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6 calls to acquia_agent_has_credentials() in Acquia Connector 6

acquia_agent_an_trial_form_submit in acquia_agent/
30 day trial form submit dispatch function
acquia_agent_check_subscription in acquia_agent/acquia_agent.module
Get subscription status from the Acquia Network, and store the result.
acquia_agent_init in acquia_agent/acquia_agent.module
Implementation of hook_init().
acquia_agent_requirements in acquia_agent/acquia_agent.install
Implementation of hook_requirements()
acquia_agent_subscription_is_active in acquia_agent/acquia_agent.module
Helper function to check if the site has an active subscription.
acquia_spi_send_profile_info in acquia_spi/acquia_spi.module
Send site profile information to Acquia Network via XML-RPC.