Gather information about nodes, users and comments.
acquia_spi_hash_path Calculate the sha1 hash for a path.
acquia_spi_help Implementation of hook_help()
acquia_spi_is_manifest_type Determine if a path is a file type we care about for modificaitons.
acquia_spi_send_profile_info Send site profile information to Acquia Network via XML-RPC.
_acquia_spi_generate_hashes Recursive helper function for acquia_spi_file_hashes().